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Steady-state cardio — plodding along at a consistent pace for the duration of a session — can have its place in a training program. However, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can actually be a more efficient means to reach your fitness goals. And just like there are a variety of ways to build the ultimate physique, there are different machines you can rely upon  to help get you there. 

Although a treadmill offers the unique advantage of being able to train on an incline, it doesn’t give you a true full-body workout. Meanwhile, an elliptical machine may be a low-impact option for your joints, but that also comes at the expense of any muscle-building upside. 

Luckily, there’s a piece of home gym equipment that provides the best of both worlds: the rower, sometimes called an erg or rowerg. In fact, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a machine that tests your muscular strength and endurance (and mental fortitude) quite like the erg.

Muscular person in gym using rowing machine
Credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock

Whether your primary goal is to burn body fat or boost your conditioning, these HIIT rowing workouts will get the job done. And if you’re just getting your feet wet with this type of training, there’s a beginner-friendly plan that will put you on the path to becoming more proficient and confident on the rowing machine

HIIT Rowing Workouts 

HIIT Rowing Workout for Fat Loss 

A successful fat loss plan focuses on two factors: how you fuel up and how you put those resources to work. If your primary goal is to trim a few extra pounds off your frame, pairing interval training with a nutritional protocol that prioritizes protein and limits processed foods will provide the perfect stimulus to help accomplish that feat. Although this rowing workout may seem easy on the surface, you’ll quickly learn how challenging (and effective) time-specific training can be.

Tabata Intervals  

There’s a reason the Tabata protocol remains one of the most popular styles of high-intensity interval training: It works. Designed in an easy-to-follow format, a workout consists of clearly defined intervals of max-effort exercise and complete rest. Typically, the high-intensity interval lasts for 20 seconds, forcing you to go all out for what sounds like a fairly reasonable amount of time.

However, the difficult part about Tabata-style training is that you only get a rest period of 10 seconds, or half the amount of the high-intensity interval. That back-and-forth battle usually wages on for eight cycles, adding up to a four-minute round. Most workouts run around 20 minutes, which includes a brief rest period of 1-2 minutes between each completed round.

Person in gym using rowing machine
Credit: Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock

Despite its short working intervals, Tabata delivers impressive results. It has been shown to be effective for improving both body fat composition and some cardiometabolic health outcomes in university female students. (1) Additionally, a 2020 study on the impact of Tabata training showed it was also effective in reducing body fat percentage and waist-to-hip ratio in overweight individuals. (2)

Ultimately, there’s no reason to make things complicated when it comes to your fat loss journey. This rowing workout relies upon a tried-and-true setup that should leave you feeling gassed by the end. It’s best to leave this for the end of a strength training session as a high-impact finisher, or perform it on a non-lifting day to reap the rewards of aerobic and anaerobic exercise. 

Tabata Rowing Circuit 

  • How to Do it: Sit on the rowing machine seat and strap your feet in. Set the drag level between three and five. Grab the handle, maintain an upright posture, and simultaneously push with your legs while pulling with your upper body. Warm up at a comfortable pace for one minute before increasing to max effort for your first high-intensity interval. 
  • Programming: Perform 8-10 sets (one round) of 20 seconds of max-effort rowing followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat for three to five rounds, depending on your fitness level. 
  • Rest Time: Rest one to two minutes after each round.  

HIIT Rowing Workout for Conditioning 

Metabolic conditioning can have some crossover with fat loss training, but it also brings muscle-building benefits. And out of all the home gym equipment you should consider investing in, a rowing machine is a fantastic choice since it is capable of helping you achieve your dream physique in multiple ways.

This all-inclusive workout combines sprint intervals on the erg with various strength exercises for the ultimate conditioning session. 

On/Off Circuit

Prepare to move around with this workout. At the same time, prepare to enjoy the conditioning rewards of mixing max-effort speed intervals on the rower with muscle-building exercises that will test your strength and stamina.

Grey-haired person in gym using rowing machine
Credit: Kostiantyn Voitenko / Shutterstock

Rather than rowing for a specific time interval, your goal is to complete 250 meters as fast as possible. Then, you will go through a type of superset using resistance training exercises that target your chest, shoulders, triceps, quads, and glutes. Working hard on the rower will target your back muscles, so doubling up by targeting them with a strength-training exercise could cause excessive fatigue without added benefit.

This workout can serve as the baseline for your creative efforts. You can vary the routine in a variety of ways by increasing your target distance on the erg, increasing the time or load for the supplementary movements, or by choosing specific exercises based on your personal physique goals. Ultimately, the point is to push yourself through each phase, take a few minutes to recover, and find a way to keep going. 

Rowing Speed Interval

  • How to Do it: Sit on the rowing machine seat and strap your feet in. Set the drag level between five and seven for added resistance. Grab the handle, maintain an upright posture, and simultaneously push with your legs while pulling with your upper body. Warm up at a comfortable pace for one minute before increasing to max effort for your first high-intensity interval.
  • Programming: Complete a 250-meter row as quickly as possible.
  • Rest Time: No rest before moving to the next exercise.

Paused Push-Up

  • How to Do it: Begin in the top of a traditional push-up position with your hands directly under your shoulders, your arms locked out, hips and legs straight, and toes on the ground. Lower yourself down until your chest is one to two inches from the floor and hold for two seconds. Engage your triceps and extend your arms to return to the starting point. 
  • Sets and Reps: Perform as many reps as possible in 30 seconds.
  • Rest Time: No rest before moving to the next exercise.

Goblet Squat

  • How to Do it: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly pointed out. Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell with both hands at chest-level (the “goblet” position), engaging your front deltoids (shoulders) to support the weight. While keeping your torso upright, push your hips back, bend your knees, and sit into a deep squat position. Drive through your heels and return to the starting position.  
  • Sets and Reps: Perform as many reps as possible in 30 seconds. Use a weight that allows at least 10 to 12 repetitions in the first round.
  • Rest Time: No rest before moving to the next exercise.

Dumbbell Overhead Press

  • How to Do it: Stand with your feet hip-width apart with a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder-level. Keep your wrists in a neutral position (palms facing each other) and push the weights toward the ceiling, fully extending your arms and locking out your triceps. Slowly lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position, maintaining full control on the eccentric (lowering) portion of the lift.  
  • Sets and Reps: Perform as many reps as possible in 30 seconds. Use a weight that allows at least 10 to 12 repetitions in the first round.
  • Rest Time: Rest two to three minutes before repeating the first exercise.

HIIT Rowing Workout for Beginners

If you’re new to cardio training, or just new to the rowing machine, don’t be intimidated by the idea of an intense session on the erg. Instead, embrace the concept of pushing yourself for short spurts so you can earn some well-deserved rest. Plus, you can look forward to improving your technique with each and every stroke. 

1:2 Work-to-Rest Intervals

A key difference between the previous fat-burning and conditioning workouts and this beginner-friendly plan is the amount of time you’ll spend working at a lower intensity. Instead of following a 1:1 work-to-rest ratio, beginners should opt for a 1:2 work-to-rest rate. 

This structure is essentially the opposite of Tabata, which requires you to recover in half the amount of time as your high-intensity interval. Using a specific work/rest approach will give you the benefits of improving your VO2 max while also allowing a sufficient period for recuperation. (3)

Long-haired person using rowing machine outdoors
Credit: Microgen / Shutterstock

You’ll be starting out with 20 seconds of work, followed by 40 seconds of rest. However, don’t be afraid to switch up that 1:2 ratio as you get more comfortable on the rower. Once you have completed this workout a few times, you can ramp up the difficulty by cutting the rest interval to 30 seconds. Then, trim it down another 5-10 seconds as you improve. 

20 On/40 Off Rowing Circuit

  • How to Do it: Sit on the rowing machine seat and strap your feet in. Set the drag level between three and five. Grab the handle, maintain an upright posture, and simultaneously push with your legs while pulling with your upper body. Warm up at a comfortable pace for one minute before increasing to near-max effort for your first high-intensity interval. Make sure to rest for double the amount of work-time for each cycle.
  • Programming: Two sets of 8 rounds — each round requires 20 seconds of hard rowing, followed by 40 seconds of easy rowing.
  • Rest Time: Rest for three minutes after completing the first round.

How to Warm-Up for a HIIT Rowing Workout

A structured warm-up isn’t just a means to break a sweat or get your head in the game prior to a workout. Besides being beneficial for performance, it’s also a proactive measure that can help prevent injuries. (4)

Because the erg requires you to recruit essentially every major muscle group, you need to prepare accordingly. Diving straight into any of the three HIIT workouts isn’t a sound strategy — especially if you’re hitting the gym after sitting at a desk for hours.

YouTube Video

Set yourself up for success by completing this four-part warm-up which focuses on getting your shoulders, back, quads, and hamstrings ready for a rowing session that will leave you feeling accomplished from head to toe. 

HIIT Rowing Workout Warm-Up

  1. Arm Circle: Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and your arms fully extended out to your sides so they are parallel with the floor. Keep your arms straight and begin making small circular motions in a forward direction. Progress to bigger circles for a wider range of motion. for 20 to 30 seconds. Then, perform the same movement in the opposite direction for another 20 to 30 seconds.  
  2. Inch Worm: Stand tall with your feet about hip-width apart and your hands by your sides. Look down at the floor and start reaching your hands out in front of your feet as you allow your knees to bend slightly. Carefully walk your hands forward until they are directly under your shoulders and your body is parallel to the floor. From that full plank position, keep your legs straight and walk your hands back toward your feet. Brace your core and raise your upper body to return to the starting position. Perform 10 repetitions before moving to the next exercise. 
  3. Paused Bodyweight Squat: Stand with your feet at a shoulder-width distance and your toes pointed slightly out. Brace your core, push your hips back, and slowly lower yourself down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold for two seconds, then push through your heels and drive upward until you reach the starting position. Complete 15 to 20 full-depth squats before finishing up with the final part of the warm-up. 
  4. Rowing Machine: Get on a rowing machine and set the damper to a low level (between one and four). Maintain a steady but comfortable pace for three to five minutes to prime your muscles and get in the flow for the high-intensity workout to follow. 

Full-Body Benefits in Far Less Time

While you will most certainly work harder, you’ll also be working smarter with these HIIT rowing workouts. Ramping up the intensity means you won’t have to spend nearly as much time repeating the same motion until you’ve reached a state of boredom. Instead, efficient interval-style training will let you reap the full-body rewards of centering your next workout around the simple but incredibly effective rowing machine. 


  1. Lu, Y., Wiltshire, H., Baker, J. S., Wang, Q., & Ying, S. (2023). The effect of Tabata-style functional high-intensity interval training on cardiometabolic health and physical activity in female university students. Frontiers in Physiology, 14.
  2. Domaradzki, J., Cichy, I., Rokita, A., & Popowczak, M. (2020). Effects of Tabata training during physical education classes on body composition, aerobic capacity, and anaerobic performance of under-, normal- and overweight adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(3), 876.
  3. Helgerud, J., Høydal, K. L., Wang, E., Karlsen, T., Berg, P. R., Bjerkaas, M., Simonsen, T., Helgesen, C. S., Hjorth, N. L., Bach, R., & Hoff, J. (2007). Aerobic High-Intensity intervals improve VO2max more than moderate training. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39(4), 665–671.
  4. Ding, L., Luo, J., Smith, D. M., Mackey, M. J., Fu, H., Davis, M. M., & Hu, Y. (2022). Effectiveness of Warm-Up Intervention Programs to Prevent Sports Injuries among Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(10), 6336.

Featured Image: Microgen / Shutterstock

The post HIIT Rowing Workouts for Fat Loss, Conditioning, and Beginners appeared first on Breaking Muscle.

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As a registered dietitian, I am asked almost every day for recommendations on the best type of protein supplement. And while I’m sure to only recommend proteins whose quality and formulation I can stand behind, there’s another feature that’s also pretty important: the flavor.

If you don’t like how a protein powder tastes, you are pretty unlikely to stick with it all the way to the bottom of the jug. This is a shame because the benefits of a higher-protein diet are really something that only happens over the course of weeks and months.  

If you want to increase your muscle mass, control cravings while losing weight, or boost recovery from your workouts, these are the best-tasting protein powders that may help make it happen. 

Medical disclaimer: This article is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. For health advice, contact a licensed healthcare provider.

How We Chose the Best Tasting Protein Powder

Our process for choosing what protein powders taste the best is very selective. And yes, to be clear, it involves us actually tasting over 75 proteins.

But to ensure that you can make a well-informed decision and don’t end up with an actual milkshake instead of a protein shake, we test for a wide range of criteria. These include not only flavor, but also price, formulation, solubility, side effects, third-party testing, and the customer experience. Try any of our recommendations and be confident that we did the homework so you don’t have to.

Our Top Picks for the Best Tasting Protein Powder

Best Tasting Protein Powder Overall: Jacked Factory Authentic Iso

Jacked Factory Authentic ISO

  • Protein type: Whey isolate
  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $1.20 to $1.33
  • Calories per serving: 110 to 130
  • Protein per serving: 25 grams, depending on the flavor
  • Flavors: Cookies & Cream, Unflavored (if you buy from Amazon)
  • Third-party tested: No

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  • Made in the USA, in an FDA-registered facility 
  • Manufactured without fillers or dyes 
  • Offers a 100% money-back guarantee for the first 30 days of purchase


  • Uses the artificial sweetener sucralose

Jacked Factory Authentic Iso is an affordable, high-quality, great-tasting protein powder that packs a lot of flavor and a solid 25 grams of protein into a surprisingly low-calorie serving. 

A container of Jacked Factory Authentic ISO on a black surface with a wood background
A container of Jacked Factory Authentic ISO at the Breaking Muscle testing facility

This protein has a personal connection, as my hubby is a lifter on an eternal quest to find the protein that’ll help him build muscle mass the quickest, while still tasting like a well-earned post-workout treat. Jacked Factory’s rich chocolate-flavored whey supplement is the one he keeps coming back to.

The protein in Jacked Factory Authentics Iso powder is sourced from whey — a byproduct of dairy cheese production. Whey isolates aren’t usually considered to be the tastiest or creamiest of proteins since they have less fat and carb content than either whey concentrate or milk isolate protein. However, Jacked Authentic gets consistently high ratings from reviewers — and from my husband — for how well it mixes and the overall flavor.

As a dietitian, I like how simple the formulation is, with no fillers, gums, or dyes. It does use the artificial sweetener sucralose in its formulation which is a deal-breaker for some people, but does help in keeping the overall calories so low. There are a few users who report that they found this product overly sweet, but the general consensus is that each of the eight flavor options currently available brings the goods and tastes like what they promise.  

At the time of this writing, this product has a 4.4 out of five star overall rating on Amazon. Out of 509 reviewers, Jacked Factory Authentic Iso is given a 4.6 out of five stars for how easily it blends, 4.3 out of five stars for the quality of the ingredients used, and 4.2 out of five stars with regard to flavor.

RELATED: Best Protein Shakes

Best Tasting Protein Powder for Women: Ritual Essential Protein Powder

Ritual Essential Protein Powder

  • Protein type: Pea protein
  • Number of servings: 15
  • Cost per serving: $2.66
  • Calories per serving: 115 
  • Protein per serving: 20 grams 
  • Flavors: Vanilla
  • Third-party tested: Yes

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  • Each scoop/serving has 493 milligrams of l-methionine
  • Legitimate vanilla flavor from Madagascar vanilla beans
  • Provides 8 grams of essential amino acids and 4 grams of branched-chain amino acids in every serving 
  • Does not contain any artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners


  • Comparatively more expensive than other protein powders on the market 
  • Only one flavor

Whether you are picking up toddlers all day, carrying heavy grocery bags, or hitting the weights, you need adequate protein to power you through it. Ritual Daily Shake is our top choice for women to help us accomplish everything we do in our day-to-day. It only has one flavor option available. However, you won’t be disappointed by the handcrafted vanilla, which is sourced from vanilla bean extract farmed and harvested in Madagascar. 

Building muscle and maintaining muscle mass requires good protein intake. Ritual uses organic pea protein and we know from randomized trials that pea protein positively helps repair muscle damage after exercise. (8) And as a mom of two small kids, I am here to tell you: yes, running after your wild toddlers in the yard definitely counts as exercise. 

