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choosing the best water filterWater, water everywhere… and so many ways to mess with it!

You’ve got your bottled water, alkaline water, structured water, deuterium-depleted water. It turns out the water can be pretty darn complicated—and contentious. People have strong opinions about what makes the healthiest, most hydrating water. I’m glad to see folks care so much about what they put in their body, but it can be overwhelming.

Today I’m starting with the basics: filtering your water, why you might want to, and how to choose the best water filter for your household. Let me know in the comments if there are other water-related topics you’d like me to cover in the future.

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Why Should You Filter Your Water?

The most basic reason to get a filter is that you don’t enjoy the taste or odor of your tap water. You don’t have to live with whatever funky water comes out of the tap. An inexpensive filter can completely change how your water tastes and smells.

Second, of course, is if you believe your tap water is contaminated. In the U.S., all municipal water is tested annually. Testing doesn’t necessarily guarantee safe water, though. Municipal testing won’t catch all impurities, nor contamination that occurs within your own home (leaching from lead pipes, for example).

The Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for setting water safety standards. Currently the EPA has legal limits on more than 90 potential water contaminants.1 Some areas of the country log more violations than others. 2 3

In an interview last year, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler bragged that 92 percent of Americans drink have access to drinking water that meets all EPA standards.4 What about those other 8 percent?

Good Enough Isn’t Good Enough

Even if you’re in that lucky 92 percent, a bigger point for some folks—and for many of my readers, I know—is that they aren’t content with “acceptable” levels of certain chemicals in their water.

“Safe” drinking water can still contain compounds that you don’t want to voluntarily put in your body. These include chemical contaminants like lead and arsenic, and microbes that can cause water-borne illness.

Many people are also concerned about the chemicals added to water in the name of public health. Your tap water almost certainly contains chlorine or chloramine—a chlorine-ammonia compound—which is added in order to sanitize drinking water.5 6 Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. Chemical disinfectants are the reason so many of us now enjoy tap water that doesn’t make us acutely ill. I get why you’d want to remove them before drinking, though, especially folks who are sensitive to chlorine.

Another source of contention is the fluoride that some water districts add to drinking water, purportedly to increase dental health. This is a huge hornet nest I’m not going to step in today. Suffice it to say that lots of people don’t want to ingest fluoridated water.

FYI, the Environmental Working Group offers more stringent drinking water standards you can reference if EPA standards are laxer than you’d like.7

How to Choose a Water Filter: Test Before You Invest

Different water filters offer different benefits. Before handing over your money, do a little bit of research into the water coming out of your tap. This will help you decide which filter technology you need.

First, go online and search for “[my water district] water quality report,” or contact your water provider and ask for a copy of recent consumer confidence reports.8 This will tell you what type of disinfectant your water district adds, as well as if they are in violation of any EPA regulations. You might want to email your local water quality division to ask if they rotate disinfectants throughout the year. The CDC also keeps a database of which water systems add fluoride.9

If you have a private well or cistern, you already know (hopefully!) that the onus is on you to have your water tested annually by a state-certified lab. The CDC recommends testing for pH levels, total coliform bacteria, nitrates, total dissolved solids, as well as any known contaminants in your area.10 11 Your local health department can help determine what tests are advisable. If you collect rainwater, check out the CDC’s safety recommendations.12

Whether or not you have a well, it is wise to have your water tested if you are concerned about the pipes in your home, or if the taste or smell of your water noticeably changes. Make sure you use a certified lab.13

Once you have determined what, specifically, you want to remove from your water, you can select the proper filtration system.

The Differences Between Water Filtration Systems

As I said, all water filters are not created equal. Each technology has pros and cons. I’m going to cover the three most common.

Activated Carbon Filters

Activated carbon filters work by attracting and absorbing particles from water. There are two types of activated carbon filters: activated carbon blocks and granular activated carbon (GAC). They have similar pros and cons, but carbon blocks are generally more effective at removing impurities.

The most important thing to know about carbon filters is that they can vary considerably in terms of what they do and do not filter out of your water. When selecting a specific product, you must verify that it removes the specific contaminants you want.


