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It’s Monday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Monday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!

On November of 2017 I sent a story to Mark’s Daily Apple. A brief story of my life at the time and how I got there. I’ve re-read that letter a couple of times and I’ve thought maybe I should have waited or I should have said more, so I thought maybe an update from then to now would be helpful.

My primal story started as a diet and exercise program, I needed to get back into shape so I hit the gym, or in my case hit the treadmill in my garage, and went on a diet. I did what everyone else does when they want to lose weight and “get healthy.” If you read my original story and look at the pictures, I figured it out. I lost 60 pounds total and improved my numbers to a point my doctor was amazed at my results. I completed the Primal Health Coach course, and Mom loved to hear about what I was learning.


Everything was great, well almost everything. My mom’s health was declining fast, she was slowly losing her battle with cancer. My sisters and I started staying weekends with her to spend as much time as possible with her, we would drink wine, and talk about the past and laugh about all the crazy things we did. My brother-in-law would come down about once a month and bring steaks, and we would grill over a grate in the fireplace and drink beer and wine and laugh. Mom couldn’t really eat that much anymore, but we had a lot of fun.

I started going to visit every day after work, and I’d grab a bag of chips and a case of beer to have when I got there, a candy bar or two for the way there. Eventually mom needed 24-hour care so she moved in with my sister in Michigan, but I still went every day to take care of the house. In April my mom lost her battle with cancer. My sisters and I would get together as much as we could to get the house ready to sell, and finalize the estate. I was there everyday—as the executor I felt I had to keep things moving and get everything done. I would buy beer and snacks and a bottle of whisky for when I was there….

I thought it was important to share that story because it’s real. During that time I gained 10 pounds, my cholesterol was high again and my sugar was elevated. Luckily for me I know how to correct all those issues and have. I failed where everyone on a diet fails—when the diet stops. The part I missed was the rest of life. Diet is important but even a perfect diet will fail without stress management. My stress management was alcohol, my comfort zone, and we all know your body burns alcohol first. I got off track and used my life problems as an excuse. Sometimes even a coach needs some coaching. This has kind of been a failure story instead of a success story, but I’m still writing.

I’ve taken what I learned from the Primal Health Coach Institute, and have started to develop my own brand, “Primal Hippie.” I started a very easy to read blog “” I blog a lot about stress from daily life and ideas how to manage that stress. I’ve taken the laid back, have fun attitude and mixed it with some nutrition advice and tried to aim it towards the younger generation because it’s easier to prevent disease than to cure it.

It’s very obvious to me that the trend towards living a holistic healthy life is happening, the amount of available, affordable, organic foods is on the rise. The merging of major food giants with small health-minded companies is another great step—great work Mark. There is even some common ground being found with the paleo/vegan world. This trend is still very personal to me. Since my first post, four more friends of mine have been diagnosed with cancer, one is currently non-responsive. I hear a lot about all the advances in medicine, and yet here we are. It’s time to educate the young people, and make healthy foods the norm not the exception.

Thanks Mark for all your passion and effort and giving me the chance to share my story, Grok on!

Bradley Nickell

The readers featured in our success stories share their experiences in their own words. The Primal Blueprint and Keto Reset diets are not intended as medical intervention or diagnosis. Nor are they replacements for working with a qualified healthcare practitioner. It’s important to speak with your doctor before beginning any new dietary or lifestyle program, and please consult your physician before making any changes to medication or treatment protocols. Each individual’s results may vary.

The post Even a Perfect Diet Will Fail Without Stress Management appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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These people holding hands are likely experiencing a rush of hormones, which are integral players in how relationships affect health.

Following an ancestral lifestyle involves more than your diet and exercise regimen—it means matching your habits to our Paleo ancestors as closely as possible.

And, for much of human history, we lived in tight-knit, family-based kin groups. We kept contact with each other regularly, we worked together, and we relied on each other to survive. We are, after all, social creatures. When we feel connected, we thrive, and when we feel alone, we don’t.

Our personal relationships affect our health. Keep reading to find out how, and get four tips on cultivating more close connections in your life.

Humans didn’t evolve as solitary, disconnected creatures. We’re social, and we need close, personal relationships to thrive. Check out this article to find out how your relationships can impact your health, and get tips on cultivating more connection. #paleo #chriskresser

How Your Relationships Affect Your Health

Feeling alone and lacking close connections has dire consequences for your health. Socially isolated people have a higher risk of chronic disease and even death—and that’s after controlling for factors like smoking, alcohol consumption, and physical health. (1)

Lonely people have higher blood pressure, higher heart rates, and more atherosclerosis than people who have a good social support system. (2) They also show greater incidences of: (3)

Having a social support network, on the other hand, improves endocrine, immune, cardiovascular, and mental health and increases longevity. (4) People who are more integrated in society also show lower serum levels of inflammatory proteins. (5)

Social support—or lack thereof—is a greater predictor of overall survival than: (6)

  • Physical activity
  • Body mass index
  • Hypertension
  • Exposure to air pollution
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Smoking (up to 15 cigarettes per day!)

What’s more, the quality of your relationships matters. The positive health effects seem to fall away in negative relationships, which can actually increase your risk of death. (7)

It’s not fully understood how relationships affect health so dramatically. It could be that having access to emotional support from close friends and family helps to buffer the impact chronic stress can have on our lives. Or, perhaps that feeling of connectedness changes our mood and behavior for the better, which carries a host of physiological benefits. Either way, if you want to enjoy the health benefits close relationships can bring, you likely need to step outside of the modern lifestyle.

The Modern Lifestyle Is a Recipe for Disconnection

Even though technology has the power to connect us, even across the globe, we feel more isolated than ever. In fact, over the past 20 years, the number of Americans who say they don’t have a close confidant has increased threefold. (8) Many of us relocate frequently from place to place, we marry later in life—if at all—and we may raise our children and grow older far away from our own parents and siblings, in communities where we don’t always get to know our neighbors. Added to all that, we spend most of our waking hours working or glued to a screen, not socializing.

