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Salisbury Steak

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Salisbury steak, it’s been said, was named after Dr. J. H. Salisbury, a 19th-century physician and lover of ground and minced beef. Dr. Salisbury was convinced that meat, especially when ground up, could cure a wide variety of ailments. While some of Dr. Salisbury’s medical claims are a bit dubious, he was spot on with one: Food plays a huge role in a person’s health.

Salisbury steak is not usually considered health food. Blame it on T.V. dinners that pre-package Salisbury steak with mashed potatoes, corn, a brownie and lots of processed ingredients. But homemade Salisbury steak is comfort food you can feel good about—especially if you buy ground beef from a trusted butcher (or grind it yourself) to make sure you’re getting high-quality meat. If possible, buy grass-fed.

Mushrooms might not look like a powerhouse side, but they’re far from modest fare. Not only do they pair perfectly with beef, but they’re also good sources of nutrients like selenium, copper, and pantothenic acid. Many types of mushrooms also have therapeutic, medicinal, or otherwise pharmacological effects. This recipe, like most Salisbury steak recipes, calls for basic button or crimini mushrooms. Sauteed in butter, they don’t disappoint. For a fancier meal, throw shiitakes, chanterelles and porcini’s into the skillet as well.

Servings: 4

Time in the Kitchen: 35 minutes


  • 1 ½ pound ground beef (680 g)
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 large shallot, finely chopped
  • 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce (10 ml)
  • 1 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt (6 ml)
  • 5 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided (75 g)
  • 8 to 12 ounces button or crimini mushrooms, sliced (230 g)
  • ½ cup red wine (120 ml)
  • 1 1/2 cups beef stock (350 ml)


Preheat oven to 350º F/177º C.

In a large bowl, mix together ground beef, egg, shallot, Worcestershire sauce, and salt. Shape into 4 oval patties.

In a wide skillet, melt 2 tablespoons/30 g butter over medium-high heat. Just as the butter melts, before it begins to brown, add the meat patties. Brown the patties, 3 to 4 minutes a side. Transfer to a baking dish covered with foil, and put in the oven until cooked through, 8 to 10 minutes.

In the same skillet, add another tablespoon/15 g butter and the mushrooms. Brown the mushrooms, and cook until soft, stirring as little as possible. Turn the heat down to medium if needed. Season with salt and pepper. Remove mushrooms from the skillet. Set aside.

Add red wine to the skillet. Simmer over med-high until reduced by about half, 3 to 5 minutes. Pour in beef broth. Simmer until reduced by half, about 12 minutes. Turn heat to low. Whisk in 2 tablespoons/30 g butter. Continue to simmer, if desired, for sauce with a more syrupy consistency.

Take the meat patties out of the oven. Cover with mushrooms. Drizzle sauce on top.


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Designing a well-rounded strength and conditioning routine must start with specific and clearly stated goals.

Finding the perfect workout routine and training schedule is the fitness equivalent of finding the Holy Grail. Such a phenomenon does not exist. No two individuals are the same and therefore cannot expect to derive the same results from the same routine. That being said, there are numerous examples of effective exercise programs. If we borrow bits and pieces from several different programs we can combine them into fairly comprehensive solution.   


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It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. In fact, I have a contest going right now. So if you have a story to share, no matter how big or how small, you’ll be in the running to win a big prize. Read more here.

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My story begins quite a while back (the year 2000, let’s say) when I was in my mid-twenties. I had been pudgy since adolescence, and my diet was mostly junk paired with inactivity. Before I cleaned up my diet, I was eating 2 toaster pastries (over 400 calories) or a giant bowl of cereal with milk for breakfast, a fast food meal of a 1/4 pound burger (510) and medium sized fries (380 cals) with a large diet coke for lunch, and then having a small fast food chocolate shake (nearly 500 cals) for dinner most days and maybe something else that evening if I got hungry. I never exercised. I actually avoided moving and went out of my way to not sweat.

Fast forward to 2007 or 2008, and I heard about Mark through the “webvine”… not sure where you got mentioned on another website, but I stumbled across Mark’s Daily Apple and I even, get this…SUBSCRIBED to your newsletter.

