Complete 3 cycles, without putting the weight down:
6 Cleans
6 Presses
6 Squats
6 Bent Over Rows

Warmup: 30 second Grok Squat, lateral, forward, and backward leg swings (10 each leg).
Time was of the essence this weekend, and I knew I wouldn’t find time to get anything done during the symposium, so I had to come up with a quick, efficient workout. Before I headed out to UCLA, I grabbed a reasonably heavy sandbag (around 70 pounds, maybe) and threw this together.
It’s pretty simple. It’s right there in the description. Grab a weighted object (sandbag, barbell, kettlebell, rock, slosh tube, etc) and do not put it down until you have completed three full cycles of the prescribed workout. It becomes sort of a metabolic, tabata-esque workout, because you’d rather just get it all over with than hang around holding a heavy object in between cycles.
Here’s a video of sandbag clean and presses for […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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