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Jason before and after

“Progress has a best friend, named consistency.” – Jason

Meet Jason, a longstanding member of the Rebellion and a current client in Nerd Fitness Coaching.

He’s accomplished A LOT during the last year.

For example, Jason now:

  • Runs three miles like it ain’t no thing.
  • Falls asleep like a baby and wakes like a lark.
  • No longer needs his hypertension medication.


But, it’s been a long road for Jason, with many ups and down:

  • One “up” is when Jason lost 80 pounds after joining the Nerd Fitness Academy (he discovered NF after seeing a shirt at comic-con!).
  • But a “down” is when his job ramped up and the stress piled up, making all his fitness habits start to feel like a burden.

Jason also suspected he might be suffering from orthorexia. 

Orthorexia is a condition where someone focuses on healthy eating to the point where it actually becomes unhealthy.

For example, someone with orthorexia might develop anxiety even at the thought of eating something fried or with added sugar in it.

It became so much that Jason realized he needed help. He remembered the success he had with the NF Academy and decided to see if the Coaching experience could be the answer.

So without further ado, let’s find out more about this inspiring Rebel.

The post How “starting small” helped this Rebel lose 80 pounds. first appeared on Nerd Fitness.

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