pemimg class=”alignright” title=”Fingertop Crowstand” alt=”Fingertipcrowstand” src=”” width=”320″ height=”240″ /This is a guest post from our friend Al Kavadlo of a title=”Al Kavadlo” href=”” target=”_blank” Al has a new book out a title=”Stretching Your Boundaries” href=”″ target=”_blank” Stretching Your Boundaries #8211; Flexibility Training for Extreme Calisthenic Strength/a that#8217;s well worth a look. You can catch Al at the yet-to-be-officially-announced PrimalCon New York later on this year where he#8217;ll be a guest presenter. Stay tuned for all the /
pIf you look around any commercial gym, you’re likely to see a wide variety of activities taking place: strength training, aerobics, simulated bicycle riding, people doing god-knows-what on a vibrating stability platform, and of course, good ol’ stretching. Most gyms even have a designated stretch area. Though you sometimes see serious-minded folk in these rooms, the stretching area in many fitness facilities seems to be primarily for people who want to screw around, […]

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