Managing body fat is like managing debt and finances.
Excellent Financial Advice:
Live Below Your Means.
Excellent Health Advice:
Eat Below Your Means.
Excellent Financial Advice:
Avoid the “Buy now, Pay Later” spiral, it only leads to debt.
Excellent Health Advice:
Avoid the “Eat now, burn it off later” spiral, it only leads to body fat.

Bottom line:
If you treat your body like you treat your finances amazing things can happen (assuming you know the basics of personal finance..see above). And just like finances, remember that it’s OK to spend on the things you truly love.
If you are going to splurge every once in a while, make sure you do it on foods you love, not crap you don’t need and won’t actually enjoy. But remember, when it comes to spurging, it’s better to save up then splurge then to do into debt splurging.  The same goes with eating, it’s better to get lean so you have some […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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Filed under: Fitness