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Warmup: 1 minute eye rotations, alternating counter-clockwise and clockwise. Twenty seconds rapid blinking.
Today marks the end of the Primal Blueprint Fitness Workouts of the Week. If you’re sad, don’t be. If you’re glad, keep it to yourself! I like to think I’ve left you with plenty of tools to play with. And if you think infinite variety is desirable, or even possible, I have a slightly different take. Variety is important, but so is consistency. At some point, there comes diminishing returns on increasing variety. You don’t want a toolbox with too many similar tools, many of which accomplish the same task as the one beside it. Paralysis by overabundance of choice is a very real thing.
52 workouts is a good, solid amount – one for each week of the year. Within each workout, you can make subtle alterations to completely change the experience. One […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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