To really determine if the flavor blends well, our product tester tried Ritual Daily Shake two ways: in a blender cup with plain water and in a smoothie with strawberries and blueberries. She gave it a 5 out of 5 rating for solubility. It dissolved easily in water alone and had a great consistency and a smooth texture.

Our tester noticed a slightly chalky aftertaste, but it wasn’t enough to keep her from finishing her drink or using the protein powder again in the future. She also found that the taste enhanced the smoothie and did not overwhelm it. She ranks the taste for Ritual Daily Shake as a 4 out of 5. 

Best Tasting Chocolate Protein Powder: XWERKS Grow



Protein type: Whey protein isolate

Number of servings: 30

Cost: $1.97 per serving

Calories per serving: 110

Protein per serving: 23 to 25 grams

Flavors: Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Strawberry, Vanilla

Third-party tested: No

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  • Sourced from dairy cows in New Zealand that are 100% grass-fed
  • Around 6,000 milligrams of branched-chain amino acids in every scoop 
  • Manufactured with 4,226 milligrams of glutamic acid per serving, which may assist muscle growth
  • Mixes easily


  • Not third-party tested at the time of writing 
  • Limited flavor options

XWERKS Grow protein powder is sourced from dairy cows that are not exposed to hormones, antibiotics, or pesticides and are 100% grass-fed only. The formulation is simple, clean, and doesn’t contain any artificial ingredients, sweeteners, flavors, or coloring. 

A bag of XWERKS Grow on a black surface with a wood background
A bag of XWERKS Grow at the Breaking Muscle testing facility

Like some of our other top picks, this powder’s protein source is whey isolate, which means it has been micro-filtered to remove excess calories caused by non-protein sources like fat. (3) XWERKS Grow also has about 4 grams of glutamic acid per scoop. Glutamic acid is noteworthy for its ability to assist in muscle growth, but it is also a flavor enhancer that can improve our sensitivity to the fifth basic taste: umami. (4)(5)

Our supplement tester scored XWERKS Grow protein powder’s formulation, taste, and solubility as a 5 out of five. They really emphasized that this product is incredibly smooth – your days of gritty chocolate flavoring are over. Our Breaking Muscle team member reported this as the “finest protein powder I’ve ever drank” and was excited by how easily XWERKS dissolves. You barely need a shaker and blender ball to mix this protein powder to get the perfect amount of chocolate flavoring. 

Best Tasting Plant-Based Protein Powder: Transparent Labs Rice & Pea Protein Powder

Transparent Labs Organic Vegan Rice & Pea Protein

  • Protein type: Pea protein isolate, rice protein
  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost: $1.67 per serving
  • Calories per serving: 130 to 150
  • Protein per serving: 24 grams
  • Flavors: Chocolate, French Vanilla 
  • Third-party tested: Yes, by independent labs

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  • Contains no added sugars or artificial sweeteners 
  • You will receive a complete plant-based protein profile in every scoop 
  • Manufactured without the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)


  • Limited flavor options

As more of the population becomes health-conscious, there has been a big push to create plant-based protein powders. Plant-derived protein sources may have protective factors against chronic diseases like diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and chronic kidney disease. (6) Of the plant-based protein powders currently available, Transparent Labs Rice & Pea protein powder is our top pick. 

What made it stand out? Transparent Labs brand does a fantastic job of being exactly that — transparent. There are no proprietary blends in any of their supplements. They tell you exactly how much of each ingredient you get in a serving of their products. For every 32.05 gram scoop of the vegan protein powder, you get 20,000 milligrams of organic rice protein and 9,411 milligrams of organic pea protein isolate. Blending these two organic protein sources creates a “complete protein,” which means it contains sufficient amounts of all nine essential amino acids. 

While Transparent Labs’ chocolate vegan protein powder can work in water alone, the texture doesn’t lend itself to this simple preparation as readily as egg or whey. Our tester reports that this powder had a somewhat gritty texture.

This seems to be the recurring theme among reviewers on their website as well. Out of 286 reviews, Transparent Labs Rice & Pea Protein holds 4.2 out of 5 stars. Many reviewers report that they really “clicked” with this protein once they added it to hot and cold cereals, pancake mix, or in a non-water beverage such as almond milk. 

Best Tasting Whey Protein Powder: Legion Whey+

Legion Whey+

  • Protein type: Whey isolate
  • Number of servings: 30 to 78
  • Cost per serving: $1.54 to $2.00
  • Calories per serving: 100 to 130
  • Protein per serving: 21 to 24 grams
  • Flavors: Apple Pie, Banana Bread, Cinnamon Cereal, Dutch Chocolate, Birthday Cake, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Cocoa Cereal, Cookies & Cream, French Vanilla, Fruity Cereal, Honey Cereal, Mocha Cappucino, Pumpkin Pie, Salted Caramel, Strawberry Banana, Unflavored
  • Third-party tested: Labdoor

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  • Made in the USA in an NSF-certified and FDA-inspected and cGMP-compliant facility 
  • Hormone-free, no added sugar, non-GMO, and antibiotic-free
  • Gluten-free and made without lactose
  • 5,600 milligrams of BCAAs in every scoop


  • Some users are overwhelmed by the vast options for flavoring (this is definitely a “Pro” in some people’s books)

The “best tasting whey protein powder” title goes to a product that is made without the use of added sugars, has 100 percent natural ingredients (meaning it is naturally flavored and sweetened), and has a third-party testing grade of “A” from Labdoor. Legion Whey+ is sure to have a flavor that you will enjoy because there are just over 15 flavor options!

The Breaking Muscle product review staff gushed about the Cinnamon Cereal flavor option and gave it a 4.5 out of 5 because it left them wanting more of that well-known Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal flavor. If you don’t like cinnamon, another one of the classic or unique options, such as Banana Bread, might speak to you.

Many reviewers specifically praise this lactose-free protein for how easy it is to digest. This makes it a popular choice for fortifying everyday foods with protein-rich flavor. For example, you could add cereal-type flavors to literal cereal, add French vanilla to tropical fruit breakfast smoothies, or put birthday cake protein powder in cake balls. 

This protein powder blends perfectly and many users (including our product tester) report no issues with Legion Whey+ powder’s solubility.

The only complaint our review staff lodged was against the Legion website itself. The customer service policies and actual customer service team are all great, but navigating the website requires getting past a ton of obnoxious pop-up ads and personal email requests. If you can get past these and add the powder to your shopping cart, your prize will be what we think is the best-tasting whey protein powder on the market. 

RELATED: Best Whey Protein Powder

Best Tasting Vegan Protein Powder: Vega Sport Premium Protein Powder

Vega Sport Protein

  • Protein type: Alfalfa, pea, pumpkin seed, sunflower seed
  • Number of servings: 12 to 20
  • Cost: $2.22 to $3.55 per serving
  • Calories per serving: 170 to 180
  • Protein per serving: 30 grams
  • Flavors: Berry, Chocolate, Mocha, Peanut Butter, Vanilla
  • Third-party tested: NSF Certified for Sport

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  • 5 grams of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) in every serving 
  • Manufactured with the addition of two billion CFUs of the probiotic Bacillus coagulans
  • Has some tart cherry in its formulation
  • Multiple plant-based protein sources for a complete amino acid profile


  • Made with gum filler

If you are a practicing vegan or simply prefer plant-based protein powder, Vega Sport Premium hits some big checkboxes: a complete amino acid profile, third-party testing, and user-beloved flavors.  

Vega Sport Premium is sourced from a unique protein blend combination of peas, pumpkin seeds, organic sunflower seeds, and alfalfa. This gives it a light, not overly pea-y texture that mixes equally well in plain water, a smoothie, or any dairy-free beverage.

This supplement is made without any added sugars — meaning that the creamy flavor you get comes from all-natural ingredients, plus the plant-based sweetener stevia. While many stevia-flavored protein powders can have a unique flavor or aftertaste, our testers report that the stevia in Vega is undetectable, and the overall flavor is natural and clean. With regard to flavor, users couldn’t be happier.

On their website, they have had 499 reviewers say their peace. Of the 499 reviews, 419 gave this product a 5 out of 5-star rating, 56 gave it a 4 out of 5, 22 gave it 3 out of 5 stars, and 1 user each gave a 2-star and 1-star rating.  

With regard to mixability, this product has earned a 4.5 out of five stars from us because it blends so easily. Try this supplement in coffee, a blueberry and strawberry smoothie, and even mixed in with peanut butter on a PB&J sandwich!

RELATED: Best Pea Protein Powder

Best Tasting Vanilla Protein Powder: Swolverine Whey Protein Isolate

Swolverine Whey Protein Isolate

  • Protein type: Whey isolate
  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost: $2.10 per serving
  • Calories per serving: 110
  • Protein per serving: 26 grams
  • Flavors: Chocolate, Honey Cinnamon Peanut Butter, Mint Chocolate Chip, Strawberry, Vanilla
  • Third-party tested: Lief and Micro Quality Labs

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  • Added digestive enzymes in every scoop (papain and protease) 
  • Protein is sourced from cows that are grass-fed and rBGH-free (recombinant bovine growth hormone)
  • No proprietary blends of ingredients — 100% transparent about what you are getting per scoop


  • Comparatively expensive
  • Texture can be a little thin and watery
  • Contains sucralose and the thickener/sweetener xanthan gum

Vanilla-flavored protein powders are flooding the protein supplement market right now. In fact, if you were to search “vanilla protein powder” on Amazon, you’d find over 2,000 results. We don’t hand out the award for our top pick for best-tasting vanilla powder lightly, but Swolverine Whey Protein Isolate certainly earned it. 

While it’s more expensive than most other protein powders on our list, our Breaking Muscle testing team gave Swolverine a solid 5 out of 5 for its formulation. For only 110 calories, you get 26 grams of protein but only one gram of carbs, and 0.5 grams of fat. 

This makes this product ideal for those looking to maintain muscle mass while dieting. Consuming whey protein has been directly correlated with a reduced risk of muscle mass loss, increasing skeletal lean muscle mass, and preventing muscle mass from being used for energy when utilizing caloric restriction. (2)

Our testers gave Swolverine Whey Protein Isolate a 4 out of 5 ranking for both taste and solubility. They report that a serving-size scoop blends quickly and completely in a run-of-the-mill blender bottle, even noting that it was “kinda weird” how easily this powder turns into a thin mixture. This may be off-putting for some users though who prefer their protein shakes to be thicker.

For this reason, if you’re someone who prefers a thicker protein shake, consider adding Swolverine to milk or dairy-free milk. When mixed with milk, Swolverine received high praise from our tester who said it was very rich and tasted great.

Best Tasting Protein Powder for Weight Loss: Myprotein Impact Whey Protein

Myprotein Impact Whey Protein Powder

  • Protein type: Whey protein concentrate
  • Number of servings: 10 to 200
  • Cost: $0.95 to $1.30 per serving
  • Calories per serving: 100
  • Protein per serving: 19 grams
  • Flavors: Birthday Cake, Chocolate, Chocolate Brownie, Chocolate Mint, Chocolate Smooth, Chocolate Stevia, Cinnamon Cereal, Fruity Cereal, Marshmallow Cereal, Mocha, Salted Caramel, Strawberry Cream, Unflavored, Vanilla, Vanilla Stevia, White Chocolate Peppermint
  • Third-party tested: No

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  • Loads of flavor options! 
  • You will get 2,500 milligrams of glutamine per serving 
  • Each serving has less than 1 gram of fat and 3 grams of carbohydrates


  • Lower protein per serving than other options
  • The cost per serving increases with the more servings per bag you purchase.

If you are picky about flavor, MyProtein Impact Whey Protein powder probably has the answer. At the time of writing, it comes in 20 different flavors. Flavors like white chocolate peppermint, salted caramel, and birthday cake give you a wide range of non-junk food options to support your weight loss journey, making this an easy pick for the best-tasting protein powder for weight loss. 

A scoop of MyProtein Impact provides 18 grams of protein, which is on the low side, but impressively, it does it with just 1.5 to two grams of fat, three grams of carbohydrates, and 95 to 100 calories per serving (depending on which flavor you decide to roll with). Plenty of research has supported whey protein supplementation as a way to manage caloric intake, reduce fat mass, and prevent muscle mass catabolism (breakdown) when dieting. (7) And when you’re dieting, your protein needs might actually be higher than when you’re eating in a caloric surplus. MyProtein Impact can be a low-calorie way to reach your recommended daily intake of protein, while still getting to partake in fun, dessert-like flavors. 

Of all the flavor options available, the Cookies and Cream option doesn’t appear to be very popular. However, the Fruity Cereal, Chocolate Brownie, and Birthday Cake options get the most consistently high marks from our reviewers. But because there are so many fun flavor options, try and get creative in the way you use them. You could add protein powder to a fruity smoothie bowl or make high-protein baked goods. Several reviewers love how easily this product mixes without leaving a gritty texture, even when mixed with plain water or low-fat milk. 

RELATED: Best Supplements for Weight Loss

Best Tasting Casein Protein Powder: Kaged Casein

Kaged Casein

  • Protein type: Isolated Micellar Casein 
  • Number of servings: 29
  • Cost per serving: $1.38
  • Calories per serving: 110
  • Protein per serving: 25 grams 
  • Flavors: Chocolate Peanut Butter 
  • Third-party tested: Informed Sport

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  • 608 milligrams of calcium per serving
  • Slow-digesting protein for overnight or meal replacement
  • 10.5 grams of essential amino acids in every scoop 
  • Made with a proprietary blend of medium-chain triglyceride oil powder


  • Only one flavor

If you have searched for protein powder supplements, you have probably found whey protein to be the most popular. However, it is not the only dairy-based protein source. Allow me to introduce casein. Casein isn’t as popular in the protein powder world as whey, but it offers some unique advantages that are worth taking seriously. First and foremost, it’s a slow-digesting protein, whereas whey gets digested quickly. (9) But this just means that you can use casein protein powders, like Kaged Casein, for different scenarios than whey protein. 

Since casein hangs out in the digestive tract longer than whey protein, it helps you to feel fuller for longer, while also helping to control glucose (blood sugar) levels, and facilitating muscle growth and repair. When compared to whey, casein is best used during periods of fasting, such as long breaks between meals and even sleep. (9

Kaged also packs a punch when it comes to calcium – delivering 608 milligrams per scoop. This is a hefty dose of calcium when compared to other protein powders. To put it in perspective, the amount of calcium present in the other powders in this review varies from 0 milligrams (Transparent Labs Rice & Pea Protein Powder) to 260 milligrams (Vega Sport Premium Protein Powder). Calcium is an important mineral and electrolyte used for muscle contraction. Without it, we would not be able to flush our muscles with energy in the form of glucose during exercise and post-workout recovery. (10) So, we appreciate that Kaged Casein adds in a healthy amount.  

Most protein powders that use casein in their formulation are thicker in texture than plain whey. Our Breaking Muscle review staff gave this product a 4 out of 5 for formulation and solubility. We deducted a point for mixability due to how long it takes to get this protein to actually dissolve. However, after a little while, the mixture became pretty smooth and ended up creamier and richer than any whey shake.

We also gave it 4 out of 5 stars for taste. We tried the Vanilla Shake flavor, which doesn’t currently appear to be available. However, customers on Kaged’s website have praised the Chocolate Peanut Butter flavor. One customer called it “amazing” and another said he has “tried a few others and always come[s] back to Kaged chocolate peanut butter.”

Many reviewers actually appreciate this extra thickness, as it results in a milkshake-like treat, especially if you cool it down in the fridge or freezer before drinking. Kasein also works great in food preparations like chia seed pudding, protein ice cream, or no-bake cheesecake bites.  

Best Tasting Low-Carb Protein Powder: Onnit Whey Protein

Onnit Whey Protein

  • Protein type: Whey isolate
  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost: $2.00 per serving
  • Calories per serving: 110
  • Protein per serving: 20 grams
  • Flavors: Mexican Chocolate, Vanilla
  • Third-party tested: Informed Sport

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  • Made with a digestive enzyme complex blend 
  • Contains a proprietary blend of the probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus 
  • Has medium-chain triglyceride powder in its formulation 


  • Manufactured with gum fillers
  • Thin texture
  • Spendy

For only three grams of carbs per serving, Onnit Whey brings offers unique flavors and a few perks for your digestive system. Along with 20 grams of whey protein isolate, each scoop brings a blend of digestive enzymes and a dose of the healthy probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus. These added components are known to aid in carbohydrate digestion. Those who struggle with whey-based protein powders may find Onnit Whey easier to digest and experience fewer GI symptoms. 

