This post was originally published on this site

This month we’re looking back on all the strange and wonderful food jobs people have held during the summer. Whether it’s a job at a local scoop shop, a grocery store, or the concession stand at a baseball field, the skills and memories you gather in those short, hot months usually turn out to be invaluable.

Whether you’re washing dishes, bagging groceries, or on the line at a restaurant, working in the food industry can be tough work. Many jobs require experience with customer service and thinking quickly on your feet, which — if you’re not used to that — can be a hard learning curve. The skills you learn in these environments, however, give you invaluable tools for other various aspects in your life and throughout your career (whether that’s in food or not).

That’s why I asked 10 staffers from Apartment Therapy Media who have worked in the food industry to share what life lessons — big or small — they learned from their summer food jobs. Do you agree with these lessons?


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Filed under: Fitness