Are you looking to tone and strengthen your stomach? Well, you came to the right place-  because I am going to show you the PERFECT workout to get in great shape and really tone that belly. Here’s how:
When looking to burn off fat, the critical component here is to put your body in the “fat-burning zone”. To help with that, I’m going to recommend a special training technique called High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT.
The idea behind HIIT is simple. By getting your heart beat up in a workout, you increase your body’s metabolism for a limited amount of time, allowing you to burn calories even when the workout is better. Now, here is a little more information about these exercises for belly fat:
We’re going to combine sprinting with body weight workouts, for a full toning and burning effect.
Here’s the workout:

From 2-8 60 meter sprints depending on your level. 30 […]

Original post by admin

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