This post was created simply because I was feeling sorry for myself this morning.
I wasn’t making any gains. Lifting weights was stupid. All I was doing was maintaining – complete waste of my time.

(Yes, I was being a baby)
So I took my measurements… then compared them to all of my older measurements.
At first, it looked like I had confirmed my suspicion – no growth ever!  …But on further inspection I realized that I had been making slow but steady improvements all along.
I then pulled out the records of my DEXA scans at plugged them into a new row…
As you can see, I was mistaken –  Slow but steady gains, slow but steady improvements in my circumferences.
This is why we keep measurements – because without measurements we are just guessing. And weight on its own is a terrible way to measure progress… On each and every one of these measurement days […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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Filed under: Fitness