Our product review team gives Onnit Whey Protein powder a 5 out of 5 stars for solubility but a 3.75 out of 5 stars for taste. Our reviewer found the texture to be rather thin when mixed with water alone, but far superior when added to oat milk. However, she loved the Mexican Chocolate flavor, finding it more unique than the usual chocolate protein formula. 

Reviewers on Onnit’s website concur that the mixability is great and that the protein powder blends smoothly into smoothies, cereals, and milk (both animal and plant-based). However, not all long-time users rave about the new vanilla flavor ingredient formulation. If you try this powder and decide that it’s not for you, don’t worry — we rank Onnit’s customer service 5 out of 5 stars due to their responsiveness online and their money-back guarantee. 

Benefits of Protein Powder

Protein powder supplements offer plenty of benefits. You should consider adding one to your diet if any of the following support your health and fitness goals: 

  • Increased overall muscle mass and strength (1)
  • Slowing or preventing muscle loss from dieting or aging (2)(7)
  • Improving weight loss and weight management(7)
  • Reduced risk of certain chronic diseases (6
  • Quicker post-workout recovery time (1)
  • Improved satiety (your sensation of fullness) (7)

What To Look For in the Best Tasting Protein Powder

Choosing which dietary supplement to roll with is a big decision. We understand that there are a lot of things to consider when researching which protein powder will fit the bill for your individualized health goal and be enjoyable to drink. As a registered dietitian, I also recommend considering solubility, texture, cost, calories per scoop, macro and micronutrient formulation, added ingredients, and lingering side effects.


When you read a nutrition food label, you will notice percentages to the right of the fat and carbohydrate listings. However, if you keep scrolling down the label, you will find that our third and final macronutrient, protein, does not have a percentage for the daily value listed next to it. Percent daily value is based on a 2,000-calorie daily intake. This percentage is not required to be listed on the food label for protein.

Since the amount of protein needed in a day varies so drastically with regard to physical activity, medical concerns, age, sex, and anthropometrics (such as height and weight), you will only find it represented as grams. What your body needs from a protein powder will be based on your desired nutrition targets.  

  • Physical activity. Multiply your body weight in kilograms by 0.8 grams of protein to determine your daily protein needs. As you increase your output through minimal, moderate, and high-intensity workouts, you will need to multiply your body weight in kilograms by 1.0, 1.3, and 1.6 grams of protein, respectively, to build lean body mass appropriately. It would be wise to incorporate a protein powder with some carbohydrates for post-workout recovery to help replenish your muscles’ energy storage. 
  • Anthropometrics and overall goal. You will need to adjust the amount of protein you intake daily to align with your nutrition goals. If you want to gain muscle mass and recover quicker post-workout, a powder with a higher protein content can help. If you want to lose weight and implement protein intake as a way to help with satiety, the amount you will need will heavily depend on your current height and weight. 
  • Medical concerns. To promote healing, our protein needs generally increase post-surgery and even when recovering from illness. Those who have diabetes usually need a higher protein intake than the general population. However, those who are not on dialysis but have impaired renal function will have decreased protein needs. 

Protein Source 

Protein can come from a wide range of plant or animal-based sources. The most common form of protein found in protein powders is whey protein. Whey, along with casein, is a byproduct of the cheese-making process. The main difference between these two popular proteins is the rate at which we absorb them. 

Casein is digested and absorbed slowly because it curdles when exposed to stomach acid. It can take as much as  5 hours or more to fully digest. On the contrary, your body breaks down whey usually within 90 minutes after consumption. Casein is great for when we know we won’t eat for a long time and need slow-released amino acids — such as before going to bed. Whey protein is ideal for post-workout recovery and muscle synthesis. (9)(11)

Plant-based protein is just as reliable as whey protein when it comes to gaining muscle and cultivating lean body mass. Many studies have shown that when pea protein and brown rice protein contain the same amount of protein as animal sources, they are as effective at delaying workout fatigue and improving post-workout recovery times. So if you are vegan, vegetarian, or just looking for a plant-friendly option, don’t feel like you have to compromise in either quality or taste. 

Other Ingredients

Be sure to review the list of ingredients on the nutrition facts label when choosing a protein powder. The manufacturer will note on the label if their protein powder contains common allergens. Check the label carefully to make sure you are not exposed to anything that could cause an allergic reaction or gastrointestinal upset, such as soy, artificial sweeteners, dairy, nuts, or gluten. 

It is always a good idea to consult with a registered dietitian nutritionist who can personalize dietary supplements to your health needs. Things like fiber, probiotics, digestive enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants should be taken into consideration when choosing a dietary supplement, to ensure it helps bolster your health targets. 

Flavor and Solubility 

We can’t skip over flavor when considering which protein powders taste the best. Drinking the same protein powder every day can feel repetitive and boring, which can discourage us from using our protein supplements as we should. To prevent this, I encourage my clients to shake up the way they approach protein powder and incorporate it into their diets in a creative way. 

For example, adding chocolate peanut butter-flavored protein powder to muffin mix would be a great way to fortify the mix with more nutrients. Mixing vanilla protein powder into a cold coffee can make a yummy iced latte. Cinnamon cereal and pumpkin spice choices would be delicious flavor options to put in pancake batter, bread dough, and overnight oats.

Solubility is another crucial factor to consider. If a protein powder doesn’t dissolve well and forms clumps when you mix it, you probably won’t want to consume it again. According to our testers, the products above had varying levels of solubility. The Transparent Labs Organic Vegan Rice & Pea Protein Powder scored a 3.75. The other products we tested scored a 4 or 5 on the grading scale, with 5 being deemed perfect for mixability.

Third-Party Testing  

Third-party testing for label accuracy and purity isn’t the norm in the supplement industry, but it’s important to look for. Third-party testing shows that a manufacturer went the extra mile to prove that their ingredient list is free of banned substances, microbial life, heavy metals, and toxins and that it contains only what the label says. 

Final Thoughts

Incorporating protein powder into your fitness and health routine doesn’t have to be boring. To help stir your tastebuds, we have compiled our picks for the best-tasting protein powder currently on the market. We have a rigorous vetting process for testing products and out of the nearly 100 protein powders we have tried, only 10 made the cut. 

Protein powder is an excellent way to supplement your diet to increase your overall protein consumption. Keep in mind that protein powder should be exactly that though – supplemental and not serve as a routine meal replacement. A diversified, well-balanced diet consisting of whole food sources from each food group should constitute your normal eating patterns. However, if you are looking for a great-tasting, low-carbohydrate, low-fat, calorie-conscious protein supplement, we have you covered. Protein powder is used to increase muscle mass, curb hunger, improve exercise endurance, delay fatigue onset during a workout, and recover quicker so you can hit the gym again feeling fresh. 

Best Tasting Protein Powder: Side-by-Side Comparison

Best Tasting Protein Powder Overall

Best Tasting Vegan Protein Powder

Best Tasting Vanilla Protein Powder

Best Tasting Chocolate Protein Powder

Best Tasting Plant-Based Protein Powder

Best Tasting Protein Powder for Weight Loss

Best Tasting Protein Powder for Women

Best Tasting Whey Protein Powder

Best Tasting Casein Protein Powder

Best Tasting Low-Carb Protein Powder











  • Protein type: Whey isolate
  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $1.20 to $1.33
  • Calories per serving: 110 to 130
  • Protein per serving: 25 grams, depending on the flavor
  • Flavors: Cookies & Cream, Unflavored (if you buy from Amazon)
  • Third-party tested: No

  • Protein type: Alfalfa, pea, pumpkin seed, sunflower seed
  • Number of servings: 12 to 20
  • Cost: $2.22 to $3.55 per serving
  • Calories per serving: 170 to 180
  • Protein per serving: 30 grams
  • Flavors: Berry, Chocolate, Mocha, Peanut Butter, Vanilla
  • Third-party tested: NSF Certified for Sport

  • Protein type: Whey isolate
  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost: $2.10 per serving
  • Calories per serving: 110
  • Protein per serving: 26 grams
  • Flavors: Chocolate, Honey Cinnamon Peanut Butter, Mint Chocolate Chip, Strawberry, Vanilla
  • Third-party tested: Lief and Micro Quality Labs

  • Protein type: Whey protein isolate
  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost: $1.97 per serving
  • Calories per serving: 110
  • Protein per serving: 23 to 25 grams
  • Flavors: Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Strawberry, Vanilla
  • Third-party tested: No

  • Protein type: Pea protein isolate, rice protein
  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost: $1.67 per serving
  • Calories per serving: 130 to 150
  • Protein per serving: 24 grams
  • Flavors: Chocolate, French Vanilla 
  • Third-party tested: Yes, by independent labs

  • Protein type: Whey protein concentrate
  • Number of servings: 10 to 200
  • Cost: $0.95 to $1.30 per serving
  • Calories per serving: 100
  • Protein per serving: 19 grams
  • Flavors: Birthday Cake, Chocolate, Chocolate Brownie, Chocolate Mint, Chocolate Smooth, Chocolate Stevia, Cinnamon Cereal, Fruity Cereal, Marshmallow Cereal, Mocha, Salted Caramel, Strawberry Cream, Unflavored, Vanilla, Vanilla Stevia, White Chocolate Peppermint
  • Third-party tested: No

  • Protein type: Pea protein
  • Number of servings: 15
  • Cost per serving: $2.66
  • Calories per serving: 115 
  • Protein per serving: 20 grams 
  • Flavors: Vanilla
  • Third-party tested: Yes

  • Protein type: Whey isolate
  • Number of servings: 30 to 78
  • Cost per serving: $1.54 to $2.00
  • Calories per serving: 100 to 130
  • Protein per serving: 21 to 24 grams
  • Flavors: Apple Pie, Banana Bread, Cinnamon Cereal, Dutch Chocolate, Birthday Cake, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Cocoa Cereal, Cookies & Cream, French Vanilla, Fruity Cereal, Honey Cereal, Mocha Cappucino, Pumpkin Pie, Salted Caramel, Strawberry Banana, Unflavored
  • Third-party tested: Labdoor

  • Protein type: Isolated Micellar Casein 
  • Number of servings: 29
  • Cost per serving: $1.38
  • Calories per serving: 110
  • Protein per serving: 25 grams 
  • Flavors: Chocolate Peanut Butter 
  • Third-party tested: Informed Sport

  • Protein type: Whey isolate
  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost: $2.00 per serving
  • Calories per serving: 110
  • Protein per serving: 20 grams
  • Flavors: Mexican Chocolate, Vanilla
  • Third-party tested: Informed Sport

Best Tasting Protein Powder Overall


  • Protein type: Whey isolate
  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $1.20 to $1.33
  • Calories per serving: 110 to 130
  • Protein per serving: 25 grams, depending on the flavor
  • Flavors: Cookies & Cream, Unflavored (if you buy from Amazon)
  • Third-party tested: No

Best Tasting Vegan Protein Powder


  • Protein type: Alfalfa, pea, pumpkin seed, sunflower seed
  • Number of servings: 12 to 20
  • Cost: $2.22 to $3.55 per serving
  • Calories per serving: 170 to 180
  • Protein per serving: 30 grams
  • Flavors: Berry, Chocolate, Mocha, Peanut Butter, Vanilla
  • Third-party tested: NSF Certified for Sport

Best Tasting Vanilla Protein Powder


  • Protein type: Whey isolate
  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost: $2.10 per serving
  • Calories per serving: 110
  • Protein per serving: 26 grams
  • Flavors: Chocolate, Honey Cinnamon Peanut Butter, Mint Chocolate Chip, Strawberry, Vanilla
  • Third-party tested: Lief and Micro Quality Labs

Best Tasting Chocolate Protein Powder


  • Protein type: Whey protein isolate
  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost: $1.97 per serving
  • Calories per serving: 110
  • Protein per serving: 23 to 25 grams
  • Flavors: Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Strawberry, Vanilla
  • Third-party tested: No

Best Tasting Plant-Based Protein Powder


  • Protein type: Pea protein isolate, rice protein
  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost: $1.67 per serving
  • Calories per serving: 130 to 150
  • Protein per serving: 24 grams
  • Flavors: Chocolate, French Vanilla 
  • Third-party tested: Yes, by independent labs

Best Tasting Protein Powder for Weight Loss


  • Protein type: Whey protein concentrate
  • Number of servings: 10 to 200
  • Cost: $0.95 to $1.30 per serving
  • Calories per serving: 100
  • Protein per serving: 19 grams
  • Flavors: Birthday Cake, Chocolate, Chocolate Brownie, Chocolate Mint, Chocolate Smooth, Chocolate Stevia, Cinnamon Cereal, Fruity Cereal, Marshmallow Cereal, Mocha, Salted Caramel, Strawberry Cream, Unflavored, Vanilla, Vanilla Stevia, White Chocolate Peppermint
  • Third-party tested: No

Best Tasting Protein Powder for Women


  • Protein type: Pea protein
  • Number of servings: 15
  • Cost per serving: $2.66
  • Calories per serving: 115 
  • Protein per serving: 20 grams 
  • Flavors: Vanilla
  • Third-party tested: Yes

Best Tasting Whey Protein Powder


  • Protein type: Whey isolate
  • Number of servings: 30 to 78
  • Cost per serving: $1.54 to $2.00
  • Calories per serving: 100 to 130
  • Protein per serving: 21 to 24 grams
  • Flavors: Apple Pie, Banana Bread, Cinnamon Cereal, Dutch Chocolate, Birthday Cake, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Cocoa Cereal, Cookies & Cream, French Vanilla, Fruity Cereal, Honey Cereal, Mocha Cappucino, Pumpkin Pie, Salted Caramel, Strawberry Banana, Unflavored
  • Third-party tested: Labdoor

Best Tasting Casein Protein Powder


  • Protein type: Isolated Micellar Casein 
  • Number of servings: 29
  • Cost per serving: $1.38
  • Calories per serving: 110
  • Protein per serving: 25 grams 
  • Flavors: Chocolate Peanut Butter 
  • Third-party tested: Informed Sport

Best Tasting Low-Carb Protein Powder


  • Protein type: Whey isolate
  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost: $2.00 per serving
  • Calories per serving: 110
  • Protein per serving: 20 grams
  • Flavors: Mexican Chocolate, Vanilla
  • Third-party tested: Informed Sport


Which protein powder tastes the best?

Our Breaking Muscle team hands the title for best-tasting protein powder to Jacked Factory Authentic Iso. This is based on taste testing and comparing over 73 protein powder supplements. Spoiler alert: this is also one of the most affordable options we have tested, and it comes in eight stellar flavors. 

What are the top three protein powders?

After careful consideration and an in-depth internal testing process, we believe the top three protein powders are Legion Whey+, XWERKS Grow, and Kaged Casein. These three supplements consistently scored the highest for taste in every flavor option they offer. 

Is there a protein powder that doesn’t taste like anything?

Many brands offer “unflavored” protein powders, such as Legion Whey+ and Jacked Factory Authentic ISO. However, generally speaking, you won’t find a protein powder that tastes like truly nothing. Most will incorporate other ingredients, such as stevia or Himalayan rock salt, that can influence the taste. These options are still good for adding beneficial nutrients to coffee, muffin mix, cookie batter, or other foods without changing their original flavor profile. 


