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(Image credit: Michael Wiltbank)

I am warning you now that you may inhale these innocent-looking roll-ups before your friends even ring the doorbell. I had to pull myself away from the baking sheet and leave the kitchen entirely to escape the buttery, garlicky aroma. These roll-ups wouldn’t make it to their serving platter if I lingered too long.

This is the kind of homemade appetizer that is going to win you accolades. Make them once and friends will begin to ask you for those “flaky, garlicky things” each time they drop by; it’s already happening to me! That’s not necessarily a bad thing because they’re something you can keep stocked in the freezer to bake off at a moment’s notice. They’ll bake in just the amount of time it takes to pop open a bottle of wine and pour everyone a glass, ensuring your happy hour is effortless.


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Filed under: Fitness