[“All those pushups and you can’t even lift up a bloody log!” – Alfred to Bruce, Batman Begins]
Alright guys and gals, for those of you who are still reading this blog (hey, hopefully I’ll be able to get the numbers back up) — I mentioned that I was going to start working out again. What I didn’t mention is that I was going to do an easy, or in my opinion great, at home workout routine WITHOUT equipment. If you want to start working out with me, feel free. It is probably the EASIEST exercise program you’ll ever see.
Because it’s only pushups and pullups. Pushups and pullups were enough for Batman, and they’re enough for us. Here’s the plan:
Do as many pushups as you can. Get in pushup position, arms shoulder width a part, go down until your chest is only a couple of inches off the ground, and push […]

Original post by admin

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