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With winter upon us, I find myself seeking out extra moments to sip on something warm. I especially love to incorporate this into my nighttime ritual, as I am winding down after a long day and heading to the couch. While caffeine won’t do, this herbal tea latte is perfect. It’s simple mix of chamomile tea and steamed milk that’s sweetened with honey and finished off with just a bit of ground cinnamon.

Think of it as your own Sleepytime tea that also doubles as a nightcap and even satisfies that sweet tooth you have after dinner, thanks to the kiss of honey. It’s the coziest way to treat yourself on a cold night.


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Kitchn’s Delicious Links column highlights recipes we’re excited about from the bloggers we love. Follow along every weekday as we post our favorites.

Okay, we can’t help but agree that the words “vegetarian loaf” don’t sound very sexy, which is how the blog Things I Made Today opens their post about this dish. But when you’re making something that tastes this delicious, looks don’t really matter.


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At Girls Gone Strong, we are committed to bringing you insightful and relevant articles touching on all aspects of women’s health, from fitness and nutrition to mental and sexual health, pregnancy, mindset and much more, all from a feminist and body-positive perspective.

We do so by enlisting the work of world-class experts and highly-qualified contributors, who are able to combine the latest research with decades of experience working with women in the real world to offer insight that women can implement in a realistic, sustainable, and compassionate way.

Without further ado, here are Girls Gone Strong’s top 10 articles of 2018:

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Coaches Make When Training Female Clients, by Molly Galbraith

Effectively coaching and training women is about more than understanding the anatomical and physiological differences between men and women. It’s also about understanding the psychological and emotional differences, including what women are conditioned to believe and say about their bodies and how it relates to their worthiness.

With a community of over 600,000 women from more than 70 countries around the world, we have been able to glean really powerful insight from our community members about their experiences working with a coach or trainer, and how these experiences have impacted them personally, as well as the effect these have had on their relationship with that professional. In this article, Molly Galbraith explains what we’ve found.

Speak Up: Identifying Rape Culture in Everyday Conversation, by Erica Smith

If you’ve spent any time discussing sexual violence, whether in person or online, you’ve likely heard statements that find a way to place blame on the victims or survivors of sexual assault, which at the same time, alleviate blame from the perpetrators. Harmful statements like these are examples of rape culture in everyday conversation.

Rape culture doesn’t just exist in individuals who express victim-blaming opinions, it also exists in the larger systems and structures in our society. There are many ways in which rape culture shows up in everyday conversation — even used by folks who would say that they’re against rape and sexual violence. The language is so pervasive that we may not even realize we’re using it. In this article, Erica Smith examines the many instances where rape culture shows up.

How to Get Back in the Gym After a Long Hiatus, by Jen Comas

It’s completely normal for your training consistency to ebb and flow throughout the course of your life. The most important thing is that you get started again so that you can feel your very best.

The challenge for many people is that getting back into the gym after some time off can feel incredibly difficult, and understandably so. As a matter of fact, how to pick back up with fitness after some time away is one of the most common questions that we get asked here at Girls Gone Strong, so you are not alone. In this article, Jen Comas goes over a few things that will help you get back into your workouts.

Understanding Birth Trauma and Its Effects on Women, by Carolina Belmares

As coaches, thanks to our close relationships with our clients and how well we get to know them, we can oftentimes be the first line of defense when it comes to help identifying a number of challenges they are experiencing. Birth trauma in mothers is a term used to describe postpartum post-traumatic stress disorder (P-PTSD). According to Postpartum Support International, P-PTSD affects around nine percent of women.

All in all, we owe it to ourselves as a society to remain mindful of the existence and prevalence of P-PTSD, so we can have a more timely and effective impact on our vulnerable mothers’ health and well-being. In this article, Carolina Belmares deciphers P-PTSD and its effects on women.

Why Different Set and Rep Ranges Are Key to Achieving Your Goals, by Ingrid Marcum

Are you interested in lifting to achieve a specific goal, but you’re not sure how many reps or sets to do or how much weight you should lift to move you toward your goals?

In this article, Ingrid Marcum discusses some key differences in training for increasing maximum strength, gaining muscle size (hypertrophy), improving muscular endurance, gaining strength and size, and gaining size and improving muscular endurance.

Are You Prioritizing Your Own Pleasure?, by Dr. Uchenna Ossai

One of the most common quotes about the path to success is, “fake it till you make it.” While it’s not bad advice when you are thinking about general life principles, it is the actual definition of nonsense when it comes to sexual pleasure.

The sexual lives of women are often under the microscope of the world — from the government to religion to even ourselves. It’s not surprising that for women, pleasure is often viewed as secondary perk instead of a core component of satisfying sexytimes. The fact is, sexual functioning is in indicator of one’s overall health and therefore an unsatisfying sex life should be taken off the table. In this article Dr. Uchenna Ossai examines how we can change our own sexual script.

