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Name: Mona Valstad Elsness
Age: 40
Location: Oslo, Norway

What was your first thought when you learned about the Coaching & Training Women Academy and the Pre- & Postnatal Coaching Certification?
I thought: Wow, this is so interesting that some of the best professionals I know paired up to develop the exact certification I am looking for!

What do you do?
I work as an Osteopath DO, physiotherapist and personal trainer, specializing in women’s health, at a clinic in Oslo. Over the last two years, I have developed a multidisciplinary Women’s Health Center, and we are passionate about raising awareness and knowledge on women’s health issues. In recent years I have done several lectures on the treatment of women in pregnancy and postpartum, for students, patients and graduate therapists.

What else do you do?
I have three kids aged eight, five and two. We enjoy the nature in Norway, spend time with family and when I have time alone I love cross-country skiing, running, the gym and yoga.

Favorite way to treat yourself: 
A deep diaphragm release from my amazing colleague Ingvild, followed by a suboccipital release.

Favorite quote:  
If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan. But never the goal.

Best compliment you’ve received lately:
“I love you mum.”

Most recent compliment you gave someone else:
“That is amazing skiing!” (to my 5-year-old, Fredrik)

Three words that best describe you: 
Passionate. Loyal. Sleepy (at 9 p.m.).

Favorite book:
A Woman Looking at Men Looking at Women, by Siri Hustvedt

What inspires and motivates you?  
I am inspired and motivated by my mum, my kids, my husband and my friends. Every day I meet women who inspire me in the clinic.

So many strong women hold their breath to keep the world running, and to prevent their bladder from running!

Describe a typical day in your life, from waking up to bedtime:
Wake up at 5 a.m. and work until 6:30. Family time, then clinic from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Then family time again, with recreational activities, housework and catching up. Bedtime by 10 or 11 p.m.

What event or situation in your life lead you to enroll in the CPPC?
I am always looking to bridge pelvic health physiotherapy, osteopathic treatment and exercise. Then I heard Molly Galbraith and Heba Shaheed on the Pelvic Health Podcast, and I was intrigued.

How would you describe your pre- and postnatal knowledge before taking CPPC?
I have attended several courses on osteopathic treatment in pregnancy and postpartum, physiotherapy in pelvic health, and exercise pregnancy and postpartum. I have hands-on clinical experience from 17 years of practice, mainly focusing on women’s health since 2010.

Why do you think learning the information that’s included in the CPPC is so important to your profession?
I think it is important to have the knowledge to take women from the challenges of pregnancy and postpartum, throughout their treatment and rehab, and then to be able to apply this knowledge to functional exercise in order to help these women get back to the activities they love.

Pelvic floor rehab cannot stop at Kegels alone. It has to be integrated, so that women feel confident to go back to Crossfit, running, and their everyday life.

What’s been the best part about going through the CPPC?
I just love the up-to-date references, and the objectivity in presenting the research to the students. And also, the total awareness of the clients’ overall well-being. I can’t help but fall in love with your body positivity.

Now that you’re an official Certified Pre- & Postnatal Coach, what impact are you hoping to have?
I want to help women who feel like they are lacking the ability to function normally to return to the activities they dream of.

What effect has your new Certification had on your work so far?
I have changed my approach to postpartum recovery to include more follow-ups toward functional activity like running and strength training. I love the coaching tools on motivation. And also the nutrition part of the course was very useful to me, as it is not a part of my prior professional education.

What would you say to someone who’s on the fence about enrolling?
I would definitely recommend this certification to anyone that work with women in pregnancy and postpartum. As a clinician you can get valuable tools to help your patients regain confidence in everyday activities and exercise. As a personal trainer you get in-depth knowledge that will give you confidence and tools to help women stay healthy, strong and functional.

You can learn more about Mona on her website, and connect with her on Facebook and Instagram.

The post Coaching & Training Women Academy Spotlight: Mona Valstad Elsness appeared first on Girls Gone Strong.

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