pa href=”” rel=”lightbox[53696]”img class=”alignright size-full wp-image-47936″ src=”” alt=”Weekend Link Love” width=”320″ height=”282″ //aPortland and surrounding environs! The Primal Blueprint Transformation Seminar is a title=”The Primal Blueprint Transformation Seminar” href=”” target=”_blank”coming your way/a on Thursday, January 29./p
h4Research of the Week/h4
pa title=”Stop Checking Email So Often” href=”” target=”_blank”Checking your email too frequently increases stress/a (and it doesn#8217;t even really help us work any better)./p
pGood long naps help babies (and, maybe, larger humans) a title=”Regular naps are ‘key to learning’” href=”″ target=”_blank”solidify what they#8217;ve just learned/a. #8220;Those who sleep after learning learn well, those not sleeping don#8217;t learn at all,#8221; as one researcher put it./p
pWhen separated from their ringing phones, a title=”The Extended iSelf: The Impact of iPhone Separation on Cognition, Emotion, and Physiology” href=”” target=”_blank”iPhone users experience increased blood pressure/a and heart rate, show symptoms of physiological stress, and perform worse on cognitive tasks./p
pspan id=”more-53696″/span/p
pCompared to eating it with a spoon, eating rice with chopsticks […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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