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It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right? You hear Christmas music playing as you stroll through the mall — but instead of feeling joy surge through your body, fear sinks in as a pang of anxiety washes over you. While the holiday season is traditionally known for being a time of peace, love […]

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In order for throwing a ball at a wall to be more than a novelty, it needs to be attentive and violent.

Day 264 of 360

Pendlay row:
5 x 5 @ 75-80% of 2RM
1 x max rep @ 60%


Rest as needed between sets. If sets require interruption, make as minor an adjustment as needed and complete the next uninterrupted. When scheme is listed as “5 x 5″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”.


Reminder: Position and range of motion always govern weight, and a break in either ends a max-rep set.



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We’re all trying to do our very best in our busy lives. For some of us, the gym is a haven of sorts, a place where we get to focus wholly on ourselves. However, for many, simply getting to the gym — nevermind actually working out! — is mired by complicated logistics.

From simple and minimalist to more extravagant, setting up a home gym has become increasingly popular in recent years. Not having to account for transportation time to and from the gym, not to mention getting to shower in your own bathroom afterward, most definitely has its perks.

Have you been thinking about setting up a home gym? Could this option be right for you? Here are a few considerations to help you identify what will work best in your unique situation.

How Much Space Do You Really Have?

Space should be your starting point. No matter how ambitious you are, the space which you have available will be a determining factor when creating a workout area or setting up a home gym. The good news is that home gym set-ups are very versatile, and be designed to fit your space.

Whether you intend to take over your entire garage, create a workout corner in your basement, or simply exercise in your living room, there are plenty of options available, so that you can get started right away. There’s no need to wait until the “ideal” space becomes available (which may never happen).

Stay Organized!

When you envision your space, one thing to keep in mind is organization, both for practicality and for safety. If you’re working out at home in a shared space, smart storage solutions can help you negotiate occupancy and keep everyone from bumping into equipment strewn about the place.

If you consider purchasing larger pieces of equipment, don’t forget to measure them first — for real! As enthusiastic as you may be about working out, that squat rack that looked perfect on the website might take over your entire living room (true story!)

Don’t Forget Mother Nature

When planning out your home fitness headquarters, keep in mind that light and climate can have a considerable influence on how much you’ll actually use that space… or not! While your garage or basement may seem like a perfect option, think about what this space is like through all seasons, as well as throughout the day.

Are you going to freeze your butt off when the temperature drops? Do you have adequate lighting to be comfortable even when it’s dark outside? Is it unreasonably hot in the summer? Is there proper ventilation? Do you need a fan?

If you like working out to loud music, will that be possible at the times you plan to train? Does your chosen space share a wall with neighbors? By answering these questions well in advance, you’ll be better equipped to make astute choices.

What’s Your Budget, Truly?

As far as considerations go, money is obviously another big determining factor. Outfitting a home gym can run anywhere from a couple hundred to several thousand dollars. Having a clear idea of how much you’re willing to invest will not only guide your purchases, but encourage you to be as creative as you can to make the most of your available resources.

Take some time to research prices, and remember that one person’s “trash” can be a strong woman’s treasure! From closeouts to garage sales, from online classified ads to simply asking around, you can get incredible deals on second-hand equipment, and find the pieces you covet at a fraction of their usual retail cost.

Low-Cost Options

Don’t go believing that you can’t get a solid workout with a small budget! Some of the most basic equipment available still packs a powerful punch, and can be a great starting point for you!

If you have the space (and you’re not training upstairs from someone who is trying to sleep or work!), you can bust out a heart-pumping interval training session with a simple jump rope and a timer. The same goes with slam balls (again, provided you’re not disturbing anyone directly downstairs).

A pull-up bar fitted in a door frame can go a long way, and you can create a basic suspension training station by fitting a set of gymnastics rings onto an anchor point. Safety should always be a primary concern. Take the steps necessary to ensure that your pull-up bar and suspension training set-up are anchored securely.

Sliders are among the most versatile, low-cost pieces of equipment out there, and offer a remarkable challenge when added to a fitness routine, bringing exercises like lunges, push-ups and mountain climbers to a whole other level. (If they are still out of reach with your available budget and you want to try them out, large furniture sliders can be used in a similar fashion.)

