Being lean and being rich have a few things in common.
Firstly, both will bring you jealousy and haters.
Secondly, you’ll be able to afford things that other people just can’t.
If body fat is debt, then being lean is like being debt free – which in and of itself is a whole type of wealth – No debt is a pretty cool freedom.
Basically when you are lean you can afford to indulge on occasion. You have ‘the room’. (You know your lean friend who eats whatever she wants? It’s because she’s lean). However, when you are overweight and you indulge, you are simply adding to the mounting debt…or in this case the mounting fat.
To put it another way, when you are lean, gaining 2 or 3 pounds isn’t a big deal…you know it’s there and you know you can get rid of it.. When you are overweight ANOTHER 2 or 3 pounds […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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