  1. Kadam BR, Ambadkar RK, Rathod KS, et al. Health benefits of whey – a brief review. Intern Journ of Livestock Res. 2018;8(5):31-49. doi: 10.5455/ijlr.20170411022323
  2. Devries MC, Phillips SM. Supplemental protein in support of muscle mass and health: advantage whey. Journ of Food Sci. 2015;80:8-15. doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.12802
  3. Foegeding EA, Davis JP, Doucet D, et al. Advances in modifying and understanding whey protein functionality. Trends in Food Sci & Tech. 2002;13(5):151-159. Doi: 10.1016/S0924-2244(02)00111-5
  4. Kamei Y, Hatazawa Y, Uchitomi R, et al. Regulation of skeletal muscle function by amino acids. Nutrients. 2020;12(1):261. doi: 10.3390/nu12010261
  5. Kurihra K. Umami the fifth basic taste: history of studies on receptor mechanisms and role as a food flavor. BioMed Res Intern. 2015. doi: 10.1155/2015/189402
  6. Cao X, Liao W, Wang S. Food protein-derived biocative peptides ofr the management of nutrition related chronic diseases. Adv in Food and Nutr Res. 2022;101:277-307. doi: 10.1016/bs.afnr.2022.04.004 
  7. Samal JRK, Samal IR . Protein supplements: pros and cons. Journ of Diet Supp. 2018;15(3):365-371. doi: 10.1080/19390211.2017.1353567
  8. Nieman DC, Zwetsloot KA, Simonson AJ, et al. Effects of whey and pea protein supplementation on post-eccentric exercise muscle damage: a randomized trial. Nutrients. 2020;12(8):2382. doi: 10.3390/nu12082382
  9. Lambers TT, Van den Bosch WG, Jong S. Fast and slow proteins: modulation of the gastric behavior of whey and casein in vitro. Food Dig. 2013;4:1-6. doi: 10.1007/s13228-012-0028-7
  10. Girgis CM, Clifton-Bligh RJ, Hamrick MW, et al. The roles of vitamin D in skeletal muscle: form, function, and metabolism. Endo Rev. 2013;34(1):33-83. doi: 10.1210/er.2012-1012
  11. Dangin M, Boirie Y, Guillet C, et al. Influence of the protein digestion rate on protein turnover in young and elderly subjects. J Nutr. 2002;132(10):3228S-33S. doi:10.1093/jn/131.10.3228S

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Shortly after switching the location of the 2024 CrossFit Games from Madison, Wisconsin to Fort Worth, Texas, CrossFit HQ has shifted gears yet again by making significant changes for the upcoming season. However, unlike the decision to host the sport’s preeminent event at Dickie’s Arena next year, choosing to overhaul the Adaptive and Age-Group divisions will likely be met with more criticism than excitement. 

On Oct. 10, 2023, CrossFit HQ delivered a press release detailing major changes for the 2024 season. 

“CrossFit is excited to announce three new partnerships that will help grow the CrossFit Games championship competition and create new opportunities to shine a spotlight on athletes across all divisions. WheelWOD Games, Pit Teen Throwdown, and Legends Championship will host the adaptive and age-group championships for the 2024 CrossFit Games season.

The change will dramatically increase the number of masters and teenage athletes competing in the finals, nearly double the number of divisions for adaptive athletes, and provide a chance for CrossFit to evolve its competition model to make the CrossFit Games internationally scalable in the future.” 

Although the partnerships will give more athletes a chance to participate, taking away the opportunity for competitors in the Adaptive and Age-Group divisions to share the same stage as the top Individual and Team performers in the championship round represents an obvious drawback.

Instead, qualifying Masters athletes (ages 35-65+) will move through the online Quarterfinals and Semifinals before advancing to the Legends Championship for an in-person Final. While the 2023 Legends Championship will take place in Tempe, Arizona from Dec. 7-10, it is unclear if the 2024 edition will happen in the same location. 

Athletes in the Teens division (ages 14-17) will follow the traditional CrossFit Games stages (Open, Quarterfinals, and Semifinals) before wrapping up their season at the Pit Teen Throwdown. The 2024 edition will still take place in Three Rivers, Michigan, which has hosted the annual fitness competition for several years. 

Per the CrossFit press release: “The Pit Teen Throwdown offers a highly competitive arena for world-class athletes to test their skill, strength, and stamina against their peers,” CrossFit HQ wrote in the press release. “Big names in the sport have competed in the Throwdown in the past such as 2023 Rookie of the Year Olivia Kerstetter and 2022’s second-Fittest Woman on Earth Mal O’Brien.” 

The 2023 NOBULL CrossFit Games, which took place in August, crowned several new champions in the Teen division, including:

  • Maria Granizo (14-15 Girls)
  • Jeremie Jourdan (14-15 Boys)
  • Lucy McGonigle (16-17 Girls)
  • Ty Jenkins (16-17 Boys)

Moving forward, though, talented youngsters like Granizo and Jourdan will have to settle for showcasing their strength, agility, and fitness at the Pit Teen Throwdown rather than at what should be a jam-packed Dickie’s Arena.

Meanwhile, the entire Adaptive athlete season will be run exclusively by WheelWOD, an organization that brings more than a decade of experience hosting annual competitions. The new partnership will not only expand the number of competitive divisions from eight to 15, but it will also allow athletes from all 15 to have a chance to advance to the in-person final.

The current Adaptive divisions include:

  • Vision
  • Intellectual
  • Seated With Hip Function
  • Seated Without Hip Function
  • Short Stature
  • Multi Extremity
  • Lower Extremity
  • Upper Extremity

Considering only three divisions (Multi Extremity, Lower Extremity, and Upper Extremity) moved on to the final at the most recent CrossFit Games, the new format should be viewed positively from a participation perspective — especially with WheelWOD offering additional divisions such as Sensory (which includes both vision and hearing) and more specific Upper and Lower Extremity categories as defined by an athlete’s “points of contact” with their relevant limbs.

With the 2023 WheelWOD Games taking place in Raleigh, North Carolina from Nov. 30-Dec. 3, Adaptive athletes can get a hint of what next year’s competition might look like. However, CrossFit HQ said the dates and location for 2024 will be shared at a later time.

Despite shifting directions in such considerable fashion, CrossFit General Manager of Sport and Education Dave Castro believes the changes “will benefit each division in significant ways, most importantly more than doubling qualifying spots for masters and teens and allowing every adaptive division a place at the in-person championship.” 

Only time will tell whether the athletes affected share the same sentiment. However, there’s little doubt that the 2024 CrossFit Games will look quite different, and after delivering substantial announcements in successive months, don’t be surprised if more changes are unveiled moving forward.

Featured Image: @crossfitgames / Instagram

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Concept2 created the original rowing ergometer in 1981 as a training tool for competitive athletes. It quickly became one of the best rowing machines for the athletic population, and thanks to CrossFit, it is an even more popular training device than ever.

During my years as a personal trainer, I used the Concept2 rower myself and for dozens of clients. Collectively, the Breaking Muscle staff also has decades of experience using this rower in their home gyms, CrossFit boxes, and other commercial gyms. We’re well-equipped to provide this in-depth Concept2 rower review and speak to its key features, pros, cons, specifications, and how it compares to other popular rowing machines.

Key Takeaways

  • The Concept2 rower, now called the RowErg, is the same machine as the Model D (the rower with a 14-inch seat height) and Model E (the rower with a 20-inch seat height). Concept2 changed the machine’s name in May 2021. The Model E rower has been discontinued. However, the RowErg is available with either a 14-inch seat height or a 20-inch seat height.
  • With a clean and effective design, the Concept2 Rower is engineered for smooth operation, easy maintenance, and long-lasting performance. This commercial-grade rowing machine features a nickel-plated steel chain, aluminum front legs, and steel rear legs to ensure a durable, long-lasting build. 
  • The Concept2 Rower comes with a PM5 performance monitor that tracks stats such as pace, strokes per minute, estimated calories burned, and watts (power output). The monitor also connects via Bluetooth to various apps, including ErgData.

Concept2 RowErg

  • Frame is made of heavy-duty aluminum
  • Ergonomic handlebar and seat
  • PM5 monitor comes with Bluetooth capabilities
  • Accomodates users up to 6’6 and 500 pounds
  • Comes with a limited five-year warranty

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Concept2 Rower Pros

  • The Concept2 Rower uses air resistance, which adjusts to your stroke rate and power. Air resistance also provides smoother action compared to magnetic and water-based rowers. I can attest to this, as I have used both air and magnetic rowers. 
  • The Concept2 can hold users up to 500 pounds. Other brands like NordicTrack, Peloton, and Hydrow can only accommodate users up to 250 to 375 pounds. 
  • You can quickly break down the rower using the quick-release feature or even mount it to the wall. Concept2 doesn’t sell a mounting tool for the rower, but the Rogue Fitness wall hanger is available for around $32.50.

Concept2 Rower Cons

  • Because it is an air rower, it can be loud. The harder you row, the louder the machine becomes. It might deter those who use it in their home gym and do not want to disrupt their family members or roommates.
  • The Concept2 RowErg costs around $990 before taxes and shipping. While cheaper than other rowers on the market with lots of high-end tech features (like touchscreen monitors and on-screen workout classes, which Concept2 doesn’t offer), it still might not be ideal for those looking for an ultra-budget-friendly machine.
  • The Concept2 rower is very long, reaching a total length of 96 inches (eight feet) when assembled. Those with limited workout space at home may need to look at more compact rowing machines.

Concept2 Rower Overview

The Concept2 rower is arguably the most popular rowing machine currently available that’s suitable for both home and commercial use. In 1981, Concept2 became the first brand to create an indoor rowing machine. Since then, it has become an iconic brand in the fitness industry. As a personal trainer who has worked in different commercial gyms such as Life Time Fitness and Anytime Fitness, I can attest to the ubiquitousness of the Concept2 Rower.

The Concept2 RowErg at Breaking Muscle's testing facility
The Concept2 RowErg set up at the Breaking Muscle testing facility

In CrossFit, the Concept2 rower is one of the preferred cardio machines for both casual and competitive athletes. CrossFit values the Concept2 rower because it offers a complete full-body workout, making it an effective tool for assessing overall fitness levels. It accommodates users up to 500 pounds, so it can be suitable for individuals of varying sizes and fitness levels. Plus, its sturdy construction and minimal maintenance requirements mean it can withstand heavy use in CrossFit boxes.

The Concept2 rowing machine features a nickel-plated steel chain, aluminum front legs, and steel rear legs. While its price of just under $1,000 places it in the mid-range of rowing machine options, it offers exceptional value for its performance and durability. It operates on air resistance, so it replicates the feel of open-water rowing and matches your intensity as you row.

Who Should Buy a Concept2 Rower

  • This indoor rower could be good for those who want a full-body workout to test both muscular and cardiovascular endurance.
  • The functionality of the Concept2 rower is great for those who are especially into CrossFit-style training. Concept2 is the preferred brand for rowing machines in the CrossFit community.
  • The Concept2 RowErg could be an excellent low-impact cardio machine for those who suffer from joint pain. Unlike running, rowing doesn’t place a huge amount of stress on the knees, hips, and ankles.

Who Should Not Buy a Concept2 Rower

  • The Concept2 rower might not be ideal for those who are worried about noise. This is an air resistance rower. The harder you row, the more air moves around the flywheel, which makes the machine louder.
  • Even though the Concept2 RowErg offers a 20-inch-high seat, individuals with severe mobility restrictions may still find it too low.
  • Using this rower could be tough for those with limited space. When fully assembled, the Concept2 rower machine is 96 inches long. Depending on your setup, you might not have enough room to fit the erg comfortably and work out safely.

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Concept2 Rower In-Depth Review

The review below is based on insights I’ve gathered through my own use of the Concept2 RowErg and feedback I’ve received from the Breaking Muscle staff, which comprises CrossFitters, certified personal trainers, and strength and conditioning coaches. We then used a proprietary scoring system to rank the machine on a scale of one to five in various categories, such as cost, the quality of the materials, tracking capabilities, and assembly.


The Concept2 RowErg with the 14-inch seat height costs around $990 before taxes and shipping. If you opt for the 20-inch seat height, it will cost around $1,155. While the price could be a drawback for anyone on a super strict budget, we still gave it 4.8 stars. The overall value is high due to the machine’s commercial-quality construction and durability. Also, this rower machine is much cheaper than other options, like the Peloton or Hydrow rowers, which are double the price (or more).

Materials, Build, and Construction Quality

The Concept2 rower consists of aluminum front legs, steel rear legs, a nickel-plated steel chain, an aluminum monorail, and a stainless steel seat track.

Due to this heavy-duty construction, we rated the build a 4.9 out of 5. Based on my experience with the Concept2 rower, it can take on heavy abuse. Even in commercial gym settings, it is so strong it may never have to be replaced.

A blonde woman rowing on the Concept2 rower
A Breaking Muscle team member training on the Concept2 rower

Amanda Dvorak, Breaking Muscle’s Reviews Editor who started CrossFit in 2015 and now uses a Concept2 rower in her garage gym, can attest to its durability. She mentioned that even after banging it on her squat rack accidentally (on multiple occasions) while moving it around her garage, she’s never noticed a difference in how it looks or performs. The CrossFit gyms she’s trained at previously also never had any major issues with these rowers, despite them being used six to seven times a day for years.

Delivery and Assembly

After the erg arrived at our testing facility, our team ranked the delivery and assembly process a 5 out of 5. There was no damage upon delivery.

I have built many pieces of home gym equipment, including the Stamina Elite rower I use at home. I can honestly say that one of the biggest issues with all of my purchases is that it takes forever to build them. The Concept2 rower, however, only required a few minutes of light effort from our testing staff before they were able to hop on and start rowing.

Amanda Dvorak, an editor on the Breaking Muscle team, agrees with the product testing staff’s assessment. There was also no damage to her machine when she received it at home, and she and her husband were able to put the erg together in around 10 minutes.


The Concept2 rower’s performance is exactly what you’d expect from a commercial-grade piece of equipment. The seat slides over the monorail effortlessly, and the chain doesn’t snag if you maintain it properly by oiling it after every 50 hours of use.

Subscription Options

It’s hard to give the Concept2 rower a rating on subscription options because it does not provide any. This is one of the drawbacks to this device, as other products like the Peloton or Hydrow rower provide subscriptions for access to live and on-demand classes. All the Concept2 offers is a PM5 monitor. As I’ll discuss below, it tracks a lot of information, but it’s not as fancy as a high-tech monitor that lets you stream classes.

One good thing about the lack of subscription options is that it can save you money. The subscriptions you’ll find on Hydrow, Peloton, or NordicTrack rowers, for example, can cost $30 or more per month. It’s an added cost you have to consider when buying a rowing machine.

To make up for the lack of subscription options, the Concept2 row erg includes a device holder that can hold your smart device. You can then stream workouts from an app of your choice — but keep in mind that this may be an extra monthly cost.


Our team rated the ergonomics a 4.5 out of 5. The handle features a 10-degree bend to allow for a natural grip, and it’s covered with molded rubber to help absorb sweat. However, it can cause skin discomfort, especially for new rowers.

Amanda Dvorak, Breaking Muscle Reviews Editor, hadn’t used a rower in over a year before she bought a Concept2 erg for her home gym. Despite already having calluses on her palms from lifting weights, her hands blistered frequently once she started rowing again.

However, now that Amanda has been using the rower at least once a week, her tailbone discomfort has lessened, and her hands no longer blister. If you have similar experiences when you first start rowing, we think it’s safe to say that you’ll adjust to the rower after a couple of months of consistent use. If not, you can wear workout gloves or buy a padded seat cushion online to make your rowing experience more pleasant.

Foot Pedals

The pedals accommodate a wide range of foot sizes. We’ve seen users with size 13 feet be able to use the rower comfortably. The pedals don’t pivot like they do on other rowers, such as the NordicTrack RW600. However, they are designed to help you achieve a vertical shin angle for the catch phase of the row (when your knees are bent, your arms are straight, and the seat is closer to the front of the machine). This is especially beneficial for rowers with poor ankle mobility.

A close-up of the foot pedals on the Concept2 rower
A close-up of the foot pedals on the Concept2 RowErg

Heart Rate Monitoring

I would rate the heart rate monitoring capabilities of this rowing machine a 4 out of 5, as it doesn’t offer a direct way of monitoring heart rate. The only way to do so is to have a compatible device to sync with using ANT+ and Bluetooth, such as an Apple watch or a digital chest strap.

PM5 Monitor, Display, and Stats Tracking

While the monitor may appear simple, it provides a ton of data tracking capabilities. Compared to the older monitor (the PM4), the PM5 provides Bluetooth connection capabilities to track your workouts. Overall, we rated the monitor itself 4.7 out of 5 stars and the display 4 out of 5.

The PM5 monitor tracks a range of metrics including time, pace, distance, strokes per minute (SPM), watts, calories burned, and heart rate (with a compatible device).

