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Research of the Week

Fasting insulin levels predict non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, even in the absence of diabetes.

More magnesium, less hostility.

MCT oil improves cognitive function in elderly subjects.

Keto mice drink less alcohol.

The anti-epileptic potential of melatonin.

COVID changed brains even in those who weren’t infected.

New Primal Blueprint Podcasts

Episode 503: Brant Cortright, PhD: Host Elle Russ chats with Brant Cortright about what to do about the current mental heath epidemic.

Episode 503: Listener Q&A: Host Brad Kearns answers your questions.

Health Coach Radio: Emily Countryman had to take her brick and mortar coaching business digital, and fast.


Media, Schmedia

The artificial pancreas will be a boon to diabetics, a real medical miracle, but it’d be nice if people didn’t need those at all.

15th century Venetian glass beads found in the Americas.

Interesting Blog Posts

“Ancient humans ate starch in addition to meat” is not the groundbreaking assertion this article thinks it is, but it’s still an interesting read.

How to ask better questions.

Social Notes


Everything Else

Common childhood infections go back at least 30k years.

Totally normal way to lose weight: chastity belt for your jaw.

Things I’m Up to and Interested In

Not surprised: “Veganism was the least stable dietary category.”

Interesting paper: “Harnessing the Power of Sex Differences”

What about 5 or 5.5 hours?: 6 hours of sleep isn’t enough deprivation to increase glucose intolerance in obese adults.

Interesting piece: How do Austin cyclists feel about sharing the bike lane with pizza delivery robots?

Incredible: Virta Health study shows great efficacy in reducing COVID severity in diabetic patients.

Question I’m Asking

What are you doing for Friday mayo day?

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Jun 26 – Jul 2)

Comment of the Week

“Dear Mark,
I think the situation is just the same with too many things from our nowadays reality.
I can give you as examples lab results and can say that they have only a tiny value under very specific circumstances for the following reasons:
1. A huge portion of the tested “parameters” are actually protein-protein interactions, which are highly sensitive (as molecules and as interactions) and hence the results are almost meaningless. You need specific conditions, starting from drawing the blood, managing the vial, calibrating the equipment, using fresh analytes etc etc. All of these conditions are actually not met in “real life”. Nobody has the time for this, the money to invest for this etc.
2. “Reference ranges” do not reflect some kind of real “normal” state. They reflect the mass-seen state. The fact that these are the statistically predominating ranges for the mass-population that is considered healthy does not mean that the reflected status is of health. Reference ranges get “updated” regularly, as the mass-seen state of “health” is constantly changing towards the “sick direction”. This gets worse and worse each year.
3. Lab results reflect a fraction in time. They could have some meaning if you make all possible lab tests at a one and the same lab on a regular basis for at least 5 years (under the condition the lab doesn’t change the test methods used). So when you have the opportunity to compare your own data over years and make the parallell with the own condition over these years, then these lab results could have some significance.
4. Even science is not quite sure of the meaning and significance of quite a bit of the lab results. Not to mention medicine. It is not science in and of itself. It is supposed to be an applied science (applied biology), but nowadays it is not even this. It is simply the marketing department of BigPharma. But let’s leave this topic alone and focus on science and lab results. Let’s take thyroid hormones as example. We all know (those who have some content in the upper department of the body) that thyroid lab results can have all possible values and in most of the cases these do not correlate well with how the patient feels. This fact has a lot of explanations, we can discuss endocrinology, metabolism etc etc. But there is one more aspect and it is science. What science discovers is that there is thyroid resistance (similarly to insulin resistance), so you can be quite unwell and have “perfectly normal levels” of all thyroid hormones! However, medical practice is about 25 to 50 years behind current scientific discoveries, so no need to discuss further. It is stated that it is for himanity’s safety. We first need to be convinced practically that what science discovers is true and safe and only then apply it to human beings. Let’s ask ourselves then why are the current jabs applied only after minimal testing of few monts, even if they use methods of creation and ways of action on the human body that have never been tested by now in any way?!?!
That was a side note.
I am a PhD in molecular biology and immunology, a natural health supporter and a Bach Flower practitioner and trainer.”

-Great comment, Alexandra.

Primal Kitchen Ranch

The post New and Noteworthy—What I Read This Week: Edition 136 appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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