If you believe the ads, we live in a squalid hotbed of menacing microbes. Evil germs are everywhere and out to get us – especially the innocent, well-dressed children playing nearby. The smart ones among us, the marketers tell us, navigate this ominous world armed with the right sanitizing defense. Even the grimiest restroom, the ad images show, can become as innocuous as a sparkling, surgery-ready space if we only have the security of hand sanitizer. Yes, the power of the imagination…

Sure, the marketing gurus make their buck by coaxing rampant, misplaced fear in the populace. (Funny how we don’t seem as terrified by a “Biggie” order of French fries as we do our own door knobs.) However, let’s put aside the cautionary ads and look at the facts. Sales have risen some 70% since last year. Part of it is the whole H1N1 alarm, but it’s a general trend […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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