Resistance bands in varying thickness and sizes are easy to store and easy to pack, which makes them a must-have when you want to keep up with your workouts when you’re traveling.

Finally, a stability ball and a yoga mat are affordable staples of a basic home gym. Stability balls can be a fantastic tool for core training, but also be used in lieu of a bench for exercises such as dumbbell chest presses and back extensions, just to name a few. A yoga mat will give you a comfortable surface to work out when other rubber flooring options are unavailable.

Mid-Range Options

If you’re working with slightly bigger budget, kettlebells and dumbbells are great investments. Adjustable dumbbells, while pricier, are great if you’re working with limited space, since they take up the space of only two large dumbbells compared to a rack of dumbbells. To keep your costs down, remember to look for used or second-hand equipment in your area. You’ll save some money and take some unwanted equipment off someone’s hands. It’s a win-win!

Suspension trainers are yet another versatile and compact addition to your home gym. They can see you through a full-body workout, from inverted rows to assisted single-leg squats to challenging core exercises, all in minimal space. At the risk of sounding repetitive, practice safety first! Make sure your suspension trainer is securely anchored before you start using it.

A bench, if you have the space, is a worthy purchase. Depending on what is available and what you are able to invest, and what your workouts are likely to require, you will find both flat and adjustable benches.

High-End Options

If you have more space and a bigger budget, consider acquiring a squat rack, especially if you want to include barbell work in your training. Barbells and plates are among the higher-cost items, but they’re also extremely durable.

Finally, you may contemplate cardio equipment like a treadmill, a stationary bike, an elliptical trainer, or an erg rower. If you’re ready to invest in one of these machines, consider your options, and let your personal preferences guide you instead of conforming to what you think you should do.

As with many of the other pieces of equipment mentioned so far, look for garage or estate sales, search classifieds and online listings, and ask people you know. You can often find used or second-hand barbells and plates, as well as cardio equipment (sometimes gently used or barely used!) at a reasonable price.

Which Activities Do You Actually Enjoy?

While it may be tempting to get all the equipment, it’s wise to prioritize and get extremely clear about two things:

  1. What will you use the most?
  2. What do you actually enjoy?

The last thing you need is a piece of equipment that will ultimately gather dust or serve as a very expensive clothes rack (come on, we’ve all seen this, either in our home or someone else’s!)

Be honest with yourself before you make an investment in any fitness equipment. If you don’t enjoy rowing at the gym and generally avoid it, what are the chances that you’ll suddenly develop unbridled enthusiasm for rowing at home? If you loathe running, perhaps you can identify a few other forms of cardio you enjoy, instead of springing for a treadmill.

Other Tips

While the above questions are a solid starting point, there are a few other pointers worth considering as you prepare to create your home gym or workout area.

Be Patient

It’s OK to start small. Ask almost anyone who has a well-equipped home gym, and they’ll tell you the same thing: it’s taken them years to get all of what they currently have. In fact, for some people, figuring out what makes sense in their space has been a process of trial and error over the years. Focus on a few key pieces at first, and remember that you can build (and change things too!) as you go and as your preferences and knowledge evolve.

Get Creative

You may not be able to get all the equipment you want straight away, so don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Keeping safety in mind at all times, you can modify many exercises to work with the equipment you do own. (For years, my “bench” was a sturdy coffee table with a yoga mat on top.)

What do you currently have that you could use differently? A set of bands? Your stairs? Take a moment to look at what you have through a new lens, and you may be surprised by what you’ll discover!

Be Mindful About Inspiration

If you’re feeling inclined to decorate your space with inspirational posters, images, slogans or mantras, take a moment to consider what influence these images and words truly have on you. Not all “inspiration” is created equal: are you choosing messages that subtly shame you and leave you feeling unworthy? Like, deep down, you’re not enough as you currently are?

Be mindful of this, and surround yourself with inspiration that actually makes you feel uplifted and empowered!

A message from GGS…

Understanding how to get more results in less time so you actually enjoy exercise and can have a life outside of the gym isn’t hard, you just have to understand the Blueprint and be willing to trust the process.

