pimg class=”alignright” title=”Shin Splints” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA2010/shinsplints.jpg” alt=”shinsplints” width=”320″ height=”212″ /It#8217;s Monday, and that means it#8217;s time for another series of a title=”Dear Mark” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/category/dear-mark/?submit=view”Dear Mark/a questions and answers. I think you#8217;ll find today#8217;s choices pretty interesting. First, I field a question from an apparently healthy reader who#8217;s doing everything right, losing weight, and controlling the quality of his a title=”Fat” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/category/fat/?submit=view”fat/a intake #8211; but he can#8217;t seem to avoid a 20:1 a title=”Enough Omegas?” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/omega-3-fish-oil-food-quantities/”omega-6:omega-3 ratio/a. Next, I answer a question about green drinks, those vegan canisters of powdered, dehydrated, raw leafy vegetables that one mixes into juice or water for an instant daily dose of greens. They sounded silly, and I#8217;ve dismissed them in the past, but as I did a bit more research my thinking began to change. Ideal? No. A fair compromise for some people? Maybe. Finally, I cover shin splints for a reader suffering from them, and […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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