We love its ability to save all of our workout history, so we can see how we’re progressing and improving over time. And, as mentioned, it can connect to potentially 30 different compatible apps. ErgData is a favorite amongst the Breaking Muscle staff because it allows us to create custom workouts, program the Concept2 Workout of the Day into the machine, and more. However, you can also use other apps like Regatta, RowHero, and Fiit.

Despite the impressive amount of information the monitor can show, the actual display is pretty basic. The monitor is also quite small, measuring just seven inches diagonally. The size pales in comparison to the NordicTrack RW900, for example, which has a 22-inch monitor.

One of the redeeming qualities, though, is the backlit display, which didn’t exist on previous iterations of the monitor. Breaking Muscle Editor Amanda Dvorak says it’s one of her favorite things about the PM5 monitor. She trains early in the morning and hates turning on bright lights during her workouts. The backlit display makes it easier for her to read the screen when she’s working out before sunrise.

Included Workouts

For the included workouts, we rank this feature a 4.8 out of 5. The Concept2 rower comes with multiple preset workouts, such as distance training for 2,000 meters or interval training modes with 500 meters of work and one minute of rest. The preset options are great for beginner rowers who may not know how to get started or advanced athletes who want to follow structured programs.

Bluetooth Connectivity

The Concept2 rower’s PM5 monitor supports Bluetooth connectivity to compatible heart rate monitors. You can also sync workout data to Concept2’s ErgData app or dozens of other apps to track your workout history.

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Concept2 Rower Specs

When considering the Concept2 rower, it’s important to understand the specifications and features that make it stand out. From the basic dimensions to the electrical requirements, we’ll break down the key details that define it and set it apart in the world of rowing machines.

Rower Type

The Concept2 rower is an air rower. The air resistance works through the use of the handles and the machine’s fanwheel. When you pull the handle, the flywheel traps air inside to provide resistance. The resistance then adjusts to your stroke rate and power output.

Based on our experience, air rowers emulate the feeling of rowing on open water more authentically than magnetic rowers. This is one of the many reasons why professional rowers often complete their indoor training on a Concept2 erg.

Overall Dimensions

The Concept2 rower is 96 inches long, 24 inches wide, and either 14 or 20 inches high. The height depends on whether you buy the standard model or the one with taller legs.

Track Length

The track length, also known as the monorail length, is 54 inches. This length helps to accommodate athletes up to 6’6.

Seat Height

The RowErg comes with a 14-inch seat height. If you think this will be too low for you, you have the option of purchasing an erg with taller legs that elevate the seat to 20 inches. However, the taller rower changes the cost from about $990 to about $1,155.

Weight Capacity

The weight capacity of the Concept2 rower is 500 pounds, which is well above other rowing machines like the ones from NordicTrack and Peloton. All three rower models from NordicTrack have a weight capacity of 250 pounds, while the Peloton rower has a weight limit of 300 pounds.

Resistance Levels

The Concept2 rower offers variable resistance. The resistance is dependent on the forcefulness of each row. This is different from magnetic rowers, which provide fixed resistance levels, and water rowers, whose resistance levels change based on how much water is in a water tank attached to the machine.

Concept2 rowers also utilize a damper setting. The damper is an adjustment that allows you to provide “more” or “less” resistance based on the availability of airflow. The damper ranges from one to 10 — one means the flywheel is completely closed, and 10 means it is fully open. When you increase the damper setting, you open the damper and allow more air into the flywheel. A higher damper setting results in a faster deceleration of the flywheel, making the rowing motion harder to perform.

Electrical Requirements

This rower machine takes two D-cell batteries, which are included with your purchase. There’s no need to situate the rower near an outlet, so you can move it around any room in your house or take it outdoors (something the Breaking Muscle staff members love to do when the weather permits).

Noise Level

The Concept2 rower can be loud because it is an air resistance rower. The rower recruits air from the fan flywheel, and the more air it recruits, the louder the sound becomes. An online review indicates that the Concept2 rower has a decibel level between 67 and 74, slightly quieter than a vacuum cleaner.

Amanda Dvorak, one of Breaking Muscle’s editors, often brings her rower indoors when her garage gets too cold in the winter. Her husband, who’s a light sleeper and usually still in bed when Amanda works out in the morning, has claimed that the noise doesn’t bother him at all. However, Amanda keeps the rower on the first level of her home, while her husband sleeps in their bedroom on the second level. If you live in a one-story home or a small apartment, the noise may be more bothersome to other people.


The Concept2 RowErg features two roller wheels at the front for portability. There is no handle on the back, but since the machine weighs just 57 to 68 pounds (depending on whether you get the standard height or the tall legs), it’s easy to place your hand under the monorail to lift it up.

The rower also breaks down into two pieces if you don’t have enough room to leave it fully assembled all the time. The home gym owners on the Breaking Muscle staff do this frequently and note that it takes just a few seconds to disassemble the rail from the flywheel piece and reconnect them again when needed.

A woman breaking down the Concept2 rower into two pieces
Breaking down the Concept2 rower at the Breaking Muscle testing facility


Every Concept 2 rower includes a five-year warranty for the frame and a two-year warranty for all other components, which we consider pretty standard for the industry. Some rowers we’ve tested, like the Echelon Row-S, only have a 12-month warranty. However, other rowing machines, like the CITYROW GoMax, offer a five-year frame warranty like Concept2 does.

Concept2 Rower vs. NordicTrack Rower

When comparing the Concept2 rower and the NordicTrack rowers, several key differences stand out. While the Concept2 RowErg has a simple display with no video classes, NordicTrack rowers come with interactive monitors. These monitors range from 10 to 22 inches and offer instructor-led live and on-demand classes. These programs can be engaging and motivating for users who enjoy structured workouts and following along with an instructor.

To access this library of workouts, you will need an iFit subscription for about $39 a month. You don’t necessarily need the subscription to use NordicTrack rowers, but you will be very limited in using all the features of your interactive screen.

Both brands’ rowers also use air resistance, which provides a smooth and dynamic rowing experience. However, NordicTrack rowers add an extra layer of versatility with 26 digital resistance levels. Concept2 doesn’t have traditional resistance levels; the resistance depends on how much air you allow into the flywheel based on your damper setting and how hard you row.

In terms of size, the Concept2 rower is 94 inches long, while NordicTrack rowers range from 82 to 87 inches long. The Concept2 rower excels in strength, as it supports users of up to 500 pounds. This is twice the weight capacity of the NordicTrack rowers.

The Concept2 rower also comes at a more affordable price than the NordicTrack RW700 and RW900, which cost around $1,499 and $1,999, respectively. However, as of this writing, the NordicTrack RW600 is on sale for around $900, about $90 cheaper than the Concept2 rower.

NordicTrack RW600

Dimensions: 87.02″ L x 22.0″ W x 47.24″ H

Storage: Folds in half for vertical storage

Resistance: Air and magnetic

Weight capacity: 250 pounds

Display: 10-inch smart HD touchscreen

Available programming: Live and on-demand workouts, scenic rows

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Concept2 Rower vs. Peloton

One of the first noticeable differences between the Concept2 rower and the Peloton is the interactive monitor screen. Peloton’s rowers feature a sizable 23.8-inch swivel interactive monitor, which allows you to engage in video-led sessions. However, accessing these classes requires a monthly subscription fee of around $44.

This is very different from the PM5 monitor provided by Concept2, which doesn’t have video-led sessions or subscription requirements. If interactive workouts and access to a vast library of training content are your priorities, the Peloton rowers might be more appealing.

Both rowers share similar dimensions, ensuring a consistent rowing experience in terms of space requirements and overall setup. However, the Concept2 rower has a remarkable weight capacity of up to 500 pounds. The Peloton rower, in contrast, has a lower weight capacity of 300 pounds, which could limit its suitability for individuals with greater body weight.

In terms of price, Concept2 is the more budget-friendly option. The Peloton rower costs around $2,995, nearly three times the cost of the Concept2 erg.

Peloton Rower

Dimensions: 7’10” L x 24” W

Storage: Stores upright with the Upright Wall Anchor (included with purchase)

Resistance: Electronically controlled

Weight capacity: 300 pounds

Display: 23.8-inch 1080p HD touchscreen

Available programming: Live and on-demand workouts, scenic rows

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Concept2 Rower vs. Hydrow

Another great brand of rowing machines is Hydrow. Hydrow’s original rower and the more compact Wave rower offer an enjoyable ride due to their use of magnetic resistance. Like Peloton, Hydrow rowers have built-in monitors for streaming engaging, motivating workout classes.

Hydrow’s advanced technology and immersive experience come with a higher price tag. Their rowers start at just under $1,900. The Concept2 rower offers a more budget-friendly option starting at about $990. In order to access Hydrow’s library of workouts, you also need to pay a monthly subscription of around $42.

Like Concept2, Hydrow’s rowers offer Bluetooth connectivity, allowing you to connect to heart rate monitors and sync with fitness apps. In terms of dimensions, the Hydrow rower measures 86 inches in length, 25 inches in width, and 47 inches in height, making it slightly more compact than the Concept2 rower. It also has a lighter weight capacity of 375 pounds. This doesn’t come near the strength of the Concept2 rower, which has a weight capacity of 500 pounds.

Hydrow Wave Rower

Dimensions: 80″ L x 19″ W x 43″ H

Storage: Stores upright

Resistance: Magnetic

Weight capacity: 375 pounds

Display: 16-inch HD touchscreen

Available programming: Live and on-demand workouts, scenic rows

Check Price

Concept2 Rower Customer Reviews

On four sites, including Amazon, the average rating for the Concept2 rower is 4.8 out of 5 stars. Many people praised it for its durability, quick setup, and storage capabilities. 

Despite all of the praise, some customers did note a few drawbacks. A few customers found the noise level concerning for at-home workouts. Others also noted the limitation of the PM5 screen and would prefer to have a larger monitor that provided instructional videos instead.

Final Verdict: Is the Concept2 Rower Worth It?

When you consider all the features of a top-tier rower, the Concept2 rower is one of the best. Concept2 has built a solid reputation of quality and dependability with competitive rowers, the CrossFit community, and home gym users who want equipment that won’t stop working after a few months.

Through an extensive analysis by our expert team, it’s clear that the Concept2 rower can be well worth the investment. It provides a smooth, realistic rowing experience. It is easy to build and should last for years, especially in a home gym. Knowing that this product exists in many homes and multiple commercial gyms, it’s hard to find another rower that can push the Concept2 rower off the top of the podium.


Is the Concept2 rowing machine worth the money?

The Concept2 rowing machine is worth the money, as this piece of fitness equipment provides a smooth, authentic rowing experience. Maintenance is easy, and the machine is built to last for years. This will likely be the only time you will have to purchase a rowing machine.

Why are Concept2 rowers so expensive?

The Concept2 rower is expensive due to its tough and durable design. It includes a nickel-plated steel chain, aluminum front legs, and steel rear legs to ensure a sturdy and long-lasting build.

Is Concept2 rowing any good?

The Concept2 rower is arguably the best rowing machine available. This brand pioneered the first RowErg that was built by rowers, for rowers, to provide a full-body, low-impact workout. It’s been used by casual gym-goers, CrossFitters, Olympians, and elite-level athletes. It is definitely a good product that many consider the gold standard.

Can you lose weight with a Concept2 rower?

Using a rowing machine like the Concept2 rower is a great way to lose weight. Because it offers a full-body workout, it has the ability to expend more calories than other forms of cardiovascular training. Keep in mind, though, that weight loss will also depend on your diet, your activity levels outside of the gym, and other lifestyle factors.

The post Concept2 Rower Review (2023) appeared first on Breaking Muscle.

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What is 12-3-30? It’s not an important date in gym history from almost 100 years ago. It’s a social media-based fitness phenomenon. Simply, it requires using a treadmill set at a specific incline, moving at a specific speed, for a specific length of time.

People in gym on treadmills
Credit: Estrada Anton / Shutterstock

It’s an incredibly straightforward approach that has “fitfluencers” and followers sweating buckets as they supposedly lose weight using the workout protocol. However, fitness trends can be hit or miss. And, given the general state of social media and its low barrier of entry, there are usually more misses than hits.

It’s time to review the pros and cons of the 12-3-30 workout to find out if it’s a temporary trend or if it could become a time-tested routine.

The 12-3-30 Workout

Why 12, 3, and 30?

When it comes to fitness, numbers can be relatively arbitrary. The 12-3-30 routine can work, but if you set the incline to 11% and the speed to 3.2 mph, and you only do the workout for 27 minutes, it would not make much difference and you could expect nearly identical results.

So while specific numbers can be useful for getting trends to catch on, and they can be a convenient way to keep things standard for everyone in the gym, there is no particular magic about “12-3-30.”

Person on treadmill in home gym
Credit: LightField Studios / Shutterstock

Then what’s the merit of the 12-3-30 program? Well, the steep incline and relatively quick pace make it challenging enough, and it’s long enough in duration, that you’ll almost certainly break a sweat and burn a fair amount of calories.

The significant incline adds a level of intensity that translates well to improving your hiking and endurance abilities. The speed is fast enough to push most people, but generally not “too fast” to trigger major fatigue which might cause you to end the workout early. The 30-minute time limit encourages you to see the workout through, while also getting an appreciable number of steps.

As beneficial as it could be, it’s important to remember that you can and should tailor it to your individual needs, which will be explained in-depth later in the article. The exact programming numbers are less important than simply getting through a tough cardio workout for an effective length of time.

12-3-30 for Fat Loss

Workouts like 12-3-30 can be great in aiding fat loss. You will see lots of progress photos online crediting the workout plan. The fundamental mechanism for fat loss is always the same for every individual — achieving a consistent caloric deficit. If you perform a daily cardio workout that burns a lot of extra calories, it can naturally be great for fat loss.

However, not everybody is guaranteed to lose fat with this plan. For example, if you are inconsistent with training, you might not actually be burning that many calories each week. The same applies if you “water down” the workout too much. While the particular “12-3-30” numbers don’t matter that much, if you devolve the workout to something closer to 6-2-15, it’s not even close to the same workout anymore. Remember, the workout needs to be challenging and it needs to be done for a decent amount of time.

Furthermore, fat loss isn’t always certain because, while you might burn plenty of calories during a 12-3-30 workout, it still might not be enough to make up for the calories you’re eating. Regardless of your training program, your nutrition needs to be designed for fat loss if you want to see results.

There is a massive overeating problem when it comes to the classic Western diet and trendy social media workouts are not going to solve that. (1) As cliché as it may sound, you can’t outrun or, in this case, out-incline-walk your diet if you’re taking in too many calories.

The Drawbacks of 12-3-30

The main drawback of 12-3-30 is, frankly, that it is simply a cardio workout. Some fitness influencers actually go so far as to claim the treadmill routine is “all you have to do” to lose weight. But it’s not.

This brings up a massive issue. Not only do many people face an overconsumption issue when it comes to calories, but there is also a lack of strength training in many populations. Gone are the days where lifting weights is only for bodybuilders and powerlifters.

Long-haired person in gym holding barbell for front squat
Credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock

Countless anecdotal evidence (from long before 12-3-30 existed) along with abundant scientific research all demonstrate the same thing: optimal fat loss and significant body composition change requires strength training. (2)

Strength training is the only way to provide the stimulus your body needs to retain lean muscle mass. This is important because, when you’re in a caloric deficit, you are deliberately burning more energy than your body is taking in. This makes your body want to “eat away” your tissues — muscle and stored body fat alike — to fuel its basic function.

If your body doesn’t have the ability to hang on to muscle tissue, which is stimulated through strength training, you will lose a combination of body fat and muscle tissue. This is why some people don’t end up looking “lean” or defined when they lose weight. They simply look “skinnier,” saggy, or even frail. Furthermore, losing muscle reduces your metabolism and makes your bones weaker. (3)(4)

While seeing the number on the scale go down is often a good thing, you want that reduced body weight to be primarily from body fat, not lean muscle. Muscle retention requires a foundation of strength training. This is especially true for leaner and more trained individuals who are more prone to muscle loss, due to beginning with relatively lower body fat levels.

Person in gym on treadmill
Credit: LightField Studios / Shutterstock

If you’re currently at a relatively heavier body weight or if you’re new to fitness, you might be able to get away with solely doing 12-3-30 without muscle loss… for a little while. Eventually, though, everybody benefits from strength training.

