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(Image credit: Bridget Pizzo)

20 Cooks, 20 Knives: This month, we’re taking a close look at a chef’s most important tool: her knife. We asked 20 cooks, amateurs and professionals, to share their favorite knives and the stories behind them. While chef’s knives are featured prominently, no two are exactly alike, and there are also a few surprises.

Kevin Meehan

Profession: Chef/Owner, Kali
City: Los Angeles, CA
Instagram: @kalirestaurant

Kevin Meehan is one busy fella. From running his highly lauded Melrose restaurant, Kali, to caring for his 1-year-old twin girls with his wife, Kevin doesn’t have any time to waste on inefficiencies. But even with all of the challenges that he faces, Kevin maintains his attention to detail with the help of his favorite knife.


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Filed under: Fitness