Complete 5 cycles:
7 Single-Leg Crossbody Deadlifts (each leg)
20 Meter Single-Leg Hops (each leg)
50 Meter Single-Shoulder Weighted Carry (switch shoulders halfway through)
30-second Single-Arm/Leg Plank (each side)

Warmup: 30 second Grok Squat, ten air squats, and lateral, forward, and backward leg swings (10 each leg).
Life is not a well-stocked weight room. It doesn’t hew to your specifications. It catches you off guard, and it rarely allows you enough advance warning to set up in the perfect position and take your sweet time. As such, it’s helpful to train for asymmetrical situations – when we can’t quite grasp the barbell with both hands, or perhaps when there’s no barbell at all.
Today, you’ll need some equipment, but not much: two reasonably heavy objects. One must be graspable with one hand and light enough to be single-leg deadlifted, while the other should be heavy enough so that, when it’s placed on one shoulder, you have to […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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