  • Good for removing large particles like silt and for improving the taste and odor of water
  • Probably effective for removing chlorine and lead (check product claims)
  • Tend to be affordable
  • Don’t require power or heat
  • Does not filter out essential minerals


  • Does not filter viruses, minerals, or inorganic pollutants like arsenic and fluoride
  • Filters may need frequent replacing

Reverse Osmosis

Water is forced through a semi-permeable membrane, which traps contaminants. In home reverse osmosis units, water is generally passed through a carbon filter first to remove large particulate that could clog the membrane.


  • Generally considered the best all-around system for removing the greatest number/amount of contaminants
  • Can remove fluoride, arsenic, and other compounds that activated carbon cannot
  • Effective for certain pathogens14
  • Membranes do not require frequent replacement


  • Cannot remove chlorine, chloramine, or most volatile organic compounds
  • Removes most minerals from water
  • Water storage tanks can grow bacteria if not properly maintained
  • Produces a lot of wastewater
  • More expensive up front than carbon filtration systems

That looks like a lot of cons, but the superior filtration ability of reverse osmosis systems will outweigh all those cons for many people. Proponents of reverse osmosis will point out that you can collect wastewater, which is sanitary, and feed it into a graywater system or use it to wash your car. Most reverse osmosis systems simply drain it, though.


Work by boiling water, then collecting and condensing the steam. When the water vaporizes, impurities are left behind. The condensed water is largely free from contaminants.


  • Effective at removing most impurities and killing bacteria and viruses
  • Does not require replacement filters


  • Cannot remove all pesticides or organic compounds
  • Very slow compared to other systems (One popular model I looked at took 5.5 hours to make 1 gallon of distilled water!)
  • Requires electricity (usually)
  • Removes essential minerals
  • Many people dislike the taste of distilled water


Depending on your needs, you might include additional steps that aren’t filtration per se, but they do purify your water:

  • Ultraviolet lamps emit UV rays that kill pathogens in the water.
  • Activated alumina filters can remove lead and arsenic.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can neutralize chloramine.15 You can install vitamin C filters for showerheads, and you can also add 1000 mg of vitamin C (as in, the supplements you’d buy at any health food store) to your bath.16

How to Choose a Water Filter for Your Home


Water filters may be certified by NSF or the Water Quality Association (WQA).

Filters that have the WQA Gold Seal have been tested for quality assurance and to make sure the claims listed on the packaging are accurate.17 NSF has an extremely rigorous testing process that guarantees the ability of a product to remove specific contaminants.18

Before choosing a specific water filter, you can search the NSF website to see what certifications, if any, it has. If you have a specific contaminant concern, refer to the NSF Contaminant Reduction Claims Guide for compliant products.19

You don’t have to buy a certified product, of course, but do your due diligence. Ask the manufacturer for reports that verify the have conducted certified laboratory testing. Consider having your water tested before and after using the filter to verify that it’s working as intended.

Factors to Take Into Consideration

Your purpose: Are you just trying to improve taste and odor, or are you trying to remove specific substances?

Size: How many people are in your household? How much space do you have available in your kitchen?

Budget: How much can you afford to spend up front?

Types of Systems

Water pitchers are convenient. You can store them on the counter or in the fridge and choose the size you need. Pitchers will naturally have limited capacity but are easily refilled. Most pitchers will use some type of carbon filtration. Before purchasing a pitcher, check the product claims to see what it will remove.

Counter filters may have any of type of filtration. They usually take up considerable space, but ones with large tanks might be ideal for big families.

Under-the-sink filters are great because they don’t take up any room in your fridge or on the counter. These units generally have two or more steps in the filtration process. This lets you select a system that includes the combination of technologies you want. They do require installation.

Faucet filters attach directly to your kitchen faucet and filter the water as it flows through.

Whole-house filters are, as you’d expect, the most expensive option. If you have lead pipes or bacteria in your plumbing, your water can become re-contaminated between the filter and your drinking glass. There’s also the concern that by removing the chlorine as the water enters your home, you increase the chance that bacteria will grow in your home’s pipes.

