The plank is one of my favorite ab exercises, because it is meant to strengthen the muscles that protect the spine. As someone who experienced a spinal injury 20+ years ago, the plank has been a life saver. Here’s the best plank video I’ve ever seen online.

Here’s a list of the plank variations:
1. Weighted Plank :08
2. Stacker Plank :11
3. Rotator Cuff Plank :18
4. Tricep Kickback Plank :23
5. Push/Pull Plank :29
6. Spiderman Plank :33
7. Tug-of-war Plank :38
8. Valslide Hand Slides :42
9. Valslide Bodysaw :49
10. Valslide Side Slimmer :54
11. Plyo Plank to Pushup 1:03
12. Twist Plank 1:10
13. Extended 1:19
14. Off-The-Wall Plank 1:27
15. Fist-Pumpers 1:33
16. Starfish 1:38
17. TRX Side Plank Pikes 1:44
18. TRX Pendulum Swings 1:53
19. Ball Plank Knee Strikes 2:03
20. Stir-The-Pot 2:09
How I would recommend implementing these variations.
Since planks are a static exercise, you can get away with doing them more often than other ab exercises. My recommendation is to throw in […]

Original post by admin

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