Compare that to a day in the life of one of our ancestors. They would’ve lived within an extended-family tribal group, not by themselves or in a single-family home. Their days would’ve involved a lot of relaxing, significant time interacting with other people, and some mild activity, like gathering food or building a shelter. They’d experience stressful events, too—maybe a hunt, or an attack from a predator—but that would probably be followed by another opportunity to relax, socialize, and interact with their tight-knit community.

That lifestyle, characterized by extended periods of rest and punctuated with short moments of stress, struck a balance between the fight-or-flight response and its opposite: the rest-and-digest response.

When stress triggers your fight-or-flight response, it activates your sympathetic nervous system. Your blood rushes to your muscles, lungs, and other vital areas, and you get a rush of energy and hormones designed to help you deal with whatever threat is facing you. By contrast, the rest-and-digest response activates the parasympathetic system, which has the opposite effect on your body:

  • It slows your respiration and heart rate down
  • Your blood pressure falls
  • Your blood flow to your skin, reproductive organs, and digestive tract picks up
  • Your stress hormones drop

Without that balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic response, that opportunity to rest and digest with our friends and loved ones, our bodies remain in a constant state of fight-or-flight readiness, and we experience the damaging effects of chronic stress. Connecting with people, and taking the time to rest and digest, can help you enter a parasympathetic state and manage that stress before it gets out of control.

Four Ways to Connect With People

Strong social connections can have as much impact on your physical health and longevity as your diet, exercise routine, and sleep habits. If you’re not as close to people as you would like to be, here are four ways to encourage intimacy and really connect with others.

1. Emphasize Touch

Touch is our most fundamental way of interacting with the world around us, but many of us are starved for it.

Dr. Tiffany Field, director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine and author of several books on this topic, writes that “touch hunger” is becoming an increasingly worse problem in our modern society. Emails, phone calls, text messages, and likes on social media just can’t compete with the extensive benefits of physical touch. Touch has the capacity to influence how we feel about our surroundings and the people around us, it creates bonds between couples, it communicates emotions, and it strengthens our relationships. (9)

Why does touch have such an impact on us? It releases oxytocin.

Oxytocin, also known as “the love hormone,” is associated with decreased stress, as well as feelings of trust, sexual desire, and a sense of bondedness among partners. (10, 11, 12, 13)

Low levels of oxytocin are connected with social isolation, as well as: (14)

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Psychiatric issues
  • Overall decreased quality of life

People who feel strongly connected with their partners, on the other hand, have higher levels of oxytocin. (15) Hugs, massage, and warm, physical contact have been shown to increase oxytocin levels, as well as lower blood pressure, reduce heart rate, and decrease the levels of hormones associated with stress. (16, 17, 18)

If you’re feeling starved for touch, try:

  • Hugging your friends, your family, and your acquaintances
  • Booking a massage or taking a class and practicing with a partner
  • Having sex—aside from being pleasurable, sex releases more oxytocin than any other activity (19)
  • Taking a partner yoga class
  • Dancing

Any activity that brings you in skin-to-skin contact with another person can release oxytocin and help you feel the beneficial effects of touch. Even a friendly handshake increases a sense of connectedness.

2. Build Intimate Relationships

While any positive personal connection is likely to bring you benefits, relationships that encourage deep feelings of trust, intimacy, and belonging have the greatest potential to better your health. (20) Relationships that provide “emotional support” are associated with lower blood pressure, as well as lower levels of inflammatory proteins and stress hormones. (21, 22, 23)

It’s important to note that negative relationships don’t offer these benefits. Hostile married couples tend to show higher levels of inflammatory proteins and, as I mentioned, higher risk of death overall. (24, 25)

If you’re lacking an intimate, emotionally supportive relationship, try:

  • Practicing honesty, openness, and vulnerability when you interact with people—that’s the best way to build trust
  • Putting yourself out there by surrounding yourself with people who share your values
  • Joining a networking group that meets face to face
  • Strengthening an existing relationship by scheduling a set time for intimacy with your partner, whether it’s a romantic dinner, a massage session, or a short walk together

If you’re currently in a relationship that’s struggling, I recommend seeking professional help from a marriage counselor or therapist. Negative relationships will hurt your health, not help it, and it’s worth it to try to get back to a place of mutual trust, understanding, and closeness. If, after you’ve sought help from a therapist, your relationship still feels toxic and harmful, don’t be a martyr. A separation or divorce, while frightening, could save your sanity—and, ultimately, your life.

3. Consider a Pet

Animal companions have been a part of the human experience for thousands of years. In fact, archaeological evidence shows that the domestication process that has brought us the modern dog may have already been in the works as long as 33,000 years ago. (26)

While there were utilitarian reasons that our ancestors domesticated animals—dogs make adept hunters and guardians, while cats offer effective pest control—there is, perhaps, a greater motivation behind it: as humans, we need to give and receive affection.

Animal companions are great at filling that role. Pets have the power to encourage us to exercise, they tend to lower our anxiety levels, and they provide us with unconditional love and companionship. Those benefits aren’t limited by the type of pet you choose, either—even watching fish in an aquarium can offer relaxation. (27)

Before you choose a furry—or scaly, or feathery—companion, consider these tips:

  • Find a pet that matches your lifestyle. A large, high-energy dog may fit right in with an active family, while a cat might be a better option for an apartment dweller. Look at your circumstances and consider your preferences to determine what type of pet could work for you.
  • Be willing to put the time and training in. Every pet requires care and attention. A healthy, well-trained companion is a source of joy—but an unruly pet could cause stress and frustration.
  • Make time to play. Regular playtime connects you with your pet—and carries a variety of benefits for you too.
  • Consider volunteering at a local animal shelter. If the time isn’t right for a pet, volunteering at a shelter can give you the chance to interact with animals and support a worthwhile cause.