This is not so much a knock on the 12-3-30 workout plan, as much as it’s a comment on how it’s being “marketed” or widely promoted. For the best overall and long-term results, using 12-3-30 as your only form of exercise is not an effective plan.

The look that you are likely after will require you to lose fat while retaining precious muscle tissue, so let’s talk about how to get there without throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Tailoring 12-3-30 to Your Goals

The textbook approach to 12-3-30 can be a productive cardio workout. It can help you burn some calories while improving general cardiovascular health and endurance. Another plus is that it’s not so intense that you can’t watch YouTube videos or pay attention to a podcast during the workout. Those kinds of strategic distractions can make a half-hour go by quickly.

However, it’s important to remember that you don’t need to stick exactly to the 12-3-30 prescription. That incline, speed, and duration could be pretty hard for beginners, so start slightly lower, slower, and/or shorter before gradually working your way up.

gray-haired person using treadmill in gym
Credit: YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV / Shutterstock

And please, for the love of all things good, do not make the 12-3-30 workout the foundation of your exercise plan. Many fitness trends are cardio-based, which will have some merit, but no matter how trendy they might seem, they don’t trump the foundations of strength training and proper nutrition.

So, while 12-3-30 can be simple enough for almost anyone to start, it’s ultimately a supplemental training method. The base of a fat loss plan should revolve around weight training and a good diet.

This means you should be lifting weights three to five days per week before worrying about tacking on any trendy cardio workouts. But, once you do add a plan like 12-3-30 (or something like 8-2-25, to get started), you might boost fat loss because it can burn quite a bit of calories for some people.

If you’re not finding measurable success on your plan after a few weeks, it’s OK. It simply means you need to reassess your nutrition. It is a reminder that strength training triggers muscle retention, but nutrition triggers your fat loss, and any clever cardio programming will always be, at best, an accessory to all that.

And if you simply don’t have time for 12-3-30, that’s OK, too. Despite the viral popularity, it’s not the only option for cardio training. You can do a “condensed” version for just 15 minutes with a higher incline or faster speed to make up for abbreviated time. Or you can try a different approach like a high intensity interval workout.

The Final Verdict

12-3-30 isn’t necessarily a fad. Using a treadmill-based workout that’s a challenging intensity for a significant duration can be effective. But, like all trends, it needs context. It may seem intriguing and tempting to hear about losing fat with a simple, straightforward workout, especially as you see already fit influencers following the plan.

It’s appealing to think that fat loss is as simple as getting on a machine for X incline at Y speed for Z time and results will just roll in. But the physiological foundations remain the same.

No matter your chosen workout, you need to be in a caloric deficit by managing your nutrition and, to ensure that deficit strips away primarily body fat while retaining lean muscle, you will need to strength train consistently.

If 12-3-30 has caught your eye, consider it as one part of an overall fat loss program. Don’t hang your fat loss hopes on one workout just because it has a high follower count on socials.


  1. Kopp W. (2019). How Western Diet And Lifestyle Drive The Pandemic Of Obesity And Civilization Diseases. Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity : targets and therapy, 12, 2221–2236.
  2. Bellicha, A., van Baak, M. A., Battista, F., Beaulieu, K., Blundell, J. E., Busetto, L., Carraça, E. V., Dicker, D., Encantado, J., Ermolao, A., Farpour-Lambert, N., Pramono, A., Woodward, E., & Oppert, J. M. (2021). Effect of exercise training on weight loss, body composition changes, and weight maintenance in adults with overweight or obesity: An overview of 12 systematic reviews and 149 studies. Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, 22 Suppl 4(Suppl 4), e13256.
  3. Kim, G., & Kim, J. H. (2020). Impact of Skeletal Muscle Mass on Metabolic Health. Endocrinology and metabolism (Seoul, Korea), 35(1), 1–6.
  4. Bettis, T., Kim, B. J., & Hamrick, M. W. (2018). Impact of muscle atrophy on bone metabolism and bone strength: implications for muscle-bone crosstalk with aging and disuse. Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA, 29(8), 1713–1720.

Featured Image: Khakimullin Aleksandr / Shutterstock

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girl playing on playground monkey barsAnimal moves are great way to “trick” your child into exercising, building strength, improving mobility, and getting a great workout. The key is that rather than force exercise kids can have fun walking like a duck or instead of doing box jumps they can do frog jumps.

However, we are not quadrupeds or amphibians or water fowl—we are humans with completely different anatomies than the animals we mimic. Therefore our animal moves aren’t exactly the same as the animals who actually perform them. They might look even different if you’re an adult practicing animal movements for mobility and strength. For kids though, here are my ten favorite animal moves.

Duck Walk

To perform the duck walk, sit in a full squat with heels down and feet angling out 8 to 15%. While staying in the squat position, walk. One cue to maintain proper technique is to ensure your head doesn’t bob up and down. Aim to keep your head level as you duck walk. This is an excellent exercise for quad strength and hip mobility.

Bear Crawl

A bear crawl is straightforward. Start on all fours and move on your hands and feet, keeping your back straight and parallel with the ground. Then, crawl contralaterally, which means moving your right arm with your left foot and your left arm with your right foot—opposite arm and leg moving together. As you become comfortable, try crawling forward, backward, to the right, and to the left. Challenge yourself further by crawling upstairs and downstairs or uphill both backward and forward. This movement is an ideal general warm-up for an exercise day as it gets your shoulders firing and engages your core. One thing to consider is doing five minutes of bear crawls a day around your house. Just accumulate five minutes daily, and you will feel more limber than you ever thought possible.

Bunny Hops

Squat down on your heels and lightly place your hands on the floor in front of you for balance. Hop forward a foot or two without fully standing up, always maintaining that squatting position. Allow your hands to touch the floor, more as a reference point than as a base of support. Use this exercise to build strength in the squat’s bottom position.

Gorilla Walk

Begin in a position similar to the bunny hop, but with feet slightly wider and more weight on the hands. To move in the gorilla walk, place most of the weight on your arms and catapult your lower body forward. Imagine being a silverback gorilla vaulting through the jungle on your massive knuckles.

Kangaroo Hop

This is similar to the bunny hop, but there’s no arm involvement. It’s all about the quads and legs. Keep your torso more upright and hop along. You can also achieve a bit more hip extension on the jump, making it feel like more of a leap.

Backwards Snake Crawl

Lay down on your back and cross your arms. Move your hips and push off with your feet to crawl backward, pulling with your shoulder blades. This movement closely mimics a snake crawl. The key is to minimize limb use and rely mainly on your torso’s gyration.

Alligator Crawl

For the alligator crawl, start in a low plank position, as if you’re at the bottom of a push-up, with weight on your hands and toes. Keep your belly and chest just above the ground and crawl. Start slowly, then try speeding up as you get the hang of it. This crawl might be one of the most challenging ones and is excellent for building isometric arm, tricep strength, and core tension.

Frog Jump

The frog jump starts in a full squat. From there, jump as high and far as you can, landing back in a squat, then repeat. Ensure you maintain technical integrity; it’s not a race. Each jump should represent maximal output with perfect technique. If you begin to feel tired and notice sloppy technique, stop the exercise. This jump is excellent for peak power output. If you continue frog jumps into your 40s, 50s, or even older, you’ll be in a good position for long-term fitness.

Monkey Bars (Two Ways)

There are a couple ways to do the monkey bars.

  • Bent arms: You can muscle your way across, keeping your arms flexed/bent as you pull yourself across from bar to bar. This is the fastest way to traverse the bars, but it’s also very hard on your arms. A great bicep workout.
  • Straight arms: You can also swing with straight arms, using the momentum of your swinging legs and torso to carry you from bar to bar. This isn’t about arm strength, rather it’s predicated on being in rhythm and having a strong enough grip and stable shoulder girdle to support you going the distance.

Crab Walk

Sit on the ground with your legs stretched out in front of you. From that position, place your hands and feet flat on the ground and lift yourself up so your body is no longer touching. Keeping your hips elevated, walk around forward, backward, and sideways. Always move contra laterally. Right hand, left foot. Left hand, right foot.

How to Use Animal Moves

Kids can use animal moves at any point in the day, but if you’re wondering when best to incorporate them take a look at the below suggestions:

  • A morning routine: Every morning, do 30 seconds to a minute of each of the animal moves. It’s a great way to start the day and get some movement going and blood flowing.
  • Microworkouts: Every couple hours or so, do a minute or two of animal moves. Use them to break up sitting on the couch for extended amounts of time or better encourage them while kids are watching TV.
  • Warmups: Animal moves are great for warming up before a more intense activity. If your kid plays soccer duck walks, alligator walks, and frog jumps. If they play a racket sport try bear crawls or straight arm monkey bars. The point of a warmup is to increase body temperature, elevate the heart rate, and mobilize the targeted muscles and joints. Animal moves are great for all that.

Animal moves are a great way to have fun, build strength and mobility, and increase athleticism. Plus, they’re not just for kids, they’re great exercises for kids too. Thanks for reading, everyone. Take care.


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Six months after suffering a scary setback that could have easily sidelined him for the rest of the competitive season, Charles Griffen showed the power of perseverance by completing his comeback story in championship fashion.

On Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023, Griffen officially clinched a qualifying spot in the 2023 Mr. Olympia contest by outperforming the rest of the Men’s Open division at the 2023 Legion Sports Fest Pro in Reno, Nevada.

With the Mr. Olympia contest — the biggest bodybuilding show of the year — scheduled for Nov. 2-5, the Legion Sports Fest Pro provided a pathway for hopeful contenders to secure some of the final few spots in the lineup.

Not only did Griffen ensure he’ll have a chance to wash away the memories of a 14th-place finish at the 2022 Olympia, but he did so despite dealing with the effects of a serious injury he sustained during a chest training session earlier this year.

The Minnesota native made social media waves back in April 2023 with a video that highlighted how everything can change in a split-second when heavy weights are involved. Griffen’s Instagram post showed him injuring his left pectoral muscle as he prepared to perform an incline dumbbell press with a pair of 170-pound (77-kilogram) dumbbells.

Even after sustaining a potentially career-threatening injury, he did not undergo surgery to repair the grade II tear. Facing a four- to six-week recovery period from the partial tendon tear, Griffen didn’t let the mishap break his physical or mental fortitude. Instead, the injury set the stage for a furious comeback that culminated in a clutch victory with Olympia-bound ramifications. 

What made his first-place finish at the Legion Sports Fest Pro even more impressive was the fact he earned a unanimous stamp of approval from the judges despite having a visibly torn pec. In a sport that values both muscle density and symmetry, Griffen’s win spoke volumes about his complete physique and elite conditioning.

Ultimately, his monstrous quads, well-developed back, and bulging biceps put him above the rest of a crowded field that included John Jewett, who will join Griffen at the ’23 Olympia in Orlando, FL to compete in the 212 division. Jewett’s performance in Reno certainly turned heads, as he earned a unanimous second-place finish in his Men’s Open debut.

Although it looked like Griffen’s victory brought some finality to the Olympia lineup, that didn’t exactly prove to be the case. Less than 24 hours after Griffen secured the last qualifying spot, Brett “The Butcher” Wilkin officially withdrew from the 2023 Mr. Olympia due to recent digestive issues which caused significant and unexpected weight loss.

With Wilkin, Mamdouh “Big Ramy” Elssbiay, and 2023 Toronto Pro Supershow winner Iain Valliere all backing out for various reasons, the Men’s Open division lineup now features: 

Griffen faces an arduous road to finish ahead of some big-name competitors with big-time physiques. With top contenders like 2022 Men’s Open runner-up Derek Lunsford, 2023 Arnold Classic winner Samson Dauda, and 2019 Mr. Olympia Brandon Curry all vying to take down reigning champion Hadi Choopan, it will be fascinating to see where Griffen places following a 14th-place showing a year ago and an Olympia debut of 13th in 2018. 

Then again, with all the adversity he’s had to overcome in 2023, the three-time IFBB Pro League champion has already shown he’s capable of winning an uphill battle. 

Featured Image: ProStudio1 / Instagram

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Greens powders have received a lot of attention over the past few years. As the push for healthy eating continues, searching for the best greens powder supplement can quickly become a daunting task. Most greens powders have over 25 ingredients total, and they all offer different benefits.

As a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN), I am often asked about the benefits of supplementing with greens powders. I always recommend that my clients still consume whole fruits and vegetables. However, if they want to add a greens powder, I encourage them to do their due diligence and research the supplement to ensure it aligns with their nutrition goals. Lucky for you, I have compiled my research on our top nine picks for the best greens powders around. 

Medical disclaimer: This article is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. For health advice, contact a licensed healthcare provider.

How We Chose the Best Greens Powder

Greens powders flood the supplement market now, and they all claim to support various health goals. It is important to be mindful of the brand you roll with and ensure the product you choose contains high-quality ingredients.

To prevent you from wasting your time and money, our Breaking Muscle product review team carefully vets the products we review. We have tested nearly 40 greens powders and ranked them based on flavor, texture, added nutrients, cost, formulation, and any unwanted side effects. After scoring the products on a scale of one to five for each category, we assigned them an overall score and used it to create the list below.

Our Top Picks for the Best Greens Powder

Best Greens Powder Overall: Athletic Greens AG1


  • Number of servings: 30 to 60
  • Cost per serving: Starts at $2.48
  • Key highlights: 75 vitamins, minerals, and whole-food-sourced ingredients
  • Potential benefits: Can support immune, digestive, and brain health; promote stronger hair and nails; and help you feel more energized

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  • Combination of prebiotics and probiotics to support gut nutrient absorption 
  • Transparent and detailed ingredient list
  • Meets more than the daily recommended amount of vitamin C and zinc – helping to boost the immune system


  • Difficult to find product reviews on their website 
  • More expensive than other comparable greens powders

Athletic Greens AG1 is arguably the most popular greens powder on the market. After completing our own research and product testing, we have to agree. This greens powder is vegan and vegetarian-friendly and major allergen-free, making it agreeable for most individuals’ diets. It is non-GMO and not artificially sweetened, colored, flavored, or preserved. 

Unboxing AG1 Athletic Greens in Breaking Muscle Editor Amanda Dvorak’s kitchen

As a dietitian, I appreciate when manufacturers go through the extra effort of creating an accurate, detail-oriented nutrition facts label. Despite a few proprietary blends, Athletic Greens AG1 is pretty transparent about the ingredients that go into its formulation: probiotics, digestive enzymes, antioxidants, prebiotics, adaptogens, green superfood complexes, phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals. You will meet your daily recommended amount for vitamin C and vitamin E, two powerful antioxidants, in one serving of AG1.

Consisting of 75 vitamins, minerals, and whole food sourced ingredients in total, Athletic Greens AG1 lives up to its online hype with our product review teams. Despite there being no flavor options, we still rate it at a 4.5 out of 5 stars for flavor. The overall taste is subtle, but there are hints of pineapple and vanilla flavoring.

A woman's hand holding a scoop of AG1 Athletic Greens
Breaking Muscle Editor Amanda Dvorak holding a scoop of AG1 Athletic Greens

According to Amanda Dvorak, Breaking Muscle’s Reviews Editor, the powder settles shortly after blending it in a shaker bottle. Also, if you struggle at all with texture, it is a tad gritty and has a foam layer that stays with the drink as you consume it. Amanda rated the solubility 2 out of 5 stars for these reasons.

RELATED: Athletic Greens AG1 Review

Best Tasting Greens Powder: Kaged Outlive 100

Kaged Outlive 100

  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $1.67
  • Key ingredients: Spirulina Powder, Alfalfa Grass Leaf Powder, Barley Grass Young Leaf Powder, Chlorella Powder, Acacia Fiber, Ashwagandha Root Extract
  • Certifications: Informed Sport

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  • Made with over 20 organic fruits and vegetables 
  • No proprietary blends on the nutrition facts label – very transparent
  • Many users report feeling a boost in their overall energy levels


  • Contains zero grams of fiber

As a food expert who is routinely researching dietary supplements currently on the market, I can confidently say that it is difficult to find greens powder brands that offer a variety of flavors. However, Kaged Outlive 100 offers Lemon, Berry, and Apple Cinnamon. Not only are the flavors great but they taste great too — making it our top pick for the best-tasting greens powder. 

