By now you know it’s possible to get in a great high-intensity lower body workout at home with minimal equipment, which explains why you’re standing at the bottom of a flight of stairs with a 25 or 45-pound plate in your hands. When you’re looking for a quick fat-burning, and leg-strengthening training session, you can’t go wrong with the combination of weights and stairs. And now, we’re about to show you exactly what to do with both.In our daily lives, we typically view stairs as an inconvenience. Walking up a flight of them is something we simply put our heads down and do, because unless there’s an elevator handy, we don’t have much choice in the matter. Stairs are everywhere, but there’s a catch, and it’s a beneficial one for you: when used correctly, stairs are one of the most effective workout tools in existence.


HIIT: Cardio & Leg At-Home Workouts | Muscle & Fitness

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