The advantage of a whole-house system is that it also cleans the water you use to wash and bathe. A more cost-effective option is using both a kitchen water filter and a showerhead water filter. This won’t hit every water source in your house, but it will cover your main exposure. There are also filters you can hang from your bathtub water faucet if you are a bubble bath enthusiast.

The Bottom Line

All these systems “work.” Choosing a water filter comes down to what you need it to do.

The best all-around option is a multi-stage filter that includes an activated carbon filter and reverse osmosis. Some units also have one or more of the add-ons I listed above built in.

The major concern with reverse osmosis, as well as distillation, is that it removes desirable calcium, magnesium, and trace minerals from drinking water. For that reason, some people choose to remineralize their water after filtering. (The WHO wants you to, too.20) Some multi-stage filters include this step at the end. You can also run the filtered water through an alkalizing pitcher. This is too many steps for me. I’d rather just add a few drops of a trace mineral solution to my water.

Whatever system you choose, you must maintain it according to the manufacturer’s specifications. That means changing filters on schedule and disinfecting the system as indicated. Dirty filters and water tanks aren’t effective and can even be a source of contamination. Take care of it.

What about Berkeys?

I know if I don’t mention them, I’ll get a bunch of questions about Berkey water filters. They seem to be the darlings of the ancestral health community. Berkey uses a proprietary filtration system, which makes it hard to compare their systems to other products. They do provide their own laboratory testing results on their website, but they are not NSF certified. This isn’t a dealbreaker; it’s an expensive, arduous process. Still, other companies have opted for it. Furthermore, it’s not hard to find naysayers who raise questions about whether Berkey’s products live up to their claims. I’ll leave it up to you to do your own research here. At this point, I can’t unequivocally recommend them without seeing more data.

What about you? Are you passionate about your water filtration device? Are you perfectly happy to drink water right out of the tap? Let me know.


The post How to Choose the Best Water Filter appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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at home arm workout

When you think about upper body workouts, there’s a good chance that heavy dumbbells and cable machines come to mind. Even though it’s not entirely feasible to step into the gym for a while, it’s still realistic to come out on the other side of quarantine with stronger biceps and triceps. In fact, you can get an incredible at-home arm workout without ever picking up a dumbbell or kettlebell.

The best part is, you can do a complete at-home arm workout in just 12 minutes.

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What You Need for an At Home Arm Workout

You can do a complete upper body workout even if you have no exercise gear whatsoever. The only equipment you need is your bodyweight, a sturdy box, small table, or step, and two weighted items you can grip. In this video, Brian used handled milk jugs because he can fill them with water to increase resistance, or pour water out to lighten the load.

At Home Arm EMOM Workout (All Fitness Levels)

Today, we’ll do a quick but challenging cycle of 6 moves, EMOM style, which stands for Every Minute On the Minute. We’ll set a 12-minute timer and move through the exercises at the minute mark. Moves in today’s lineup include:

  • Handstand push-ups
  • Tricep dips
  • Bicep curls
  • Tricep extensions
  • Lateral raises
  • Narrow push-ups

This workout was designed to adapt to your individual fitness level. The video below offers modifications for each move to make the workout easier or more challenging.

Variation: No Equipment Arm Microworkouts

My favorite way to do no-equipment workouts is to split them up as individual microworkouts. If I have a long stretch of desk work ahead of me, I’ll get up every hour or so and rep out a set of a movement, and at the end of the day, my efforts add up to a full upper body routine. Microworkouts are a great way to keep up your fitness no matter what your days have in store. If you’re interested in elevating your heart rate, though, consider doing the full twelve minute workout contiguously.

Clear a small space, press play, and let us know what you think.


The post No Equipment At Home Arm Workout (12-minute EMOM With Video) appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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It's Star Wars time!!!

It’s time to start training like a Jedi!

We love Star Wars around these parts (our site is literally called “Nerd Fitness”), so you’re in the perfect place to begin your training, my young Padawan. 