4. Volunteer for a Cause You Believe In

Speaking of volunteering, it’s a great way to build relationships with like-minded people who care about the same things you do. Research also supports the idea that helping others can bring you feelings of satisfaction and happiness and improve your self-esteem. (28) People who give social support regularly have longer lives than those who don’t, and they’re less likely to suffer from a chronic disease. (29)

As many of you can probably attest, giving to others can make you feel a sense of purpose, which makes life more meaningful.

Ready to start giving? Be sure to:

  • Look for a cause that aligns with your values, whether it’s secular or faith-based
  • Do it in person so you can get all the benefits of interacting with others face to face
  • Don’t overextend yourself, or you could risk adding to your stress levels

How Connection Helped Me Regain My Health

I’ve struggled with chronic illness. I fought for years to get my health back. During that time, I felt discouraged, exhausted, and completely demoralized. I had tried everything—diets, supplements, and specialists—but nothing worked. I lost the energy to try yet another diet or supplement. I was at the end of my rope.

So, with nothing else to try, I did something radical: I focused almost entirely on cultivating personal connections and pleasure. I let my supplements and diet plans take a backseat as I practiced massage, took acting classes, scheduled regular visits with friends, danced, and volunteered as a meditation teacher at a county jail.

I felt like a completely different person after just a few months. Not only was I happier, calmer, and more relaxed, but my digestion got better, I gained back around 10 pounds I’d lost during my illness, and I slept better than I had in a long time. I stopped feeling so alienated and alone. I felt vital and healthy again.

A healthy diet and regular exercise are, of course, crucial components of an ancestral lifestyle. But enjoying close, personal relationships with others is also important. It can even help fortify you on your journey to get well.

Now’s your chance to connect with your fellow readers. Have you been able to build warm, fulfilling relationships? What helped you, and what advice do you have for others? Comment below and let us know!

The post How Relationships Affect Health—And How to Feel More Connected appeared first on Chris Kresser.

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We are just barely into 2019, and already there have been numerous food recalls. Our food industry is volatile, and it is imperative that consumers stay plugged into the news of recalls when they happen to avoid sickness and even death. Why do food recalls happen? Food can be recalled due to any number of […]

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Too many limit themselves by a self-fulfilling prophecy about the limits of their own willpower.

Recently, I made the transition to a bike commuting lifestyle. While I had often professed a desire to bike to work more often, the modest inconvenience of this deviation usually prompted me to drive. By removing the option for car convenience, I now always bike and am truly happier for it.


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Name: Sharon Jackson
Age: 48
Location: Fort Worth, TX

What was your first thought when you learned about the Coaching & Training Women Academy and the Pre- & Postnatal Coaching Certification?
My first thought was that this would be a good certification to get because I work with so many expecting moms!

What do you do? 
I am a certified personal trainer. I coach all-women group fitness workouts. I also do private and semi-private training as well.

What else do you do?
I like to read or go to the movies. I love running and hanging out with my girlfriends.

Best compliment you’ve received lately:
That I am a great motivator and teacher.

Most recent compliment you gave someone else:
I told one of the ladies in my building that she looked great and that her consistency is paying off!

Favorite way to treat yourself: 
I love to travel so I treat myself by spending money to visit places I have never visited.

Favorite quote:  
I have so many because I love to read motivating quotes, but I guess one that I really like is:

“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” — Jim Rohn

Three words that best describe you: 
Passionate. Loving. Emotional.

Favorite book:
The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz.

What inspires and motivates you?  
Seeing other people being successful and how they gain so much confidence in knowing that they are so much stronger than they could imagine.

Describe a typical day in your life, from waking up to bedtime:
My alarm clock goes off at 4:15am, then it’s the morning routine, training clients most of the day, then come home to study something that will make me better at my craft, and spend time with my husband. We are empty nesters so we have finally learned how important it is to focus on our marriage.

What event(s) or situation(s) in your life lead you to enroll in the CPPC?
I knew Molly from attending one of the GGS events, so I knew this would be very helpful for my business. I knew this would prepare me for women coming in to my fitness groups who were already pregnant or those who had just had babies.

How would you describe your pre- and postnatal knowledge before taking CPPC?
I knew a little, only because I have 12 years of experience working in physical therapy. We always had a few moms coming in.

Why do you think learning the information that’s included in the CPPC is so important to your profession?
I think it is very important because as professionals we want to be sure that they are getting the best care possible from the first to last trimester!

What’s been the best part about going through the CPPC?
So many moms have problems with the diastasis recti, so I was very excited to learn how to help moms with this.

Now that you’re an official Certified Pre- & Postnatal Coach, what impact are you hoping to have?

I am hoping that I can help as many moms as possible understand how exercise is still safe when the trainer has the knowledge to take them through a safe program.

What effect has your new Certification had on your work so far?
It has made me more confident working with women.

How has your thinking about pre- and postnatal care changed since completing the CPPC?
Its changed a lot. I have learned so many great things that will help me be a better coach when it comes to training the pre- and postnatal client.

What would you say to someone who’s on the fence about enrolling?
I would say to them not to think twice because this is a thorough certification. I love that it covers every aspect from the start of pregnancy till the end.

You can find out more about Sharon on her website, and connect with her through Facebook and Instagram.

The post Coaching & Training Women Academy Spotlight: Sharon Jackson appeared first on Girls Gone Strong.

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Cancer is a genuine threat that is only increasing. According to The National Cancer Insitute, approximately 38.4% of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifetimes. These staggering statistics indicate that there is a very real possibility that you or someone you love has been or will be affected […]

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A weightlifter should strive to be in the optimal weight category for their body to be able to perform the best they can.