5 Common Mistakes That Might Prevent You From Reaching Your Pull-Up Goals, by Meghan Callaway

Pull-ups are tremendous for improving upper body strength, muscle definition, and lumbo-pelvic stability. Furthermore, pull-ups are incredibly empowering to perform, and can create tremendous feelings of empowerment and pure freedom.

While they are a convenient exercise, because they require very little equipment, pull-ups are very technically demanding, and require your entire body to work as a synchronized unit. In this article, Meghan Callaway presents some extremely common mistakes — and the solutions to fix them.

When Should You Use a Weightlifting Belt?, by Tina Tang

Maybe you’ve noticed belts on others at the gyms, or eyed belted lifters all over Instagram. But why are they using a belt? Wait, should you use a belt at some point? Isn’t it a cheat?

In her quest for an answer, author Tina Tang interviews three experienced powerlifting coaches of varied backgrounds, and discovers that the answer — as is the case with many soulful life questions — is a lot more nuanced that she initially thought.

Is It OK to Run While Pregnant? (4 Important Considerations), by Marika Hart

This question is asked frequently by women who are pregnant and fear doing harm to themselves or their baby. Many women enjoy running and find the thought of having to stop — for pregnancy, injury or other reasons — distressful to consider. While many people believe that high impact or more intense levels of exercise should not be performed during pregnancy, most international guidelines concur that running is safe in uncomplicated pregnancies.

While running is not contraindicated, should women run while pregnant? It’s never a simple yes or no answer. In this article, Marika Hart looks at some very important considerations.

How to Achieve Healthy Eating Consistency With Reverse Meal Planning, by Concita Thomas

So many of us approach healthy eating and meal planning with a blank slate. We look to experts and coaches to tell us which foods are healthy and what to avoid. Then, we attempt to create daily meals from those recommendations. In most cases, the foods aren’t ones we’d normally eat. We aren’t excited about our meals beyond the results that we hope they’ll produce. So, even the most motivated among us eventually quit following the plan.

What most of us overlook is that the answer to finally being consistent is to keep eating what we’re already eating — but with a few simple tweaks. In this article, Concita Thomas explains how to leverage the consistency that you already have with eating the foods that you love to become consistent with healthy eating.


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The post Our Top 10 GGS Articles of 2018 appeared first on Girls Gone Strong.

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We think sandwiches are easily one of the best foods out there. We love how creative you can get with ingredients that go between two pieces of bread. The same goes for open-faced sandwiches, of course, which are what you’ll find on our smorgasbord. It’s funny how a sandwich just tastes better when you pile toppings as high as they’ll go and throw out that top slice. (Though you are free to use a top slice too — we won’t tell.)


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My family is about as omnivorous as they come, but we eat vegetarian meals regularly and often dedicate whole weeks of our meal plans to eating meatless. Choosing vegetable-, grain-, and legume-based dinners helps us try new foods, eat more produce, and keep our grocery budget in check.

This week instead of sharing my personal meal plan, which is frankly eating up candy canes and leftover cheeses, I’ve rounded up our 10 most popular vegetarian meal plans from the last year.


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For something as festive as New Year’s Eve, serving a drink that fits the mood is extra important. And while you can never go wrong with sparkling wine, sometimes you want just a little bit more, right? That’s where these cocktails, drinks, and big-batch punches come in. They run the gamut from classic to quirky and can serve just a few or a whole crowd, depending on what you have in store for the holiday.


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What if we told you that you can get your kitchen in tip-top shape (just like those perfectly organized pantries and cabinets that you scroll past on Instagram) without calling in a professional organizing service? That’s right — you can do it all by yourself. Well, with the help of some special organizers that you can buy online.

These are the items — big and small — that helped us get our sh*t together (literally!) in 2018. We’re betting they’ll help you in 2019.


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We hate clutter and junk more than anyone. If you can get by with one oven mitt, why amass a collection of five? Sometimes, though, little things that seem silly are actually super helpful. Here are eight seemingly unnecessary things our staffers couldn’t live without.


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Have you ever gotten lost on Pinterest or Instagram looking at cheese boards? Is that just me? There’s a world of beautiful-looking platters of cheese out there that I just want to dive right into. All too often, though, the ones I put on on my coffee table for my friends lack that abundance because, well, it can feel daunting to recreate at home — cheese is expensive!

Here’s the trick: Instead of draining your wallet to make a killer cheese board from the fanciest options at the speciality shop, head straight to your regular ol’ grocery store. The block you pick up weekly for your grilled cheese fix can make just as killer of a cheese board as the fancier guys. (Maybe even more so because it’s budget-friendly!) It all comes down to keeping certain things in mind as you build it.


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Kitchn’s Delicious Links column highlights recipes we’re excited about from the bloggers we love. Follow along every weekday as we post our favorites.

Earlier this year Mary Berry shocked many of her fans by declaring on Britain’s Best Home Cook that she would never put a crust on the bottom of a chicken pot pie, only on the top. One never wants to disagree with Mary Berry, especially not on television, but co-judge Dan Doherty said that as far as he is concerned, a pie needs to have crust on all sides, “otherwise it’s just a stew with a hat.”


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