We specialize in creating nerdy themed workouts and today one of our coaches will walk you through an exercise routine that would make even Mace Windu proud. 

Here’s what we’ll cover in today’s guide:

Grab your lightsaber and let’s punch it!

The Star Wars Workout

A photo of some Star Wars LEGOs

Workout Summary: This workout includes a number of explosive movements meant to fire up your nervous system, build explosive muscles, and get your body to start thinking “power!”.

It also includes some static holds, whole-body movements, and even grip strength moves.


Time: 30-45 minutes

Equipment needed:

If you’re having trouble finding any of the above items, we walk you through some clever replacements in How to Build a Home Gym (When Everything is Sold Out).

ALWAYS: Start with a warm-up and end with a cool-down stretch.

Here’s another warm-up sequence you can run through:

Here’s another cool-down routine you can try:

Part 1: SkyWalker Handstands

This is an awesome photo

Here’s the first part of your Jedi Workout:

  • Padawan: 3 sets of 30-second knee or feet front plank
  • Knight: 3 sets of 30-second push-up position taps or pike shoulder taps
  • Master: 3 sets of 30-second wall walks

If you’re gonna do Jedi training, someone is going to make you do a handstand:

A classic scene from the Empire Strikes Back

Here are some variations to consider:

For Padawans, your knee planks will look something like this:

If you can't do a normal plank, start with doing them on your knees until you can advance.

Shoulder taps are like so:

Coach Jim performing shoulder taps

A wall-walk, would look something like this:

Coach Staci showing you the wall walk hold

If you can do one-arm handstands like Luke, go ahead and do those here. Then use your Force-telepathy to tell us how it goes.

If you want to become a handstand master, we have a full course found in Nerd Fitness Prime that would make even Yoda proud.

Part 2: Jedi High Jumps

I guess Yoda did jump about in the prequels.

Here’s the second act of your Jedi Workout:

  • Padawan: 3 sets of 10 assisted squats or squats
  • Knight: 3 sets of 10 jump squats
  • Master: 3 sets of 10 box jumps (STEPPING DOWN AFTER JUMP!) or tuck jumps (bringing the knees up)

Young Obi-Wan needed to use his Jedi high jump skills to return to the proper level to meet up with Qui-Gonn Jinn and Darth Maul.

We want you to do the same.

Here are your Jedi jump variations:

You could do squats or assisted squats:

All too easy? Go for jump squats!

Coach Staci showing you how to perform the jumping squat

True Jedi Masters will be doing tuck jumps or box jumps:

Be careful on your box jump! But it is a bodyweight exercise.

Rest: 1-2 minutes in between sets. Keep things safe – rest during the 30 second work period as needed. 

Part 3: Jabba the HutT Chokes

A toy set of Jabba's palace

For the third installment of the Jedi Workout, you’ll be doing:

  • Padawan: 3 sets of 10 doorway rows
  • Knight: 3 sets of 10 towel doorway rows or band-assisted chin-ups
  • Master: 3 sets of 5-10 chin-ups

Is there anything more satisfying than watching Leia take out Jabba the Hutt? I know I let out a cheer when I first saw the scene:

We'll get you strong like this.

Leia is strong, and you need to be strong too.

Work on your pull-muscles by completing one of these “end Jabba” variations:

You can do rows from a doorway:

Coach Jim showing you the doorway bodyweight row

You can do towel doorway rows or band-assisted chin-ups: 

Coach Staci showing you how to do an assisted chin-up!

You’re training is complete when you can do normal chin-ups or pull-ups:

The classic pull-up

Rest: 1-2 minutes in between sets. Keep things safe – rest during the 30 second work period, as needed.

Part 4: Chewbacca carries

Chewbacca with a "free hugs" sign

The Jedi Workout for episode IV will be:

  • Padawan: Farmer-carry (Farmer’s Walk) dumbbells – 2 x 60 seconds 
  • Jedi: Rack carry – 2 x 60 seconds 
  • Master: Rack carry with some lunges – 2 x 60 seconds

Chewy is strong. Freakishly strong. He has no problem carrying robots, people, ripping people’s arms off, and more:

A true badass.

