It is a fallacy that we workout for results.
It is also a fallacy that we eat the way we eat for results.
When you really think about it ‘results’ is actually a surrogate end point — Things that are believed to reflect the outcomes that are truly important, but that are NOT actually the things that are truly important.
As an example cholesterol is used as a surrogate endpoint in research where what we are really concerned with is reduced mortality. Another example is protein synthesis being a surrogate end point for actual increases in muscle size.
So why are ‘results’ a surrogate endpoint? Because I don’t think they are really what we are after.
We are after happiness. That’s the true endpoint. What we are really interested in.
Big muscles, weight loss, a lean body, six pack abs, these are results that make us happy.
So if happiness is the goal, and results are the […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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Filed under: Fitness