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Meet Nancy, a.k.a. DenMo!

Meet Nancy, a.k.a. DenMo!


Name:   Nancy Harris

Age: 58

Location: Riverside, CA


What does being a Girl Gone Strong mean to you?

Not fearing having strength and muscles. Being strong of character, body, mind, and soul. Not adhering to the norm. Ignoring the naysayers.


How long have you been training?

On and off since 1972.


This photo is from my high school yearbook. I was on the Motocross Team. That is my race bike. My Father put me on a mini-bike at 5 and then I progressed from there, racing Desert, Trials, Enduro and Moto-X. He instilled in me the love of motorcycles.

This photo is from my high school yearbook. I was on the Motocross Team. That is my race bike. My Father put me on a mini-bike at 5 and then I progressed from there, racing Desert, Trials, Enduro and Moto-X. He instilled in me the love of motorcycles.


How did you get introduced to strength training?

When I was a teenager I trained a horse for a friend. Being a minor, he got me approval to join Holiday Health Spa when I was 16. It was men’s only, and then they allowed women. They only had one locker room so we had to go on alternating days. I have been lifting on and off ever since.


What does a sample workout look like for you?

I’m currently doing workouts that my Coach puts together for me. They are single arm/leg compound movements to strengthen the muscles used when Mountain Biking. I also do mobility work, foam roller, Stick and La Crosse Ball, plus walking and Yoga. They change every 4-6 weeks.


Favorite Lift:

I really don’t have a favorite, I enjoy diversity! But I do like single arm kettlebell alternating release and catch.


Most memorable PR:

125lb Deadlift


Top 5 songs on your training playlist:

  1. A Cut Above by Avery Watts
  2. Carry On by Fun.
  3. Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode
  4. The Awakening by P.O.D.
  5. I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For by U2


Top 3 things you must have with you at the gym/in your gym bag:

  • La Crosse Ball
  • The Stick
  • Various sized Iron Woody bands


Do you prefer to train alone or with a training partner? Why?

I prefer to train alone 80% of the time. The other 20% I’ll do group programs with my co-workers (P 90x, etc.).




Best compliment you’ve received lately:

That I inspire others.


Most recent compliment you gave someone else:

I told my new friend that I applaud him for all that he has overcome.


Most embarrassing gym moment:

Wearing a one-piece body suit to work out at the gym.


A two-piece at the pool, though? No problem!

A two-piece at the pool, though? No problem!


Favorite meal:

Anything home cooked!


Favorite way to treat yourself:

Mani-pedi or a massage.


Favorite quote:

“Weekends are like recess for adults so play hard until the bell rings!”




Favorite book:

A Series of Unfortunate Events #1 by Lemony Snickett


What inspires and motivates you?

Others who have overcome great obstacles and persevered.


Nancy overcame a big obstacle herself, in recent years. After her first knee replacement surgery in 2012, she was back on the bike, once again!

Nancy overcame a big obstacle herself, in recent years. After her first knee replacement surgery in 2012, she was back on the bike, once again!


What do you do for work?

Computer/Information Security, I help people all day long.


What else do you do?

Amateur mountain bike racer, dog lover, skier




What does a typical day look like for you from waking up to bedtime?

Up at 3:15 am on Tue/Thur, 4:00am on Mon/Wed/Fri

Let the dogs out, play fetch, feed them, put them away.

Pack my breakfast and lunch

Wash up, get dressed

Drive to the train station

1.5 hour train commute to work

Work (9 hours M-T/8 hours Every other F)

45 minutes at the gym

Lunch at my desk

1.5 hour train commute home

Eat dinner (husband cooks most of the time)

Play with the dogs, walk if it’s not too hot

Watch TV if I have time

Bed (9pm)


What’s the coolest “side effect” you’ve noticed from lifting heavy?

Strength, stamina, hot-looking muscles!


Next training goal:

Rehab from my 2nd knee replacement surgery on 9/1/15.


Watch Nancy cruise and soar at the Snow Summit Summer Bike Park! She’ll be back at it in no time!


What are you most grateful for you in your life?

My husband of 34 years, my family and my health and God.




What life accomplishment are you most proud of thus far?

Losing 70 pounds and finally learning how to sustain that loss healthfully and sanely.




Three words that best describe you:

Compassionate, fun, trustworthy


Tell us about a time when you were scared or doubtful about doing something, but then you did it and you were glad you did.

Trusting my coach and waiting patiently to lose those 70 pounds.


How has lifting weights changed your life?

It has made me stronger, more resilient, improved my health, and allowed me to ride my bike long and hard.




What do you want to say to other women who might be nervous to start lifting heavy?

Take your time. Work with someone knowledgeable. Don’t be afraid. Push yourself but stay safe and trust your body.



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Filed under: Fitness