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Your range is a wonderful and complicated thing that helps you put dinner on the table. And even though it may see like a complicated heat box machine, it’s actually pretty simple to repair.

The ceramic top has a crack? No big deal! A new one can be popped into place (just don’t cook on it until then, as it could further shatter or lead to some electric shocks!). The oven seems to be giving off a lot of heat? You might just need a new gasket. Is the control panel being wonky? That’s probably an easy fix, too. You can even get a new thermostat or heating element if the oven isn’t heating up as fast or evenly as it used to.

If you’re feeling particularly handy, you can even do a lot of these little fixes yourself (hello, YouTube!), or you can get a certified repair expert out to your house.

The point is: Ranges are almost always worth a fix — there’s just this one time when they’re not.


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