pimg class=”alignright” alt=”emotions” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA%202011/emotions.jpg” width=”288″ height=”287″ title=”Weight Loss: The Emotional Element” /In a recent survey, psychologists named emotions as their clients’ “top obstacle” to weight loss. The 1300+ licensed psychologists, to fill in the picture, also a title=”Poll of Psychologists Cites Emotions As Top Obstacle to Weight Loss” href=”http://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2013/01/emotions-weight-loss.aspx” target=”_blank”cited/a emotional eating as well as food selection and exercise commitment among the common challenges their clients faced. Sure, it’s maybe little surprise that psychologists would emphasize the role emotional issues play in weight loss. It’s their profession after all, and their clients comprise a self-selected group of people who are interested in delving into the emotional dimensions of their weight management struggles. That said, I know plenty of trainers (myself included), doctors, and dietitians (Primally focused or otherwise) who would suggest psychology has figured prominently into many of their clients’ situations as well./p
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pFrom my own perspective, I’ve worked […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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