A weightlifter should strive to be in the optimal weight category for their body to be able to perform the best they can. It can certainly be the difference between a podium finish and a mid-field finish. The body weight category that an athlete competes in will largely depend on their current body weight and body fat levels. The lifter will want to have as much muscle on their frame as they can to enhance their strength potential while being relatively lean to increase power output.


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“Steve, why is it so dang tough to lose weight?”

This is the question that has consumed my brain for the past decade of running Nerd Fitness.

Just eat less and move more” is nice in theory…

But it comes across as an insult to people who KNOW this, who try their best, and yet the scale just doesn’t budge.

As a business owner in the health and fitness industry – who also happens to hate the health and fitness industry – I get to see both sides:

  • A society full of people desperately trying to do the right thing and feel better about themselves.
  • An industry designed to prey on insecurities, make you feel terrible, and take your money. Results? Probably not.
  • Companies that try to razzle dazzle you with “exciting, new, and innovative” when “boring, time-tested, old school” is what actually works!

Today, we’re gonna deep dive – Scuba Steve style – into nutrition and why it’s so tough to lose weight, and what you can start to do about it.


I took this picture walking around Manhattan last week:

There is some SERIOUS, psychological warfare going on here, and it hurts my soul.

For starters, they advertise as “THE” flat belly tea.

This means there are many other companies selling similar products, which would ALSO lead me to believe this is a lucrative product to sell!

They list every fitness buzzword and term every marketer uses when it comes to selling health and fitness: gluten free, “removes waste,” organic, “burn fat,”

Including some real head scratchers.

“Strengthen your colon?”

How the hell do you strengthen your colon?!

This reminds me of the brilliant Saturday Night Live skit about “Colon Blow” cereal:

But I digest digress…

People are buying this stuff, even if they know it probably won’t work.

Like buying a lottery ticket even when we know the odds of winning are 0% –  what we’re really buying is “hope”:

  • Hope that this will actually work – unlike the last 10 attempts.
  • Hope we can overcome 20 years of bad choices with a beverage.
  • Hope that this product will give us the confidence and self love we deserve.

Don’t get me wrong.

“Hope is a good thing, and no good thing ever dies.”

I just HATE when hope gets weaponized to sell you expensive snake oil and pretty-packaged fluff.

This is what we are rebelling against here in the NF Rebellion: marketers and companies who are crappy enough to prey on our hopes and fears and sell snake-oil in a bottle.

We’re also rebelling against that voice in our head that talks down to us, calls us failures for not getting in shape yet, and berates us every time we break down and eat a cookie.

I say no more.

Let’s fight fire with fire science.


There are a few generally accepted truths when it comes to weight loss.

All of these are controversial, vary wildly depending on your weight and body fat percentage, and will differ from person to person.

Setting all of that aside, I’m going to try and keep things simple just to prove my point.

Let’s go with an (understandably) oversimplified look at weight loss: a pound of fat equals around 3,500 calories.

This would mean you’ll need to either eat 3,500 less calories, or burn an extra 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound.

So…how long does it take to burn 3,500 additional calories per week?

Let me answer a question with another question:

…How many hours do you have?

Studies show you’ll burn an extra 100 calories when walking or running a mile.

So, you would need to be running/walking an additional 5 miles per day, 7 days a week, to lose one pound per week.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t have time to run an extra 5 miles a day. Nor do I want to.

Not only that, but as you’ll see below – this idea of just burning an extra 500 calories per day to lose a pound a week only works early on.

You’ll quickly run into speed bumps and roadblocks – figurative ones, try to avoid the real ones on your run –  that slow down your progress significantly. Simply put, exercising your way thin has proven time and time again not to work:

  • Many people develop increased appetites as a result of exercise, which leads to no weight loss. Time Magazine got in trouble for pointing this out  – even though they were right!
  • This 2011 study came to the conclusion,In overweight and obese populations… our results show that isolated aerobic exercise is not an effective weight loss therapy.”
  • Another study compared people who dieted vs people who only exercised: “Body weight decreased by 10% in the diet group and by 9% in the diet–exercise group, but did not decrease in the exercise group or the control group.”

What I’m trying to say, and a lesson we try to deeply understand at Nerd Fitness: “you can’t outrun your fork”

…and the bad news isn’t done.


When you start to lose weight, your resting metabolism slows down.

You might think this is some sort of evil sorcery worthy of “He Who Must Not Be Named,” but unfortunately – it’s just 2nd grade math.

When you start to lose weight, there is less of you to ‘manage.’

In other words: your metabolism doesn’t have to work as hard to fuel all of your bodily functions, has less weight to carry, and thus it will burn significantly fewer calories compared to when you were much bigger.

Here is the daily resting calorie burn (“sit on your ass all day”) of a 35-year old male nerd at 3 very different weights:

  • 300 lbs: 2,600 calories.
  • 250 lbs: 2,300 calories.
  • 200 lbs: 2,000 calories.  

WHAT THIS MEANS: Unless you adjust your calorie intake as your weight decreases… your previous calorie intake amount becomes less and less effective at weight loss, until you hit an equilibrium.

Put a different way: this person could eat 2,300 calories per day and over time, lose 50 pounds (from 300 pounds to 250 pounds), but that’s where he’ll hit equilibrium: calories burned equals calories consumed.

In order for him to lose the next 50 pounds, he’ll need to decrease his caloric intake even more, and then STAY at that calorie consumption to keep the weight off.

In economic terms, this is called “diminishing marginal returns.”

And then it gets even worse!

There are buckets of anecdotal evidence of a bodily feature called “adaptive thermogenesis.”

