During commercial breaks, complete three cycles of:
15 Single Leg Hip Thrust, Each Leg
15 Overhead Presses
15 Bulgarian Split Squats, Each Leg
15 Bodyweight Rows

Warmup: 30 second Grok Squat, lateral, forward, and backward leg swings (10 each leg).
Longtime readers and those who are familiar with my views on fitness will know that most workouts can be completed in fifteen minutes or less. If you push hard enough and involve enough body parts, you can get a great comprehensive workout in just fifteen minutes, which, coincidentally, is roughly the amount of time devoted to advertisements during the average hour long TV show.
“Huh? Television? Why, I’d have you know that I spend all my free time reading blogs, meditating, cooking, or immersing myself in nature. I’m not sure I even have a TV anymore!”
Yeah, right. You may not be staying up late watching crappy infomercials, but you’ve got a television and you know how […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Filed under: Fitness