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My uncle’s a pretty easy-going, good-humored man, but when it comes to Irish coffee, he’s nothing but serious. You see, he has his own kit — really just an old cardboard box with the words “Eddie’s Irish Coffee Kit” scribbled on the outside in a Sharpie — but it’s filled with his secrets.

It’s a traveling box, this kit. It comes with him to my cousin’s house for Christmas Eve and to other family affairs when capping off the evening with a boozy coffee seems fitting and festive. These Irish coffees, piled high with whipped cream, really are the best — they’re famous among family and friends alike. Here’s the funny part, though: he’s French Canadian. He may have married an Irishwoman, but he’s got Québécois running through his veins. No matter, though, because boy can he make a mean one. And after a few gentle nudges from his favorite niece, I got him talking.


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