pimg class=”alignright” title=”Everybody look at the moon, everybody seeing the moon.” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA%202011/moon.jpg” alt=”moon” width=”288″ height=”287″ /It#8217;s time for another edition of #8220;How to Conduct a Personal Experiment.#8221; Last week, it was the a title=”How to Conduct a Personal Experiment: Cold Water Plunges ” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/how-to-conduct-a-personal-experiment-cold-water-plunges/”cold water plunge/a. Today, we#8217;re going to talk about running a biphasic sleep experiment. First, though, I#8217;d like to know: how are the cold plunges going? Are they, well, cold? More importantly, did you have any difficulties setting up the experiment, identifying variables, and choosing what to a title=”Why Self Experimentation Matters” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/why-self-experimentation-matters/”measure and track/a? This whole personal experiment stuff is likely new to most of you, and while there#8217;s no real #8220;wrong#8221; way to go about it, there will be some initial difficulties. Be sure to keep us posted in the comment section./p
pOkay, on to the new experiment./p
pspan id=”more-29683″/span/p
pstrongBiphasic sleeping is exactly what it sounds […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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