Which has nothing to do with the band Genesis – though feel free to listen to “Invisible Touch” right now:

It might soften the blow while you learn about “adaptive thermogenesis.”

This term refers to the process in which our bodies will adjust based on how many calories we burn – and do whatever it can to preserve the body fat we have.

Our bodies WANT to maintain the extra body fat we have (“I don’t know when I’ll need this, better save”), and are actively working in unison to preserve it – so even after a few pounds are lost from running, it’s going to be a persistent challenge to keep the weight off.

As pointed out in this article above:

“In long-term studies of weight-reduced children and adults, 80%-90% return to their previous weight percentiles, while studies of those successful at sustained weight loss indicate that the maintenance of a reduced degree of body fatness will probably require a lifetime of meticulous attention to energy intake and expenditure.”

This is why so many people can LOSE weight, but can’t seem to keep the weight off.

To Recap:

  • You can’t exercise your way to weight loss.
  • Your metabolism slows down when you lose weight.
  • Your body will try to keep its fat stores.
  • Even when you lose the weight, your body wants to keep the fat it has.
  • If you lose weight, you have to keep working on it or you’ll put the weight back on.

This is all terrible, horrible, no good, very bad news.

I know, I know.

However, there is HOPE!

And here at Nerd Fitness – and in the Star Wars universe – rebellions are built on hope.

We have thousands of success stories from people who thought they couldn’t lose weight…until they did.

People HAVE lost weight, and kept it off. People who are older, bigger, have more children, less money, more illnesses, and bigger hardships than you.

It’s a constant battle, but one that’s absolutely worth fighting.

And this means that you are not broken. You don’t have metabolic damage. You are not doomed. Sure, you’re flawed. But so are your heroes .

You might be playing life on “Legendary” difficulty, but people like you have succeeded.

It starts by using all of the tools at our disposal, because the forces working against us are doing the same.

Let’s get nerdy.


YES, it would be awesome if you could drink a tea, or wrap yourself in plastic, and it would somehow magically make you lose weight or fat.

YUP, it would be amazing if a 30 minute bootcamp class was enough to still allow you to eat junk food all day every day and not gain a pound.

YEAH, it would be amazing if you could take a magic pill that reversed the past decade of damage you’ve done to your body.

It would also be cool if superheroes were real and I could fly.

Well, not like that.

Come on, Aquaman. People can see you.


We live in a world of science, physics, and thermodynamics.

This means we should ALWAYS look at life through the following lenses:

  1. Occam’s Razor: The simplest explanation is PROBABLY the correct one.
  2. Law of energy: Energy can’t be created or destroyed, only transformed.
  3. Reality: If it sounds TOO good to be true, it probably is.

Let’s apply this to our waistlines:

If we are overweight

It’s not because we have “toxins” in our body that need to be flushed out.

It’s not because we didn’t spend enough time in the “fat-burning” zone during our “muscle confusion” bootcamp.

It’s not because we picked the wrong ‘fat burning’ product tea.

These are all pseudoscience buzz terms to sell products, and have no truth to their claims.

Occam’s Razor dictates the simplest solution is PROBABLY the right one.

So what’s the simple explanation to why we’re overweight?

Every day, we consume food that gets transformed into energy.

This food must either:

  • Fuel our bodily functions: fuel our organs, regulate our body temperature, etc.
  • Pass through as waste: pee and poop.
  • Get stored as fat: saved for a rainy day.

If we are overweight, we are consuming too much ‘energy’ every day. Our body doesn’t need all of it, so too much is being stored as fat consistently.

Which brings us to the main point of our nutritional focus:

If weight loss is our goal, we must consume FEWER calories than we burn on a consistent basis.

By doing so, our body HAS no choice but to dip into that “rainy day” fund of fat stores to still get all of its bodily tasks done each day.

Do this consistently, and that’s how we end up with a lower number on the scale and a smaller pants size.

“Steve I know I should eat less. It’s doing it consistently that’s the tough part.

Have you tried CAKE?!”

Great point.

And yes, cake is awesome.

But we have to start somewhere.

And it starts here: we need to eat fewer calories, but it ALSO has to be sustainable and enjoyable, otherwise we’ll never stick with it.

And temporary changes produce temporary results. We want permanent weight loss!

Just saying “eat less” doesn’t factor the crazy biological, physiological, and/or emotional challenges we face every day:

We might eat when we’re stressed, depressed, or bored.

We can’t eat just one potato chip without eating an entire bag.

We absentmindedly grab a handful of Peanut M&M’s when visiting Kevin in Accounting.

Not only that, but even when we pay attention to what we eat, studies show that we often underestimate our calorie consumption by 30+%.

Crap. This just keeps getting worse!

What’s a smart nerd like you supposed to do in this scenario!?

If we KNOW we overeat without realizing it, and we KNOW restricting calories is tough to stick with long term, then the only path forward is to attack the problem differently.

Not with fit tea.

Nor with body wraps.

Not with “muscle confusion.”

But with science, math, and psychology.


If weight loss is the goal, we need to shift our food choices to foods that give us more “bang for our buck” – healthy, filling, nutritious foods that fill us up and makes us less likely to overeat calorie-bomb foods.

These foods allow us to feel full, but still keep us under our calorie goal for the day:

  • Protein like meat, fish, eggs, and so on.  
  • Fruit like apples, bananas, berries.
  • Vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale.
  • Quinoa, legumes, oats, rice, and potatoes (in moderation).

These are foods that take up a lot of space in our stomach and make us feel full.

Compare this to foods that don’t fill us up, but are loaded with calories – thus making it very easy to overeat without realizing it.

  • High calorie, easy to overeat foods like bread, fries, pasta.
  • Soda and juices and sugary coffee beverages.
  • Candy, cookies, crackers, etc.

