This post was originally published on this site

Chicken salad is a classic and a frequent sight at summer potlucks and luncheons. But the PUFA oils and high carb breads it usually comes with put a damper on what should be a good thing. Thankfully, this recipe offers a healthy re-do that satisfies a paleo, Primal, and keto standard—not to mention appetite.

Next time you cook up a chicken dinner, prepare a bit extra to put together this easy dish. It makes for a perfect workday lunch or fast weeknight meal.

Servings: 4

Time in the Kitchen: 20 minutes (not counting chicken cook time)



In a large bowl, combine cooked and shredded chicken with celery, Primal Kitchen Mayo, Primal Kitchen Spicy Brown Mustard, salt, and thyme. Toss until chicken is well coated.

Cover bowl and refrigerate until ready to eat.

Just before serving, toss with chopped pecans. Serve in butter lettuce cups.

Nutritional Info (per serving):

      • Calories: 485
      • Total Carbs: 2.2 grams (1 gram net carbs)
      • Protein: 52 grams
      • Fat: 31 grams

The post Healthy Chicken Salad appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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