pimg class=”alignright” title=”Handicraft” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA%202011/handicraft.jpg” alt=”handicraft” width=”320″ height=”212″ /Anyone who’s spent significant time creating with their hands #8211; whether it be painting, carpentry, knitting, carving, building #8211; can appreciate the distinctive satisfaction it evokes. (I’m using the term broadly.) Handicraft, as wide a spectrum as it can encompass, isn’t about routine chores or fix-its. There’s a difference between grudgingly doing your own home repairs to save money and savoring the experience of meticulously renovating your own home. It’s about the love of the craft on some level. Not everyone would put it in those specific terms, but the people I know who practice handicraft acknowledge they’re drawn to what they do on some subconscious level. Picking up a familiar tool feels comfortable, even calming. The balance of its weight in your hand feels sure. Spending an hour at one’s own workspace (e.g. basement studio, garage workbench), however plain or disheveled, feels […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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