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Air travel is a marvel of modern technology that has expanded our capacity for knowledge and cross-cultural experiences in incalculable ways. It also turns people into absolute jerks. Is it because airplanes don’t seem like fully private or fully public spaces? Or is it because rules don’t matter at 35,000 feet?

I don’t know what it is about airplanes that makes otherwise reasonable individuals lose all sense of the space and people around them, but from opening pungent food to getting hammered on bloody Marys at 8 a.m., people do a lot of irritating things on airplanes.

If we started making a list of terrible things people have done on planes, we’d be here all day. Fortunately, the travel experts at Expedia decided to do it for us, and they came up with a definitive list of the most annoying airplane behaviors for the rest of us to gawk at.


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Filed under: Fitness