It seems like just yesterday that I posted my ambitious plans for 2010. With the inaugural PrimalCon held last April, Mark’s Daily Apple keeping me busy, and the release of my first cookbook and Primal Blueprint Fitness among many other things, the year flew by. And I wasn’t the only one hard at work. Friends such as Robb Wolf, Art De Vany, Gary Taubes, Loren Cordain have published books, touched folks’ lives, and have spread the word about a lifestyle revolution whose time has come. And it’s not just book authors. It’s bloggers, gym owners, trainers, doctors and people on the street talking about the Primal lifestyle. I’m thrilled to see the Primal/paleo movement steadily forcing it’s way into mainstream culture and I want to keep that momentum going. My team and I are working hard to kick off major new endeavors in the coming year. It’s 2011, […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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