We want you to channel your inner Chewbacca by working on carrying heavier weight!  Feel free to try any of the variations:

Farmer’s walks can be done with dumbbells or some impromptu weights:

Coach Staci showing Farmer's Walk

Walk or stand for 60 total seconds with weights at your side.

Rack carry:

Walk or stand for 60 total seconds with weights at shoulder height. 

The Jedi Master Variation: Rack carry with some lunges – 2 x 60 seconds –

Walk or stand for 60 total seconds with weights at shoulder height. Master-level if you’re able to knock out 10 total lunges (5/side) during that time).

The goal with Chewbacca Carries is to pick up the heaviest weight (or luggage) you can manage and then carry it around your house for the set amount of time. This builds up bone density, tendon strength, muscular strength, and fires up your body’s central nervous system.

Rest: Again, slow down 1-2 minutes in between sets. Keep things safe.

Part 5: Han Solo Shuttle runs

A picture of a Han Solo toy

I love Han.

He shoots first (literally) and asks questions later.

He also runs into situations where he might not have the upper hand.

Han does always find some trouble to escape form

This round of your Jedi Workout looks like:

  • Padawan: March in place for 3 minutes of intervals (6 sets of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off)
  • Knight: High knees in place for 3 minutes of intervals (6 sets of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off)
  • Master: Alternating sets of high knees and burpees for 3 minutes of intervals (6 sets of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off)

A Tabata Timer might be helpful in setting your intervals here.

We’re having you mostly run in place because you’re probably trapped inside your house (or escape pod). If you have a big backyard, feel free to use it.

For our Padawans out there, you’ll march in place:

This exercise will be our Padawan

When you reach Knight status, do some high-knees:

Raising one knee after the other is a great level up to marching in place.

For the Jedi Masters out there? You’ll mix in some burpees with your high-knees:

The infamous burpee bodyweight exercise!

For this last variation, do alternating sets of high knees and burpees for 3 minutes of intervals:

  • 20 seconds of high-knees
  • 10 seconds of rest
  • 20 seconds of burpees
  • 10 seconds of rest
  • Repeat for three minutes

Email me if you make the run under 12 parsecs.[1]

Part 6: Force Push-Ups

A cool shot of Star Wars LEGOs

Part 6 of your Jedi Workout looks like:

  • Padawan: 4 sets of 8 elevated or knee push-ups
  • Knight: 4 sets of 8 push-ups or divebomber push-ups
  • Master: 4 sets of 8 pike or handstand push-ups

This is probably my favorite Jedi move. Channel the Force, and use it to violently PUSH things away? Awesome. Where do I sign up?

This would come in handy

Now, although we can’t actually Force Push in real life…yet, it doesn’t mean we can’t build up our explosive Force push muscles.

For our Padawans, you’ll do elevated or knee-push-ups:

Rebel Leader Steve doing knee push-ups

Our Jedi Knights will do normal push-ups or divebomber push-ups:

Rebel Leader Steve showing you the divebomber push-up

Are you now the master? Then you’re doing pike or handstand push-ups:

Coach Jim showing you the handstand push-up

Again, this can get sketchy if you start doing these last push-up variations while tired. Go ahead and rest whenever you need to.

Part 7: hanging Over the Sarlacc

This is a great LEGO pic

The last section of the Jedi Workout looks like:

  • Padawan: Doorway Leans – 2 x 60 seconds
  • Knight: Bar hang – 2 x 60 seconds
  • Master: One arm bar hang – 2 x 30 seconds for each arm

Sometimes, Jedi find dealing with a creature that wants to digest them for 1,000 years.

A classic scene from Return of the Jedi

That’s where your hanging skills will come in use!

Another scene from Return of the Jedi

Our Padawans will start with some simple doorway leans:

Simply grab the edge of your door frame and lean back.