To really HAMMER this point home…

As we point out in “Can You Burn Fat and Build Muscle at the Same Time?” Here’s what 200 calories look like, thanks to WiseGEEK.

Which ones do you think will make you feel full, and which ones will make you eat more than you realize?










Can you get yourself to stop after 2/3rds of a bagel or a small handful of pasta?

Of course not!

One more example – here’s 200 calories of broccoli:

“Steve, that is an absurd amount of Broccoli.”

Yup. It’s also the SAME number of calories as 2/3rds of a bagel (which doesn’t even include the calories from the cream cheese or butter).

Now, it’s insulting to say “You should eat more broccoli and less bagels. There’s yer problem.”

I’m merely pointing this out to emphasize the difference between energy (calories) and volume.

(Hate broccoli and all vegetables? Read this.)

Depending on what you eat, you could feel “OH SO FULL” after your meal or “Why am I already hungry again? NOM NOM NOM.”

Which means…

If you can start to make even SMALL changes, substituting nutrient-dense, calorically-light foods like protein, fruit, and veggies, for junk food – even occasionally, it’s going to shift the energy balance back in the right direction.

You’ll become more likely than not to eat fewer calories than you burn, moving you beneath your daily equilibrium.

Do that consistently, and you start to pull from those fat stores.

And we end up the holy grail: sustainable, non-miserable weight loss.

This is actually the secret sauce for ALL popular diets these days.

As we point out in our “Perfect Diet” article, all the popular diets get you to eat more REAL food and less junk food. They just all have their own unique marketing spin to sell cookbooks and podcast episodes

Let’s look at each of these diets in a nutshell:

  • Paleo: cut out grains and dairy. Consume only meat, veggies, fruits, and nuts
  • Keto: cut out ALL carbs. Consume only meat, veggies, nuts, and fatty sauces.
  • Intermittent Fasting: cut out an entire MEAL every day.
  • Mediterranean Diet: focus on REAL foods, with whole grains. Cut out processed foods.
  • Carnivore Diet: Only eat meat. Remove everything else.

ANY of the diets above will result in weight loss if you strictly follow the rules, but not for the reason you’d think.

It’s not because we’re designed to eat like cave people (though we are), or that our bodies function differently on a Ketogenic Diet (it does), or even that fasting has plenty of health benefits (it does!).

Those things are like 2% of the reason why they work for weight loss. [2% is a statistic I made up to emphasize the smaller importance of any ancillary benefit compared to the bigger picture]

The other 98%: they make us more likely than not to consume fewer calories on average than we usually eat, which will lead to weight loss in the long term… if you can stick with it.

And each diet has rules and guidelines that speak to the specifics of individual people. We have our own 10-level system at Nerd Fitness that we’re proud of – it promotes small changes and gets results in a unique way.


In my opinion, you should only follow a strict diet like those above IF you can see yourself sticking with it consistently for the next 10 years.

“Steve, that’s melodramatic. Come on.”

That’s what I was going for.

If a diet sounds too restrictive to stick with permanently, then it’s too restrictive for you to devote weeks or months of your life to!

After all, temporary changes equal temporary results. You’re better off picking a diet that you confidently feel like you can stick with permanently.

Here’s the end goal we’re working towards:

Sustainable weight loss and weight maintenance.

A healthy weight that you can maintain without feeling miserable. Looking in the mirror and being happy with what you see, and knowing that the weight stays off.

And most importantly, our “normal” behavior that allows us to enjoy life but also reach our goals. Not temporary changes. But permanent small adjustments that adjust over time as we start to see results and build momentum.

Sound good?

Let’s get back to basics and start learning about the food we’re putting into our bodies. Cool? Cool.


Conservatively speaking, strength training is the greatest thing ever invented in the history of the galaxy.

Okay, so maybe it’s third after electricity and Nintendo.

But I say this to make a point.

There’s a huge difference between “exercise” and strength training when it comes to body composition.

We cover this in a very in-depth manner in our “Can I lose weight and build muscle?” article  – which is one giant Harry Potter allegory that you’ll love – but I’ll share the basics right here.

If your goal is consistent, permanent, healthy weight loss and weight management, 80-90% of the battle will be nutrition,

When it comes to exercise, you really only have TWO things to focus on:

  • What exercise do you love? Good. Do that.
  • Strength train as often as you have time for.

I’ll touch on the first one quickly.

When you do exercise you love, you’re giving your heart and body a good workout. You’re reminding yourself “I am living healthy” and THUS you should be more likely than not to stick with your healthy eating strategy.

Notice I said “exercise you love.” If you hate running, never run a mile again. Hate going to the gym? Never set foot in one. Hate bootcamps? Me too. Don’t do them.

Instead, go rock climbing, or hiking, or do yoga, or swing dancing, or LARPing. Really, anything that gets you off your ass and moving. Cool? Cool.


Your body functions differently when you strength train, in all of the right ways.

We have a whole Strength Training 101 sequence that can you get you started, but I’ll whet your appetite with the nerdiest metaphor ever below.

You can find study after study after study that shows you the benefits of strength training for weight management when combined with “calorie restriction.”

Let me explain it here quickly, borrowing from Harry Potter:

(You know, the wizard.)

At the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, when each student arrives they put on the “Sorting Hat,” an actual hat that determines which House (group) that child will join for his time at Hogwarts.

The hat acts almost like a traffic director:

“Harry, you will go to Gryffindor! Draco, you will go to Slytherin!”

Your body operates in a VERY similar fashion: every day, it receives new calories (when you eat), and it needs to decide what to do with them!

For example:

You eat a large Hawaiian pizza and 20 ounces of Mountain Dew. Your body has to do SOMETHING with all those calories.

To keep things simple, let’s look at the 3 most common results.

It’ll sort those calories into one of three Houses:

A: Burn for Fuel.
B: Rebuild Muscle.
C: Store as Fat.

