Here’s a quick ‘thought for the day’ to help you with your weight loss goals:
We don’t help cocaine addicts by teaching them about the metabolism of serotonin-norepinephrine-dopamine re-uptake inhibitors or the hormonal implications of cocaine use, yet we try and help people lose weight by teaching them about hormones, metabolic pathways and glucose chemistry.
While learning about the science of weight loss is fun and interesting, the most important part of any weight loss plan is dealing with our habits, environment, perceptions and stressors.
With this being said, the most important part of Eat Stop Eat isn’t the effect on growth hormone or insulin, but rather what you learn during the 24 hours that you are fasting.
Concentrate on using this time to figure out which of your habits, environmental factors, and perceptions are contributing to how much you eat.
Basically – pay attention to what drives you to eat.
Sure you’ll lose weight by […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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