You’ll hold onto the edge of a doorway and lean back for 60 seconds of hang time – should feel harder on the grip than doorway rows

If you’re following our “Knight variations,” you’re going to be doing bar hangs:

Coach Staci showing you the bar hang

Not enough? Then train to hang from one arm:

Coach Staci showing you a one arm bar hang

This skill will become useful if you ever lose an upper-appendage in a lightsaber duel (it happens to the best of us).

Note: this can be challenging on your joints if you’re not used to hanging, so progress slowly on this one! Start with just a few seconds and work your way up!

May the force be with you (Next Steps)

A picture of two Star Wars toys

Here’s a recap!

Complete this workout with regularity, and work your way up to the Jedi Master levels for each.

As I discuss in our guide, How to Build Your Own Workout Routine, I generally recommend newbies complete a full-body workout two to three times a week.

Our Star Wars Workout would be considered “full-body” since we hit every major muscle group. You could also alternate it with a more conventional strength training practice.

On your “rest days,” you can look into doing some active recovery, yoga, or fun movement.

If you can only get yourself to work out once a week, that’s okay! Let that become normal, then we can brainstorm ways to squeeze in an extra day. 

Building the habit of working out is our goal today. We can worry about maximizing “gainz” down the road. 

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about maximizing gainz

Now the only thing left to do is start!

"Punch it," as Han would say.

Here are some options for next steps with Nerd Fitness

Option #1) If you want a professional coach in your pocket, who can do video form checks, provide feedback, and adjust your workouts based on the equipment you have available, check out our 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program

For example, let’s say you find yourself stuck indoors during a pandemic, and you want somebody to custom-build you a workout program based on the equipment and furniture you have. That’s where an online coach is a game-changer! 

Personally, I’ve been working with the same online coach since 2015 and it’s changed my life. You can learn more by clicking on the box below: 

2) Exercising at home and need a plan to follow? Have questions you need answered? Join Nerd Fitness Prime!

Nerd Fitness Prime is our premium membership program that contains at-home exercise routines, live-streamed workouts with NF Coaches, a supportive online community, group challenges, and much more! 

Option #3) Become part of the Rebellion! We need good people like you in our community, the Nerd Fitness Rebellion (the real name).

Sign up in the box below to enlist and get our Rebel Starter Kit, which includes all of our “work out from home” guides.

Alright, I want to hear from you and your experience:

Did you try the Star Wars Workout?

What level are you on?

Any exercises that we missed that would be perfect for a Jedi?

Let me know in the comments!

May the Force be with you.


PS: If you’re looking for more nerdy themed workouts that can be done at anywhere, check out The 7 Best At-Home Workout Routines.


photo source: Leg0fenris: Dagobah, JD Hancock: Yoda Jump, JD Hancock: Han Solo vs Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett & the Sarlacc Pit, Teymur Madjderey, Darth Vader Force, JD Hancock: Han Solo, Pedro Vezini: Chewbacca, metaphorge: Jabba, Leg0fenris: Darth and Leia, Pedro Vezini: Yoda and Luke

gif source: walk in place,


Footnotes    ( returns to text)

  1. I don’t think this actually makes sense, but I’m keeping it.
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.Why would you need to clean a washing machine? Doesn’t all that water and soap sloshing around keep it clean and fresh? Actually, no. Your washing machine cleans your dirtiest laundry. And while your clothes may come out clean, they leave behind nasty gunk. Over time, that gunk can build up and “wreak havoc” on […]

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Hawaiian BBQ Pork recipeA flavorful, home-cooked meal that takes just a few minutes of prep work? Yes, please! No matter how you serve it – on a salad, alongside your favorite slaw, with plantains, or tucked into grain-free tortillas – Instant Pot Hawaiian BBQ Pork is comfort food perfection.

All you need to do is a quick chop, a quick sear, and your Instant Pot takes care of the rest. As a bonus, you can make more than you need and stash the extras in the fridge or freezer for later.

No Instant Pot? No problem! You can make this dish using your stovetop and oven. Modifications are listed below.

Let’s get started.