Your body sorts most of those calories into “Burn for Fuel.” There’s a number of calories your body burns each day just existing: to keep your liver functioning, your heart pumping, your brain operating, and so on – it burns a good chunk of calories just keeping the lights on.

Here are two quick examples:

  • A 6’, 34-year old male weighing 250 pounds burns 2,300 calories a day just by existing.
  • A 5’5”, 40-year old female weighing 140 pounds burns 1,350 calories a day just by existing.

Now, if you don’t do any exercise, and you consume MORE calories than the rate you burn each day, the “Sorting Hat” in your body needs to put those calories somewhere!

Where do you think it’ll sort them?

“C: Store as Fat.”

However, your body’s sorting behavior changes when you strength train.
Specifically, when you train in a way that really challenges your muscles. This is completely relative to where you are at in your life right now:

  • HEAVY weight training might be a 500 lb deadlift or a 5 pound dumbbell curl.
  • INTENSE bodyweight training might be a handstand push-up or a knee push-up.

When you strength train – by picking up something heavy – your muscles are “broken down” during the exercise itself, and then they rebuild themselves stronger over the next 24-48 hours.

Guess what happens during those 24-48 hours?

Your body will divert as many calories as possible to “Rebuild Muscle!”

It also diverts additional calories to “Burn as Fuel” to handle this increased “muscle rebuilding” activity.

Which means two amazing things:

  • Your metabolism is revved up for this time period, burning more calories than normal.
  • Rebuilding muscle is a calorie taxing activity!

There are significantly fewer calories available for “Store as Fat.”


When you consume fewer calories than your body burns each day, continuing to strength train will cause your body to get even more clever:

Let’s imagine a scenario where you’re eating fewer calories than you burn every day:

  • You strength train regularly, and your muscles break down and need to be rebuilt.
  • You don’t consume enough calories compared to how many calories your body needs to both rebuild muscle and fuel itself…
  • So does your body just shut down?


Your body has been preparing for this, by storing any excess calories over the years in the “Store as Fat” house.

This is the moment your body has been saving up for.

This means your body can pull from “Store as Fat” to make sure all the work still gets done, including your daily functions as a human, and rebuilding the muscle.

This is the trifecta of physical transformation victory:

  • You get stronger and keep the muscle you have.
  • You burn through the fat you’re trying to get rid of.
  • You’re decreasing your body fat percent and keeping your muscle = look good naked.

This would be a “win-win-win” according to Michael Scott, Regional Manager, Dunder Mifflin Scranton.


If you’re still reading, then there is hope for you yet.

You can do this – but you have to be smart and diligent about it! Stop trying to exercise your way thin, and stop trying to find ‘get fit quick’ solutions.

Instead, take this one day at a time. We’re here for you!

We talk about proper nutrition in our big “Healthy Eaters” guide, and we go more in-depth into the specific foods that we recommend, but it starts here:

  • You have to eat fewer calories than you eat now to lose weight, and do so permanently.
  • The best way to do that is to substitute more protein and veggies onto your plate.
  • Strength training will supercharge your results, building muscle and burning extra fat.

Understand you’re overeating, and forgive yourself for doing so – most foods have been designed for you to overeat!


#1) Pledge to stop buying snake oil. If you’re not sure, ask yourself “Does this sound too good to be true?” and “What would Steve do?”

In addition: stop doing exercises you hate just to lose weight. Pick exercises you enjoy, and put all of your focus on slowly adjusting your nutrition instead!

Shun the Dark Side and come back to the Light!

#2) Be deliberate in your decisions. Every calorie counts. Every decision counts. So make ONE different decision as a result of you being more aware of what you put in your body.

Drinking water instead of soda or juice.

Swapping out a salad for fries once per week. It all counts, but make your decision deliberate.

You’re a smart person. You know what foods should be daily staples, and what foods should be occasional treats. It all counts. So make ONE decision differently to prove to yourself that you can change.

#3) Educate yourself on the serving size of ONE food that you eat regularly. Google it. Find out if what you THINK is a serving and what’s actually in a serving is anywhere close to accurate.

You might be surprised to find out:

  • A serving of pasta is HALF the size of what you normally eat with your meal.
  • How much peanut butter is considered a serving (hint: it ain’t much).
  • There are 2.5 servings in that one bottle of Lean Green Machine Naked Juice.

I don’t want you to change the food or the portions yet. I just want you to educate yourself on what you’re eating, and compare it to how much you thought you were eating.

#4) Do a strength training routine! We have 15 free circuit training routines and our Beginner Bodyweight Routine is super popular. We also have a whole Strength 101 article series that gets you from “newbie to barbell” quickly.

While we’re hurtling down this rabbit hole of nutrition, calories, food, and happiness, I’d love you to leave a comment below:

“What is the biggest question you have around nutrition, strength training, and weight loss?”


PS: I know this article covers a LOT, and my hope with it is to inspire, educate, and get you fired up. However, you might still be super overwhelmed and lost. I get it!

If that sounds like you, and you’re looking for professional guidance, custom strength training routines just for your situation, and expert accountability, check out our 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program!

Schedule your free call and tell us your story! We’d love to hear from you, and we can decide together if we’re a good fit for each other! Simply click the image below for more details:


Photo source: A good Sunday to you, Can I have your bicycle, Speed!, Swimming pool, Pizza lab, Dinner is set, Happy monday!, Speed.

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This post was originally published on this site

Research of the Week

Neanderthals were likely sprinters, not joggers.

Low-carb diets, whether they be high-protein and/or high-fat, plant-based or animal-based, are not associated with elevated coronary artery calcium.

Fried chicken and fried fish consumption linked to increased cardiovascular and overall mortality.

8-hour feeding windows are totally safe in obese adults.

