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pOne of the most fulfilling aspects of Primal living is the built-in community you become a part of as soon as you embrace a paleo lifestyle. From the online friendships inspired by the Mark’s Daily Apple Forum, to the face-to-face connections made at PrimalCon events, nothing excites me more than the webs of positive interpersonal influence that help us master the art of living Primally./p
pIn the spirit of community and enhanced Primal knowledge, strongI’d like to personally invite you to/strong stronga title=”Paleo f(x)” href=”http://www.paleofx.com/on-demand/?a_aid=marks” target=”_blank”emPaleo f(x)/em/a,/strong a symposium of the foremost ancestral health movement experts across the globe./p
pspan id=”more-49186″/span/p
pstrongI’ll be participating in a title=”Mark Sisson” href=”http://www.paleofx.com/paleo-events/speakers/mark-sisson?a_aid=marks” target=”_blank”three sessions/a over the course of the event/strong (from April 11-13supth/sup in Austin, Texas). On the 11supth/sup, I will be […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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