For more like this, instantly download the Keto Reset Diet Recipe Sampler

Instant Pot Hawaiian BBQ Pork Recipe

Serves: 4-6

Time in the kitchen: 65 minutes, including 60 minutes hands-off cook time


  • 2.5 lbs pork butt or shoulder, cut into 4-5 chunks
  • 1.5 tbsp. Primal Kitchen® Avocado Oil or Olive Oil
  • 1.5 cups chopped onion
  • 3 cloves chopped garlic
  • 1/2 tbsp. garlic powder
  • 1/2 tbsp. paprika
  • 1 tsp. black pepper
  • 1 tsp. ground ginger
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 3/4 cup chicken broth
  • 1/4 cup Primal Kitchen Hawaiian BBQ Sauce
  • 1/4 cup coconut aminos
  • 1 tsp. dijon mustard
  • Toppings (optional): avocado, cheese, chopped tomatoes and onions, or chunks of pineapple.

Hawaiian BBQ Pork Instant Pot Recipe


Combine the paprika, salt, pepper, ginger, and garlic in a bowl. Toss the pork chunks in the spices until they are covered on all sides.

Add the oil to your Instant Pot insert and press the Sauté function. Once the oil begins to heat, add the chopped onion. Sauté the onion for 2-3 minutes. Add the chopped garlic and stir until it is fragrant. Add the chunks of pork to the pot and brown for 1-2 minutes on both sides.

Whisk the broth, Primal Kitchen Hawaiian BBQ Sauce, coconut aminos and mustard in a bowl and pour the sauce on top of the pork. Hit the Cancel function and then select the Manual Pressure Cook function. Set the timer for 35 minutes on high pressure and secure the valve. Once the timer is up, allow the pressure to manually release for 12 minutes, then flip the vent to quick-release to finish releasing any steam. Remove the lid and use two forks to shred the meat.

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. Pour the meat and sauce in a large pyrex or sheet pan and bake for about 15 minutes or until it bubbles and the sauce begins to thicken slightly. The more shallow the pan is, the more quickly the pork will crisp up.

Don’t Have an Instant Pot? Simply soften the onions and garlic, sear the pieces of pork, and add the broth and other ingredients to the pot. If needed, add more broth so the broth covers at least the bottom half of the meat. Bring the liquid to a boil and reduce to a simmer. Cover and place the pot in a 325 degree oven for around 2.5 hours. You may want to check the meat in the pot halfway through to add additional liquid as needed. When the meat is soft, shred it and roast it uncovered in the pot at 375 degrees for 10-15 minutes until the pork is golden.

Top the pork with avocado slices and cilantro and serve alongside a cabbage slaw or your favorite side.

Nutrition Information (per 1/6 of recipe)

Calories: 400
Total Carbs: 10 grams
Net Carbs: 9 grams
Fat: 27 grams
Protein: 35 grams


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Your immune system is on the job around the clock to protect you from infectious bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites that cause disease and suffering. The immune system is an extremely complex network of cells and molecules that researchers are still working to understand. Because there is still much about immune function that remains unknown, […]

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Women with undiagnosed and untreated thyroid disease are at risk for a number of serious conditions, including infertility. Find out why hypothyroidism and infertility are linked, and get advice on how to correct the issue.

The post The Link between Hypothyroidism and Infertility appeared first on Chris Kresser.

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Now more than ever, people are taking sanitation seriously. Antibacterial wipes and disinfectant cleaners are hard to find in stores, and hand soap and sanitizer are precious commodities. We’re making our environments more germ-free than ever, but is this helping our wellbeing, or harming it? Based on recent research, doctors and researchers have arrived at […]

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The companies that continue to promote the IgG blood tests either do not fully understand the function of the IgG antibody or worse, they do and are continuing to sell their product anyway.

Food has a social component that is integral to every culture and society on our planet. However, food can be foe as well as friend, food intolerances can negatively impact our quality of life and in the case of food allergies they can even be lethal. If we ask Google, from headaches to acne nearly every single ailment can be attributed to a food or diet and usually the cure is also attributed to a different food or diet.


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