Recommending breakfast for weight loss in adults may have the opposite effect, according to a new meta-analysis.

Women are more likely to choose short-term and long-term partners with their dad’s eye color.

New Primal Blueprint Podcasts

Episode 307: Alexander Haskell: Host Elle Russ chats with Dr. Alexander Haskell about prescription drug addiction.

Episode 308: Keto Q&A with Brad Kearns: Host Brad Kearns answers listener questions about keto.

Each week, select Mark’s Daily Apple blog posts are prepared as Primal Blueprint Podcasts. Need to catch up on reading, but don’t have the time? Prefer to listen to articles while on the go? Check out the new blog post podcasts below, and subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.

Media, Schmedia

Leading cardiovascular health journal publishes stern warning against “social media misinformation” regarding statins and cholesterol.

Holocaust survivors lived long lives.

Interesting Blog Posts

George Henderson reviews a new fasting-lite book.

How seed oils make sun bathing dangerous.

Social Notes

Went to the grand opening of Primal Santa Cruz, a new Primal/paleo restaurant.

Everything Else

Food education film from the 1950s.

Sonar may cause suicidal ideation in whales.

Single men and married men smell different.

How much rich, meaty aromatherapy do you deserve?

Music is essential for dementia patients.

The Golden Bolt has passed.

Things I’m Up to and Interested In

Podcast I enjoyed: Elle Russ appearing on Tom Bilyeu’s Health Theory podcast to discuss why you probably have a thyroid problem without knowing it.

They had me at “evolutionary”: An evolutionary perspective on why food overconsumption impairs cognition.

This is actually quite cool: Elephant seals took advantage of the government shutdown to take over a beach. They still won’t leave.

Great news: Hyperbaric oxygen treatment improves Alzheimer’s.

I wouldn’t mind doing inpatient here: The Alaska hospital that serves whale and caribou.

Question I’m Asking

Do you notice a connection between how much you eat and how well you think?

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Jan 27– Feb 2)

Comment of the Week

“I’m going to check my iron levels, and also, for some strange reason I’m starting to itch all over …”

– With any luck those are plague fleas and your iron levels will be perfect, HealthyHombre.


The post Weekly Link Love—Edition 14 appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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This post was originally published on this site

Nothing says comfort food quite like sloppy joes. The go-to of potlucks and family dinners for generations, they’ve got the tangy and hearty flavor even kids gravitate to. Many versions, including canned sauces, however, contain added sugars or even high fructose corn syrup—such a shame, since the basic ingredients of sloppy joes need no sweeteners when done right.

Bring this classic back to your healthy menu with this recipe for delicious sloppy joe meat sauce—and the grain-free buns to deliver that goodness. Enjoy!

Grain-Free Buns

Servings: 4 Buns

Time in the Kitchen: 15 minutes, plus 15 minutes to bake


  • 1 ½ cups super-fine blanched almond flour (165 g)
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt (2.5 ml)
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda (2.5 ml)
  • 4 large eggs, separated
  • 5 tablespoons Primal Kitchen® Avocado Oil (75 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (15 ml)
  • ½ teaspoon apple cider vinegar (2.5 ml)
  • ¼ teaspoon cream of tartar (1.25 ml)
  • Optional: Poppy seeds or sesame seeds to sprinkle on top
  • Tools: Silicone bun mold


Preheat oven to 375 ºF/190 ºC.

In the bowl of a food processor, mix together the almond flour, salt and baking soda so that no clumps remain.

Add the egg yolks, avocado oil, honey and apple cider vinegar. Blend until thick and smooth.

In the bowl of an electric mixer, combine the egg whites and cream of tartar. Using the whisk attachment, whisk until the egg whites are fluffy and soft peaks form (when the whisk is lifted out of the egg whites, a soft peak should pull up).

Pour 1/3 of the egg whites into the food processor. Pulse until combined, scraping down the sides as needed. Add another 1/3 of the egg whites, and pulse again until combined into a wet batter.

Scrape the dough out of the food processor and into the bowl with the remaining egg whites. Use a spatula to gently fold the egg whites into the dough. Fold and mix until there are no white streaks, but be gentle; the air in the egg whites helps the dough rise into a loaf with a light texture.

Place the bun pan on a baking sheet. Fill each bun container in the bun pan with ½ cup of batter. If desired, sprinkle poppy seeds or sesame seeds on top of the buns.

Bake 15 to 20 minutes, until the buns are lightly browned and a toothpick inserted into the bun comes out clean.

Set the bun pan on a rack to cool. When the buns are cool, remove from the pan. (You may need to invert the bun compartments to get the buns to pop out.)

The buns will keep fresh for several days in a sealed plastic bag.

Nutritional Information

  • Calories: 485
  • Carbs: 8.75 grams
  • Fat: 43 grams
  • Protein: 15 grams

Sloppy Joe Meat Sauce

Servings: 4-6

Time in the Kitchen: 15 (plus 40 minutes to let sauce cook)



Saute peppers with 2 tablespoons of avocado oil until slightly softened. Add garlic and saute for 3 more minutes. Set aside.

Place ground beef and onion in a large skillet. Turn heat to medium and cook and stir the mixture constantly until the beef is browned and forms small crumbles, about 10 minutes.

Add cooked pepper mix to the meat skillet. Add 1 cup water and stir, scraping the pan to dissolve any brown flavor bits from the bottom of the skillet.

Mix in ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, BBQ sauce, mustard, salt, and black pepper. Return mixture to a simmer. Reduce heat to low and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the liquid has evaporated and the mixture is thick, about 40 minutes.

Nutritional Information (assuming 6 servings)

  • Calories: 256
  • Carbs: 8 grams
  • Fat: 10 grams
  • Protein: 33 grams

The post Primal Sloppy Joes appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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