A container of Kaged Outlive 100 on a black surface
A container of Kaged Outlive 100 at the Breaking Muscle testing facility

This greens powder is rated highly by verified customers for taste, ingredient quality, and mixability. Based on 646 reviews on the Kaged website as of this writing, Kaged Outlive 100 holds 4.8 out of 5 stars. The blendability makes it easy to add as a nutrient-packed ingredient to different recipes. Reviewers love the Apple Cinnamon flavor mixed with oatmeal. Try throwing some berries in there, too, so that you capture an extra food group with your breakfast.  

Reviewers have mentioned that it does not have an artificial taste. They also appreciate the affordability compared to other popular greens powders. At around $1.67 per serving, it’s more affordable than AG1 Athletic Greens (which starts at $2.63 per serving) or Swolverine Greens + Reds (which costs around $2.00 per serving).

To keep costs down even further, you can subscribe and save 10 percent on your orders through Kaged’s website. They also offer a fully refunded, 30-day return policy if you are not totally satisfied. According to their customers, the Kaged customer service department is great. 

Best Greens Powder for Weight Loss: Legion Genesis Greens Supplement

Legion Genesis

  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $1.60
  • Key ingredients: Organic Spirulina Whole Plant Powder, Astragalus Root Extract 5:1, Reishi Mushroom Fruit Powder, Maca Root Extract, Dong Quai Root Plant Extract 
  • Certifications: Labdoor Tested for Sport

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  • Has a “No Return Necessary” money-back guarantee 
  • Has four grams of protein per scoop — high compared to other greens products 
  • Contains no artificial flavors, sweeteners, or food dyes


  • Limited to two flavor options only: Acai Berry and Original 

The top ingredient in Legion Genesis Greens Supplement is five grams of organic spirulina whole plant powder. Spirulina is a blue-green algae that may help improve lipid panels (specifically cholesterol levels) and reduce body fat, waist circumference, and appetite. (1) Packed with 100 percent naturally occurring ingredients, Legion Genesis Greens Supplement is our top pick for the best greens powder for weight loss. 

Our Breaking Muscle product review team gives this Legion greens powder 4 out of 5 stars for its formulation. The amount of protein per serving (four grams) is impressive for a greens powder supplement, and protein has been linked to sustaining satiety to help curb cravings and manage your weight. (2)

Legion Genesis also contains clinically effective doses of organic spirulina (five grams), dong quai root (1.25 grams), astragalus membranaceus (three grams), and reishi mushroom (three grams). These ingredients are linked to promoting immunity, potentially improving blood flow, and/or possibly decreasing your risk for chronic diseases.

Legion Genesis does not disappoint when it comes to flavor or solubility. We give flavor 4 stars and solubility 4.5 stars. Our review team tried the Acai Berry version and found it to taste like berry-flavored greens, so it meets expectations.

The only reason that solubility did not get a perfect 5-star rating is because of how long we had to physically stir it to get all of the powder to dissolve. Honestly, though, we believe that if we threw it in a blender, it would likely blend just fine. 

RELATED: Best Supplements for Weight Loss

Best Greens Powder for Gut Health: Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens

Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens

  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $1.53
  • Key ingredients: Organic Spirulina, Organic Chlorella, Organic Acacia Fiber, Green Banana Flour, Chicory Root
  • Certifications: Informed Choice Certified

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  • Provides eight grams of prebiotic fiber in every scoop 
  • Has six grams of dietary fiber in every scoop 
  • Free of artificial sweeteners, artificial coloring, gluten, GMOs, and artificial preservatives


  • Only one flavored option: Peach Mango (it’s also available as unflavored)

Dietitians and other allied health professionals have found through national surveying that roughly five percent of the population meets the recommended amount of 25 to 30 grams of fiber daily. This is concerning for many reasons, namely the development of chronic illnesses (like heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes), gastrointestinal disorders, and cancers. (3)

So, how can you up your fiber intake? With Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens! Most prebiotics are a type of non-digestible fiber. Per every 15.5-gram scoop, you will get six grams of dietary fiber. The fiber sources in this greens powder are organic acacia fiber, green banana flour, Jerusalem artichoke fiber, and chicory root. 

A few members of our review team commented that this supplement is particularly good when mixed into fruit juices. They found that the best combo was orange juice and the Peach Mango flavored greens powder. They gave this product 4 out of 5 stars for taste and 4.5 stars for solubility. We found that it mixes with ease, and online customer reviews sing the same tune. 

RELATED: Best Probiotic

Best Greens Powder for Bloating: Bulletproof Greens

Bulletproof Greens

  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $1.67
  • Key ingredients: Bacillus coagulans probiotic, Vitamin B12, Organic Spinach, Ginseng Root Extract, Green Tea Extract 
  • Certifications: No certifications listed, but the website does state that ingredients are submitted to standardized quality assurance testing

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  • 320-milligram blend of digestive aids per scoop (probiotics and enzymes)
  • 100 percent of the recommended daily value for B1, B2, B3, and B12
  • Low sodium content — 100 milligrams per serving


  • Not third-party tested at the time of this writing 
  • Only available in one flavor option

Let your bloating issues be a thing of the past with Bulletproof Greens. This greens powder contains a unique combination of digestive aides to help your digestive system perform well. It also gets bonus points for being one of the most affordable options currently on the market. It costs about $1.67 per serving and is cheaper than Athletic Greens AG1 (which starts at $2.63 per serving) and Onnit Shroom Tech Greens (which costs around $2.00 per serving).

Our product reviewers and online customers agree that you will either love or hate the flavor since it has a strong pineapple taste. We gave it 3 out of 5 stars for taste because we didn’t particularly enjoy it but recognize that people who love pineapple will probably like it.

However, you can always get creative with how you use your greens powder — it does not have to be mixed with only water. Try adding Bulletproof Greens to a fruit smoothie, orange juice, or pineapple popsicle mix. Based on our testing, it blends effortlessly in a shaker bottle or in a glass with a spoon and is easy to incorporate into various liquids. For solubility, we rated it 5 out of 5 stars.

Many customers report zero negative side effects. In fact, most report that it is easily digestible and doesn’t cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Our product tester didn’t experience any significant side effects when she tested Bulletproof Greens. This may be due to the low sodium content of 100 milligrams per serving. This is low compared to other greens powders, which is good because excess sodium intake can lead to water retention. 

In every scoop, you will get two billion colony-forming units (CFU) of the probiotic Bacillus coagulans and a combination of digestive enzymes like amylase and lipase. These ingredients may aid macronutrient digestion and improve clinical symptoms of bloating, especially for those with intestinal diseases like irritable bowel syndrome. (4) Amylase helps break down carbohydrates, and lipase helps to break down fats. (5)

Best Organic Greens Powder: Onnit Shroom Tech Greens

Onnit Shroom Tech Greens

  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $2.00
  • Key ingredients: Organic Rishi, Organic Lion’s Mane, Organic Kale, Organic Spinach, Organic Oat Grass 
  • Certifications: Certified USDA Organic

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  • Sweetener, dairy-free, gluten-free, and soy-free 
  • Comes in convenient single-serving size packets 
  • Blends really well into smoothies


  • Tastes only like mushrooms (a “pro” for those who really enjoy mushrooms)

It is not easy to obtain the 100 percent organic certification. Most organic products meet the second-tier standard of having 95 percent of their product derived from organic sources. To obtain the 100 percent organic certification, every single ingredient has to be organically sourced. (6) It is impressive that Onnit has gone to such great lengths to deliver us a non-GMO, major allergen-free, fully organic greens powder.

Delivering half a cup of certified organic vegetables per serving, Onnit Shroom Tech Greens is nutrient-dense to help keep you healthy. The formulation is simple: organic cordyceps, organic reishi, organic lion’s mane, organic kale, organic broccoli, and organic spirulina. These ingredients are packed with vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, and vitamin B6 — all known for potentially being able to support the immune system. (7)

Onnit Shroom Tech Greens blends beautifully but has a strong mushroom flavor. We gave the taste 3 out of 5 stars. Our product tester didn’t enjoy it on its own but said that mixing it with V8 helped improve the taste. That said, if you love mushrooms, we think you’ll like this greens powder.

The powder dissolved completely when we tested it, though, so we gave it 5 out of 5 stars for solubility. This can be a huge plus for anyone who prefers a non-gritty greens power. 

Unlike any of the other greens powders in this review, Onnit Shroom Tech Greens comes in pre-portioned to-go packets. This is convenient for many reasons, but Onnit really has the adventurer in mind. If you are looking for a nutritious companion buddy for your next hike, Shroom Tech Greens has your back. 

RELATED: Best Organic Protein Powder

Best Greens and Reds Green Powder: Swolverine Greens + Reds

Swolverine’s Greens + Reds Supplement Powder

  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $2.00
  • Key ingredients: Organic Beet Powder, Chia Seed, Organic Turmeric, Organic Wheat Grass, Organic Spirulina 
  • Certifications: Lief and Micro Quality labs, an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory

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  • A good source of vitamin B12 at 2.7 micrograms (114 percent of the recommended daily value) per scoop 
  • Contains 1,500 milligrams of adaptogens 
  • Has a natural hint of citrus to the flavor, making it easy to mix with only water


  • Many users report that shipping and delivery takes longer than expected

When you are looking at different greens powders’ nutrition labels, you may notice some ingredients listed as “super greens” and others as “rich reds.” Try to pay attention to the amount of each ingredient grouped under these subheadings. The higher the milligram, the more benefits you will potentially be able to reap. Due to the awesome amounts of super greens and rich reds found in Swolverine Greens + Reds, it earns our top spot for the best greens and reds powder. 

This powder will provide you with 7,000 milligrams of organic super greens and 4,700 milligrams of antioxidant-rich reds per 15.2-gram scoop. Ingredients like organic wheat grass, organic chlorella, organic goji, and chia seed expose you to good amounts of protein (four grams), vitamin B12 (2.7mcg or 114 percent of your daily value), riboflavin (vitamin B2 [0.6mg or 50% of your daily value]), and vitamin B6 (0.6mg or 33 percent of your daily value). B vitamins have been strongly linked to promoting brain health. (8)

Our review team was pleasantly surprised that this green powder already tastes like it is mixed with citrus fruits. We noticed less of the typical grassy taste that greens powders are known for. It dissolves easily in just water, but we do recommend mixing it in a blender to fully blend it. A spoon mixes it well enough, but a few minor clumps will remain. 

Best Affordable Greens Powder: Jacked Factory Green Surge

Jacked Factory Green Surge Greens Powder

  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $1.00
  • Key ingredients: Inulin, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Organic Collards Leaf Powder, Tapioca Maltodextrin Digestive Enzyme, Grape Seed Extract 
  • Certifications: Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) Certified

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  • Made without artificial coloring, added sugars, or preservatives 
  • Many reviewers report less bloating and digestion issues after routine supplementation
  • Manufactured with a 535.26-milligram blend of probiotics and inulin per scoop


  • Some reports of a grainy texture, requiring more liquid to dissolve the powder

If you have ever looked at Jacked Factory’s product offerings and noticed their reasonable prices, you would not be surprised that the Breaking Muscle team chose it as the best affordable greens powder. For a literal dollar per serving as of this writing, the price of the Green Surge Superfood Powder is unbeatable. It is rare that we give out a perfect 5 out of 5 stars for the price per serving, but Jacked Factory Green Surge made it possible. 

Furthermore, if you order from the Jacked Factory website, you can opt to subscribe and save. This option gets you an additional 15 percent off and free shipping on all recurring orders. There is also a 100 percent hassle-free money-back guarantee if you are not totally happy with your purchase. 

Jacked Factory Green Surge is manufactured in a cGMP-certified factory in the United States. The cGMP certification establishes trust between consumers and manufacturers. By getting this certification, Jacked Factory shows that affordability does not always mean lower quality.

Green Surge is available in Mixed Berry, Unflavored, Mint Chocolate, Sour Apple, and Lemon Lime flavors. Our team gave taste and solubility 4.5 out of 5 stars. We tried the Mixed Berry and still noticed a grassy taste, but the berry flavor made it more palatable. We also had no issues with dissolvability.

Best Greens Powder for Smoothies: Orgain Organic Superfoods

Orgain Organic Superfoods

  • Number of servings: 20
  • Cost per serving: $1.24
  • Key ingredients: Amaranth, Chia Sprout, Flax Sprout, Bacillus coagulans probiotic, Ginger Root
  • Certifications: Certified USDA Organic

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  • Zero grams of total fat, cholesterol, and added sugars 
  • Very low sodium product at only five milligrams per scoop 
  • Many users report ease of mixability


  • Has 11 grams of carbohydrates per 14-gram scoop 
  • Made with gum fillers

At one point or another, most of us have added a dietary supplement to a smoothie to help enhance the flavor or provide extra nutrients. We are probably most familiar with the addition of whey or plant-based protein powder. However, you can fortify your smoothie even more with super greens like the ones found in Orgain Organic Superfoods. 

Out of 197 reviews on the Orgain website, this greens powder has 4.6 out of 5 stars. Many customers report that it blends effortlessly in their smoothies without changing the flavor of the other ingredients. In other words, neither of the flavors (Original or Berry) is overpowering. A few of the best smoothie combinations listed in their reviews are: 

  • Plant protein powder, leafy greens, matcha, coconut almond milk, and a scoop of Orgain Organic Superfoods
  • Blueberries, banana, avocado, vanilla yogurt, dairy milk, and a scoop of Orgain Organic Superfoods

Its namesake comes from it being made with two proprietary blends: Orgain Organic 50 Superfoods Blend and Orgain Organic Super Veggies, Super Berries, Super Grasses & Super Foods Blend. The majority of the foods found within the lengthy list of ingredients are certified organic.

Based on our research, this greens powder also gets 5 out of 5 stars for affordability due to its cost of about $1.24 per serving. It’s the second most affordable option on our list. Only Jacked Factory Green Surge, which costs around $1.00 per serving, beats it.

Benefits of Greens Powders

There are many potential benefits to adding a greens powder to your routine. Greens powders may help support overall health by: 

  • Improving your digestive tract health 
  • Boosting your immune system
  • Providing relief from GI discomfort
  • Enhancing your energy levels
  • Decreasing your risk of micronutrient deficiency 
  • Increasing your intake of daily greens

Drawbacks of Greens Powders

As with anything you ingest, there could be potential side effects from greens powders. Based on the feedback from our Breaking Muscle product review team and actual buyer responses, the following are drawbacks you may notice:

  • Some have the artificial sweetener sucralose in their formulation, and sucralose may lead to an upset stomach (i.e., stomach cramps and loose bowel movements). This does not dismiss the fact that some users also struggle with plant-based sweeteners such as stevia. 
  • Many have directions to slowly implement their use to avoid digestive discomforts like gas and diarrhea. So, it may take a few weeks to build up a tolerance to them to reap their associated health benefits. 
  • They are not usually offered in enticing flavors like vanilla or chocolate. Typically, it tastes like a mix of vegetables. Some users find the taste (and even smell) of some greens powder difficult to work past. 

What To Look For in a Greens Powder

There is no one-size-fits-all option for dietary supplements. This is especially true for greens powders due to their wide array of ingredients. Take some time to evaluate what option works best for you to be sure your purchase aligns well with the nutrition targets you hope to meet. Let’s take a look at a few things we recommend you consider before taking the greens powder leap. 


Nobody wants to waste money on a greens powder that does not meet their expectations or help them achieve their health and wellness goals. That’s why affordability is taken into consideration by our product review team. This ensures that we are able to meet you where you are financially and show you that you can get a quality product that costs less.

The greens powders above range from $1.00 to $2.63 per serving, depending on the number and quality of the ingredients, third-party testing, and other factors. Keep in mind that many product websites and even Amazon offer subscription discounts.


Generally speaking, we have found that the more expensive a dietary supplement is per serving, the more quality ingredients it contains. This is not to say that more affordable products are made with cheap ingredients. It just means that you will typically get even more beneficial ingredients in larger quantities with more expensive greens powders.

Verify what the specific benefits are for the ingredients in the greens powder you choose. For those hoping to improve their gut health, try supplementing with a greens powder that has added probiotics and digestive enzymes. If you want to boost your immune system, pick a greens powder that is bountiful in immune-supporting antioxidants like vitamins, A, E, D, and C. (9)

Nutrient Quantity 

The amount of each nutrient varies greatly between different greens powder brands. Try not to get tripped up on marketing tactics without checking out the ingredient label. Make sure there are research-supported doses of each nutrient.