If you’d like to know:
  • How much you should exercise
  • What to do for exercise
  • How to put it all together into a plan that works for YOU

The good news? It’s simpler than you think!

Tell me how!

The post Thinking of Setting Up a Home Gym? appeared first on Girls Gone Strong.

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Sure, many UFOs can be explained as something natural or man-made. But when the Pentagon admits it ran a secret multimillion-dollar UFO program, even hard-core skeptics sit up and listen. I mean, if the U.S. government feels there’s a need for a program to collect and analyze “anomalous aerospace threats,” then they must know something, […]

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In order for hitting a tire with a hammer to be more than a novelty, it needs to be performed with power, precision, and fluidity.

Day 263 of 360

Kettlebell swing clean + push press:
4 x 3L, 3R @ as heavy as possible in each set
2 x 6L, 6R @ 75% of heaviest set above
1 x 6L, 6R @ 50%


Rest as needed between sets. If sets require interruption at chosen weight, make as minor an adjustment as needed and complete the next uninterrupted. When scheme is listed as “4 x 3L, 3R″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”.


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Centella asiatica, an ancient healing herb, is being revived by modern-day science to help reverse the signs of aging. But its benefits don’t stop there. From healing burns and wounds to easing anxiety and enhancing your memory, this powerful herb has many health benefits. Here’s what you need to know about Centella asiatica and how […]

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Considering two out of three adults are either overweight or obese in the U.S., losing weight is probably one of the most challenging things Americans face. So, why can’t we lose weight? While there’s no simple answer to that, there are several common behavioral and medical reasons why losing weight is so darn hard. Let’s […]

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If you’re lucky enough to have enough space to create a home gym then make it the best one you can.


I recently moved into my new huge Texas home, which inherently comes with some extra space, so I had the opportunity to set up a home gym. I realize that not everybody has the luxury of space that I have, so I decided to pull together an at home guide to setting up your own gym, with minimal space.


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2017 written on the sand of a beach, travel 2017 new year conceptEach year is fuller than the last. More and more scientific papers are published each year, and that trend is only quickening. The same trend goes for books, products, businesses. Humans are incredible producers. It’s what we do—create and consume.

So, whenever I do a “year in review” type of post, it’s harder than the previous year. There’s too much to cover. Hell, in 2017 alone there were over 17,000 papers published on saturated fat17,000.

But let’s give it a shot. What are some takeaways as we finish out 2017?

1. Vegetable oils are still really, really bad.

2. Keto works.

3. Everything has a circadian rhythm, and the circadian rhythm affects everything.

4. What the Health, this year’s token vegan screed, came out to rapturous applause. In one of my favorite pieces of the year, Robb Wolf took it apart piece by piece and, in doing so, definitively commented on anti-meat hysteria and bad science in general.

5. We learned that the sugar industry has been stifling anti-sugar research results for decades, surprising no one while enraging almost everyone (with an honest bone in their body).

6. We learned more and more about ancient human evolution and migration. It turns out that our history is even crazier and more impressive than we thought.

7. Human gene editing drew ever nearer to the mainstream.

8. Awareness of digital media’s effect on our health and happiness grew.

9. There was serious debate over whether we’re educating and parenting our kids the right way.

10. Even as health and food-related tech has largely come up short, there were some promising developments.

11. I had a few momentous occasions happen that really made the year for me:

I’ve been doing this thing for over 10 years now, and it still feels fresh, still feels new and exciting. Because despite all the studies, developments, news reports, and personal experimentation, we still don’t know much of anything. A whopping 99% of the gut biome is a complete mystery, for example. There’s a lot more for us to learn. I look forward to sharing  and discussing it with all of you.

What were your big takeaways for 2017?

Thanks for reading, everyone. Take care and be well.


The post The Best of 2017: Research Insights and Other Breakthroughs appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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The solution to your plateau may lie in a better understanding of the way your body handles energy.

The plateau is, without a doubt, the most exasperating part of physical exercise. It’s like the pain you push through to finish a marathon. Whether you want to gain muscle, lose fat, or improve your performance, the plateau is the most frequently encountered barrier throughout the world of fitness and training. Some of you have already conquered your flatlines. Whatever you do, never cease to tell your story and help others do the same.


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