pimg class=”alignright” title=”Speed Bumps” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA%202011/speedbump.jpg” alt=”speedbump” width=”319″ height=”213″ /Over the past couple months, I#8217;ve steadily been accumulating questions from readers with food allergies and food restrictions looking for assistance. They are all interested in giving the Primal Blueprint lifestyle an honest shot, but because they can#8217;t eat certain foods, many of which enjoy an (real or imagined) exalted place in our community, they need help. Can it be done without eating red meat? Can it be done as a vegetarian? Can one eat Primal without eating land animals? Can a person succeed without tree nuts? Without coconut products? Are a title=”Smart Fuel: Almonds” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/almonds/#axzz1oIQ9QDMp”almonds/a essential? Can a a title=”My Escape from Vegan Island” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/vegan-island/”vegan/a succeed on this eating plan?strong Are these nothing but minor speed bumps on the road to Primal, or something more serious?/strong Let#8217;s find out./p
pspan id=”more-27669″/span/p
blockquotepI#8217;m allergic to tree nuts#8230;and they are such a big part of the Primal […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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