Also, dietary supplements are not regulated by the FDA, making marketing regulation difficult to do. If something “aids in digestion,” check the label for a clinical dose of digestive enzymes. If it “may improve gut health,” check the label for a hearty dose of probiotics and fiber.

When in doubt, verify the product has undergone third-party testing to give you peace of mind that the ingredients are free of contaminants. 


Greens powders are not routinely available in different flavors. Usually, they have earthy tastes. However, some may have subtle flavors of berries, pineapple, and/or vanilla. Occasionally, you will find that “unflavored” options are available.

If the taste of greens powders is not becoming, you can mix them into other products. Try adding them to a high-protein zucchini bread, chip dips such as hummus, or fruit smoothies to manipulate the flavor profile and give a nutrient boost to your favorite recipes. 

Who Should Not Consume Greens Powders?

Contrary to what most assume, greens powders are not usually an adequate source of fiber. So these are not meant for people who want a high-fiber supplement.

Avoid these products if you are on a prescription medication that may have a negative interaction. Those on blood thinning medication, like warfarin, need a consistent amount of vitamin K daily to avoid bleeding disorders. Since most greens powders have proprietary blends of ingredients, it is difficult to know the true amount of vitamin K per serving.

Lastly, if you have a gastrointestinal disease that can be easily irritated or lead to mucosal lining inflammation (like Crohn’s disease), you may not tolerate greens powders well. 

Final Thoughts

Keep in mind that this is a guide to greens powders for nutrient supplementation. These products are not meant to replace a healthy diet full of whole fruits and vegetables. Everybody’s body is different. Therefore, we try our best to be inclusive and tackle the different scenarios that people face nutrition-wise: digestive issues, high blood pressure, nutrient deficiencies, weight loss, food allergies, and more. Then, we shed light on how greens powders may help with managing these conditions. 

Greens powders are an awesome way to possibly improve the health of your digestive tract, boost your immune system, relieve GI discomfort (like bloating and gas), enhance energy, and decrease your risk for vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Since the ingredients found in greens powders vary so much from brand to brand, you can depend on our research-supported review above to navigate our favorite options and find what best supports your needs. 

Best Greens Powder: Side-by-Side Comparison

Best Greens Powder Overall

Best Tasting Greens Powder

Best Greens Powder for Weight Loss

Best Greens Powder for Gut Health

Best Greens Powder for Bloating

Best Organic Greens Powder

Best Greens and Reds Green Powder

Best Affordable Greens Powder

Best Greens Powder for Smoothies











  • Number of servings: 30 to 60
  • Cost per serving: Starts at $2.48
  • Key ingredients: Vitamin E, biotin, folate, manganese, potassium
  • Certifications: NSF Certified for Sport

  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $1.67
  • Key ingredients: Spirulina Powder, Alfalfa Grass Leaf Powder, Barley Grass Young Leaf Powder, Chlorella Powder, Acacia Fiber, Ashwagandha Root Extract
  • Certifications: Informed Sport

  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $1.60
  • Key ingredients: Organic Spirulina Whole Plant Powder, Astragalus Root Extract 5:1, Reishi Mushroom Fruit Powder, Maca Root Extract, Dong Quai Root Plant Extract 
  • Certifications: Labdoor Tested for Sport

  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $1.53
  • Key ingredients: Organic Spirulina, Organic Chlorella, Organic Acacia Fiber, Green Banana Flour, Chicory Root
  • Certifications: Informed Choice Certified

  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $1.67
  • Key ingredients: Bacillus coagulans probiotic, Vitamin B12, Organic Spinach, Ginseng Root Extract, Green Tea Extract 
  • Certifications: No certifications listed, but the website does state that ingredients are submitted to standardized quality assurance testing

  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $2.00
  • Key ingredients: Organic Rishi, Organic Lion’s Mane, Organic Kale, Organic Spinach, Organic Oat Grass 
  • Certifications: Certified USDA Organic

  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $2.00
  • Key ingredients: Organic Beet Powder, Chia Seed, Organic Turmeric, Organic Wheat Grass, Organic Spirulina 
  • Certifications: Lief and Micro Quality labs, an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory

  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $1.00
  • Key ingredients: Inulin, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Organic Collards Leaf Powder, Tapioca Maltodextrin Digestive Enzyme, Grape Seed Extract 
  • Certifications: Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) Certified

  • Number of servings: 20
  • Cost per serving: $1.24
  • Key ingredients: Amaranth, Chia Sprout, Flax Sprout, Bacillus coagulans probiotic, Ginger Root
  • Certifications: Certified USDA Organic

Best Greens Powder Overall



  • Number of servings: 30 to 60
  • Cost per serving: Starts at $2.48
  • Key ingredients: Vitamin E, biotin, folate, manganese, potassium
  • Certifications: NSF Certified for Sport

Best Tasting Greens Powder


  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $1.67
  • Key ingredients: Spirulina Powder, Alfalfa Grass Leaf Powder, Barley Grass Young Leaf Powder, Chlorella Powder, Acacia Fiber, Ashwagandha Root Extract
  • Certifications: Informed Sport

Best Greens Powder for Weight Loss


  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $1.60
  • Key ingredients: Organic Spirulina Whole Plant Powder, Astragalus Root Extract 5:1, Reishi Mushroom Fruit Powder, Maca Root Extract, Dong Quai Root Plant Extract 
  • Certifications: Labdoor Tested for Sport

Best Greens Powder for Gut Health


  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $1.53
  • Key ingredients: Organic Spirulina, Organic Chlorella, Organic Acacia Fiber, Green Banana Flour, Chicory Root
  • Certifications: Informed Choice Certified

Best Greens Powder for Bloating


  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $1.67
  • Key ingredients: Bacillus coagulans probiotic, Vitamin B12, Organic Spinach, Ginseng Root Extract, Green Tea Extract 
  • Certifications: No certifications listed, but the website does state that ingredients are submitted to standardized quality assurance testing

Best Organic Greens Powder


  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $2.00
  • Key ingredients: Organic Rishi, Organic Lion’s Mane, Organic Kale, Organic Spinach, Organic Oat Grass 
  • Certifications: Certified USDA Organic

Best Greens and Reds Green Powder


  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $2.00
  • Key ingredients: Organic Beet Powder, Chia Seed, Organic Turmeric, Organic Wheat Grass, Organic Spirulina 
  • Certifications: Lief and Micro Quality labs, an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory

Best Affordable Greens Powder


  • Number of servings: 30
  • Cost per serving: $1.00
  • Key ingredients: Inulin, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Organic Collards Leaf Powder, Tapioca Maltodextrin Digestive Enzyme, Grape Seed Extract 
  • Certifications: Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) Certified

Best Greens Powder for Smoothies


  • Number of servings: 20
  • Cost per serving: $1.24
  • Key ingredients: Amaranth, Chia Sprout, Flax Sprout, Bacillus coagulans probiotic, Ginger Root
  • Certifications: Certified USDA Organic


What is the best greens powder available?

Athletic Greens AG1 gets our vote for the best greens powder overall. Although it is one of the most expensive greens powders available, AG1 puts their money where their mouth is by delivering a high-quality, third-party tested product. Not only that, but it tastes great and blends well.

Are powdered greens worth it?

If you are struggling with bloating or gassiness or want to improve your overall gut health, powdered greens can be worth it. The key is to make sure you get one that supports your nutrition goals. I never recommend replacing the total (or even majority) of your daily intake of whole food vegetables and fruits with greens powders. In fact, despite the amount of nutrients you can get from this type of dietary supplement, I still do not recommend foregoing your favorite multivitamin

Is drinking greens powder actually good for you?

Drinking greens powder can be good for you. Most Americans do not consume the recommended two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables daily. This puts us at risk of developing GI distress and gut-derived illnesses. Many studies have linked your gut health to your systemic health — the happier your gut, the less illness you are likely to experience.

That said, be sure to verify that the greens powder you choose is tested for purity and transparent about what it is in its formula.

What are the best ingredients in greens powders?

If I had to pick my top three favorite ingredients for greens powders, they would be spirulina, digestive enzyme complexes, and a source of fiber. Spirulina is an adaptogen that may improve your ability to handle stress. Digestive enzyme complexes aid in the digestion and absorption of greens powder ingredients. Lastly, a source of fiber — like inulin, Jerusalem artichoke, and chicory root — are all excellent sources of food for our healthy gut bacteria to keep them thriving and potentially help prevent disease. 


  1. DiNicolantonio JJ, Bhat AG, OKeefe J. Effects of spirulina on weight loss and blood lipids: a review. Open Heart.  2020;7:e001003. doi: 10.1136/openhrt-2018-001003
  2. Morell P, Fiszman S. Revisiting the role of protein-induced sanitation and satiety. Food Hydro. 2017;68:199-210. doi: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2016.08.003
  3. Quagliani D, Felt-Gunderson P. Closing america’s fiber intake gap: communication strategies from a food and fiber summit. Ameri Journ of Life Med. 2017;11(1):80-85. doi:10.1177/1559827615588079
  4. Mu Y, Cong Y. Bacillus coagulans and its applications in medicine. Bene Microb. 2019;10(6):679-688. doi: 10.3920/BM2019.0016
  5. Garvey S, Guice J. Digestion & enzymes. BIO-CAT. 2021:1-2. doi: 2133007
  6. About Organic Labeling. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Accessed September 21, 2023. 
  7. Gombart AF, Pierre A, Maggini S. A Review of micronutrients and the immune system–working in harmony to reduce the risk of infection. Nutrients. 2020;12(1):236. doi: 10.3390/nu12010236
  8. Kennedy DO. B vitamins and the brain: mechanisms, dose and efficacy – A review. Nutrients. 2016;8(2):68. doi: 10.3390/nu8020068
  9. Dietary Supplements for Immune Function and Infectious Disease.,5%2C8%2D10%5D. Accessed September 28, 2023.

The post Best Greens Powder for Gut Health, Weight Loss, and More (2023) appeared first on Breaking Muscle.

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Research of the Week

Oldest human footprints in North America confirmed to be 23,000 years old.

If you have diabetes and low muscle mass, your risk of early death is 2 times greater than it should be.

Keto is better for migraines than a low-calorie “regular” diet.

More sleep variability, thicker carotid arteries.

South African prey animals fear humans more than lions.

New Primal Kitchen Podcasts

Primal Kitchen Podcast: So What’s Your Gut Telling You?

Primal Health Coach Radio: Marcus Farris

Media, Schmedia

“Fat but fit” was never real.

A sixth basic flavor discovered—ammonium chloride.

Interesting Blog Posts

The interaction of muscle mass and strength with cognitive function.

Social Notes


Everything Else

Cancer has increased in adults younger than 50.

Statin side effects in patients with heart failure.

Things I’m Up to and Interested In

Once again: Linoleic acid linked to femur head necrosis.

Not surprised: Vegetarian men and women have a greater risk of hip fracture.

As I’ve said: There are no free lunches.

Important: Depressed teens with shorter telomeres have a greater risk of suicide.

Of course: Animal milk far more nutrient-dense than alternatives.

Question I’m Asking

What meds are you taking?

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Sep 30 – Oct 6)

Comment of the Week

Interesting New Yorker article on carnivory. One big problem with a carnivore diet is that it’s expensive. Obviously, it’s somewhat offset by the fact that one isn’t buying a lot of the other food people usually buy, but it’s still going to be quite costly.

The other problem is that for many of us, it’s unappetizing. I grew up eating a wide variety of vegetables, mostly grown in my dad’s garden. We also ate meat or fish with most meals, but we never ate meat, poultry or fish exclusively. I really like veggies and remain unconvinced that eliminating them is the long-range answer for me and my family. For that reason, I prefer to stick with a more paleo way of eating.

-Good reason.


The post New and Noteworthy: What I Read This Week—Edition 240 appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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This post was originally published on this site

Originally Posted At:

Samson Dauda made a statement earlier this year by taking home the Men’s Open title at the 2023 Arnold Classic. Since securing his first professional win back in March, the talented bodybuilder has had his sights set on stacking upon that successful showing in Columbus, Ohio by doing everything possible to prepare for a trip to Orlando, FL to compete in the 2023 Mr. Olympia contest.

With just over a month until he takes the stage, Dauda’s discipline needs to be at an all-time high if he wants to improve upon an impressive sixth-place finish in his Olympia debut. Based on the full day of eating vlog posted on his YouTube channel on Oct. 4, 2023, it certainly looks like the “Nigerian Lion” is poised to outperform his 2022 Olympia results.

YouTube Video

Contest prep involves carefully manipulating your diet and training so you can be stage-ready. After sharing a full day of eating in early September that included six meals and plenty of carbohydrates, Dauda is clearly doing things differently as the Nov. 2-5 Olympia weekend inches closer.

Meal 1

  • Three whole eggs
  • Black coffee

Before he consumed a single calorie, Dauda started his day with 40 minutes of fasted cardio. That paved the way for 30 minutes of uninterrupted posing that he admitted was a lot more taxing than his treadmill session.

When it came time to eat, Dauda kept his first meal simple by cooking up three whole eggs. Paired with a cup of black coffee, this breakfast featured far fewer calories than the one he showed in his full day of eating vlog from 8 ½ weeks out.

“This prep so far has been really smooth,” Dauda explained. “Each week we’re getting better and everything’s working like clockwork.”

Meal 2

  • 250 grams (one cup) sweet potato
  • 200 grams (seven ounces) lean steak

For his second meal, Dauda went with the classic “meat and potatoes” method. The 31-year-old IFBB pro precisely measured out 250 grams of steamed sweet potatoes — a clean carbohydrate source that provides plenty of micronutrients like magnesium and iron. He ate that with seven ounces of a steak before heading to the park to walk his dog and deliver some wisdom about the contest prep process.

“Where you have your first meal, second meal, daily walk, cardio, training session — everything is scheduled,” Dauda explained. “Having that perfect schedule day in and day out is exactly why you make progress — not just doing your day as you feel. It’s more about keeping that discipline.”

Meal 3 – Pre-Workout Meal

  • One and a half cups white rice
  • 180 grams (6.3 ounces) 95% lean ground beef

With a demanding workout on the horizon, Dauda fueled up with both food and several pre-workout supplements. In addition to consuming lean ground beef and white rice, he mixed the following into a bottle:

  • Hosstile CDX Cluster Dextrin – a fast-digesting source of carbs
  • Hosstile Silo[9] EAAs – an amino acid supplement that also contains electrolytes
  • Hosstile Creatine – a micronized creatine monohydrate supplement that supports strength, power, and recovery

Once he finished his pre-workout meal, Dauda headed to Factory Gym for a grueling leg day session.

Meal 4 – Post-Workout Meal

  • One and a half cups white rice
  • 250 grams (8.8 ounces) chicken breast
  • Mixed vegetables

Dauda’s workout featured a number of muscle-building exercises, including seated and kneeling leg curls, leg extensions, pendulum squats, and hack squats. After pushing his lower body to the limit, he refueled with another simple, but nutritious meal consisting of white rice, chicken breast, and a mixed vegetable medley.

Though not exciting by any means, his post-workout meal provided the perfect mix of protein and carbs for growing and repairing lean muscle tissue.

Meal 5

  • 250 grams (8.8 ounces) chicken breast
  • Mixed vegetables

For his fifth and final meal of the day, Dauda didn’t deviate far from what he ate earlier. Proving that consistency is the biggest key to a successful prep, the 2023 Arnold Classic winner stuck with the straightforward approach of chicken breast and mixed veggies.

By eating his final meal about three hours before his 11 p.m. bedtime, Dauda already knew he would later face the familiar feeling of hunger.

“I go to bed starving just like I always do,” he explained. “I drink water and go back to sleep because there ain’t no food in the house.”

Making those sorts of sacrifices is what it takes to become a champion. However, whether Dauda can climb all the way from sixth to first in the span of a year remains to be seen. But with the way he’s continued to refine his physique, there’s little doubt he should perform well at the 2023 Mr. Olympia.

Featured Image: SAMSON DAUDA / YouTube

The post Samson Dauda Shares Full Day of Eating 4.5 Weeks Out From 2023 Mr. Olympia appeared first on Breaking Muscle.

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