But, I didn’t go Primal right away. In fact, I yo-yo’ed a few more times, up and down 25 or 30 pounds. Still refused to see the light. Didn’t want or think I could give up bread. Did you see Oprah and her Weight Watchers commercial? You know, the “I LOVE BREAD” one? Well, that was me. I was afraid of failing. Again. However, think I was really more afraid of success. I thought to myself, “Well, you have tried everything else, what have you got to lose?” I was topping out at about 153 pounds, by the way, and up to about a size 10 or 12.

chubsfat_april2010 updated

So finally in 2011, I threw out all the wheat and processed food in my house and began to use things like lettuce in place of buns or bread and even cut out potatoes completely for a while. I noticed results immediately, and by the end of June, I was down to 118 (and a size 2). It inspired me to try and help others and I started a website called My niche for the site is food, wine and travel, but I post Paleo and Primal recipes on the site and offer up restaurant suggestions for people who maintain a gluten free lifestyle.

I also found my partner Andy in 2011 and the luckiest thing is that he was already also Paleo. Unbelievable at a time when it had not been mentioned much on Dr. Oz or in the media as a “fad.” We are still together 5 years later because a couple that Paleos together, stays together!!

I am writing to you so that others can see what I have been through and realize they can do this, too. (Oh yeah, and there’s the contest I should win, too). We all have days that are stressful and sometimes we eat to “feel” our emotions instead of “fill” our stomachs. There are days when it sucks to get up early and workout. But the point of Paleo and Primal is not one isolated day, but a lifetime of a way of eating and moving. If you have a bad day, suck it up and move on! This is NOT a fad. Paleo is for life. I have maintained my weight loss within 5 pounds or so and now wear a 2 or 4. I workout every day in some way. I eat mostly plants with a little meat thrown in to make me strong. My body and mind are so balanced because of what I consume.

Sac Mag Photo Shoot

I hope Andy and I can eventually meet Mark so I can shake the hand of the person who taught me a few things to get the train back on track.

Thank you, Mark and the staff at Mark’s Daily Apple.

Kristy DeVaney


The post It’s Not a Fad! How Primal Helped Me Maintain Long Term Weight Loss appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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brand ambassadorCalling all Primal Kitchen enthusiasts! Do you love our products? Does the idea of educating others on the benefits of wholesome, healthy, delicious ingredients pique your interest? Looking for some fun, flexible, part-time work? Then today is your lucky day! We’re expanding our Brand Ambassador teams in multiple cities across the United States. If you (or someone you know) meet the requirements from the list below, and you’re looking for work with lots of control over your schedule, please apply by filling out the application and emailing your resume to

Go over our Brand Ambassador checklist and see if you’re a match. If you are, then you might be snagging one of the hottest positions in town.


  • You love hanging out in Whole Foods or your local natural grocery store
  • You have an outgoing personality and you’re incredibly charming and fun
  • You live a Primal lifestyle
  • You have a general understanding of why avocado oil is the best oil—and you’re not afraid to educate shoppers
  • You like to talk, especially about health and nutrition
  • You have wheels
  • You live in or near Los Angeles, Boulder, Boston, Dallas/Ft Worth, NYC, Missoula, Philadelphia, or Washington, D.C.
  • You have a smartphone (for recording information from your demo)

Click here to submit your application and email to become a Primal Kitchen Brand Ambassador today!


The post Want to Join the Primal Kitchen Team? Become a Brand Ambassador! appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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These tools will help you get a clear picture of what’s working in your training.

I’m really bad at balancing on narrow, round things. Especially if they are high up. I know the technical points I’m supposed to observe, but I still suck at it. I suck at it because I’ve been woefully negligent in practice, so over the summer I made it my “lazy mission” to improve my balancing to a respectable level. I tried just paying attention to the technical elements and trying to do those well. It helped some, but that strategy wasn’t enough, so I borrowed some tools for improvement I have used a lot in Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ).

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Cultivating resilience may be the secret to reaching your goals.

Programming is a fickle beast. With the seemingly endless onslaught of trending, latest and greatest pop-culture programs promising unbelievable results in less and less time, it’s no surprise if you find yourself more confused, frustrated, and lost than ever before. This is never more evident than in the realm of bodybuilding or aesthetic-style training.


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