This post was originally published on this site

If you’ve heard it once this year, you’ve heard it a million times: Sponges are disgusting, bacteria-ridden pieces of cellulose. (By some estimates, they are dirtier than toilet seats!) And while you used to zap them in the microwave to kill said bacteria, we all learned this summer that doing so is actually pretty ineffective. While the microwave can nuke weaker bacteria, it has no effect on stronger species. Even more, it’s pretty easy to start a fire in there if your sponge isn’t wet enough.

Cool. Even cooler? The fact there’s basically no good alternative. Microfiber cloths actually suck up more bacteria because they’re so porous. Bristled brushes tend to harbor less bacteria, but they’re not as effective at getting food off of dishes.

So we’ve just been sticking with our sponges. We try to swap them out every week or so, but they still end up feeling a little gross after a few uses. Which is why we are so excited to learn about this new product.


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Filed under: Fitness