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From Apartment Therapy → Back in Fashion: 5 Old Kitchen Design Trends that are Making a Comeback


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You’ll never move on to the heavier kettlebells if you fail to master the basics of the jerk technique.

In my previous article, The Single Most Important Aspect of Kettlebell Sport, I spoke about the importance of efficiency in kettlebell sport and explained how to achieve a more efficient rack position. Now I would like to take a more detailed look at the jerk and how to properly execute it in kettlebell sport.


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This post was originally published on this site


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This post was originally published on this site


Be Nice and Share!
This post was originally published on this site


Meet Jennifer!


Name:  Jennifer Davidson
Age: 37
Location: Dublin, Ireland

How did you find out about Girls Gone Strong?
Via Facebook

What does being a Girl Gone Strong mean to you?
For me it means being strong in every aspect of my life, my health, my body, my mind. It also means being strong enough to be vulnerable too.

What do you do?
I’m a screenwriter for a TV series in Ireland

FREE REPORT: Why You’re Training Hard And Not Seeing Results
Download it here!

What else do you do?
When I’m not writing (which is as much a hobby as a job, I’m very lucky in that way) I love to travel, take photographs, read, and catch up with good friends.

How did you get introduced to strength training, and how long have you been training?
My introduction to strength training was through the Strongest You Coaching programme. So, I’ve been training since July 2015. Before then I was a confirmed gym-phobic. I mean, strength training and gyms in general were only for “fit” people, right?!

Jennifer-Davidson3-NewGear-480x452Your favorite lift:
Single leg RDLs! It was probably one of the first lifts Jen, our coach, got me to do. I remember the first couple of weeks I did it thinking I’d never get the hang of it. Nearly falling over a couple of times was definitely not one of my prouder gym moments. I was determined to not give up (my fitness history before last year was a catalogue of things I’d tried and never stuck with). Once I got the hang of it, it was a move I completely fell in love with.

Top three things you must have with you at the gym or in your gym bag:

  • Headphones—a must for listening to my fave music while I work out. Singing out loud in the gym is acceptable, right?!
  • Multiple hair bands—one is never enough!
  • Water. Lots of water.

Do you prefer to train alone or with others? Why?
I prefer training alone. I’m naturally competitive, but not naturally sporty, so I always found that group fitness activities made me feel worse about myself because I spent so much time and energy comparing myself to everybody else. So, when I hit the gym, I go on my own and I don’t worry about what anyone else is doing. It’s good to carve out some time for myself in the day. However, this year I discovered a love of group classes again, and I started doing a weekly dance class with a group of amazing women. Now that’s one of the highlights of my week.

Jennifer-Davidson8-sunshine-350x350Favorite way to treat yourself:
I always used to think treats were food, or drink. Friday night wine and pizza, every week, because it was habit. It was routine. If I wanted to celebrate, if I was feeling down, you name it, there was a reason to eat carbs. I spent a lot of time over the past year unpacking those habits, and figuring out what I was actually looking for. These days a treat is more likely to be buying myself a bunch of flowers, reading a good book, treating myself to a manicure, something that’s an indulgence, not a guilt trip.

Your favorite quote:
“You do You.”  This came up in our Strongest You Coaching and really struck a chord with me. I had spent so much time worrying about what other people would think, or say, that this little phrase was a revelation. I love the freedom it gives me.

Best compliment you’ve received lately:
The best compliment I received lately was being asked to do this spotlight. I mean, me? Seriously? I’m not exactly a poster girl for fitness (yet!)

But being asked to share my experiences, reminded me of how far I’ve come and how much I’ve achieved.

Most recent compliment you gave someone else:
A wonderful friend of mine recently took a part in a musical, and despite being convinced she can’t sing, she sang a solo (in hotpants—you had to be there). I am endlessly proud of her, and told her so.

Three words that best describe you:
Loud. Creative. Emotional.

Jennifer-Davidson2-Ritual-BookCandle-300x402Your favorite book:
Just one?! I am a book addict. If I had to pick my all-time favourite novel it would probably be Maggie O’Farrell’s After You’d Gone. Non-fiction-wise, the book that changed my life in the past year was recommended by our SYC coach, Jen: The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal. Read it. It was like a lightbulb going off for me.

Describe a typical day in your life, from waking up to bedtime:
As a writer I work from home, so my morning probably starts around 8am. I’ll get up, have breakfast (usually leftover dinner from the night before), switch on the radio, and open up my laptop. I’ll do a bit of admin, answer emails, check social media, and by 9am I’m ready to start writing. Depending on what stage I’m at with a script, I’ll usually work on my laptop until 11 and then print out some work to take to the local coffee shop with me. I love writing long hand, and it’s also good for my creativity to be somewhere where there are lots of other conversations going on. I’ll do that for about an hour, and then head back home before lunch to type up what I’ve written.

I cook lunch every day, usually a stir fry of some kind. If it’s a training day, I’ll head to the gym in the afternoon for an hour. If it’s not, I’ll take some time away from my desk to get in a good walk. Or if it’s raining (lets face it, there’s always a good chance of that here) I’ll stick on some music and dance around my sitting room.

Jennifer-Davidson7-Smiling-380x304Work-wise, I’ll try and move on to a different project in the afternoon. I’m usually juggling two or three different scripts, so it’s good to break up the work across the day. I’ll also check in with my script editors, get notes from them, have a conversation about where we’re going with storylines. If I don’t have a major deadline looming, I’ll usually wrap up between four and five. If I am under deadline pressure, then I’m at my desk for the rest of the evening. The hours can be long, but because it never actually feels like work, I never mind. Then once I’m finished I catch up on a bit of TV and do a little journal writing. I try to get to bed by 10 if I can, I’ll read for a little, or catch up on social media. I love watching snapchat videos, though I only ever lurk.

What inspires and motivates you?
I’m really lucky to be surrounded by some amazing, wonderful women in my life who inspire and motivate me daily.

But one of my biggest learning curves in the past year was to be my own motivation and inspiration. I’m doing this for me.

When did you join Strongest You Coaching? Why did you decide to join and what helped you make the decision to join?
I joined the Strongest You Coaching in July 2015. I was in a bad place that summer. I’d had a very tough year. My brother had suffered a serious accident, and I was doing a lot of caring and worrying about him, and our parents. I was insisting I was fine, but I knew I wasn’t coping. I was eating my way through my feelings and had put on about a stone and a half in weight. I’d always struggled with my weight but this just felt like a new low. I had been following GGS on Facebook for inspiration, and was curious when they announced the coaching. I downloaded the form, and then dismissed the idea. It was too expensive, too American, too difficult, any excuse you could think of, I had it. I read the website, and watched the videos so many times. But I kept thinking it wasn’t for me. I must have started to fill in the application about ten times. And then, something (I don’t know what) made me go back, take a chance and fill the form in. I am so glad I did.

What has been your biggest challenge in the Strongest You Coaching program?
My biggest challenge has been letting go of old habits, and realizing that there’s no quick fix. I still find myself some weeks falling into old patterns, but now I know I have the tools to recognize them, figure out why I’m doing what I’m doing, and get myself back on track.

Jennifer-Davidson4-Dress-323x450What has been your biggest success in the Strongest You Coaching program?
My biggest success wasn’t actually physical. I mean, yeah, I can lift weights I never thought I would, and I can see my body changing, but it was the mental breakthrough I made that really made a difference. I had tried (and to my mind, failed) to lose weight countless times. Any diet you can think of, I had done it. I’d look at other friends who managed to lose weight, and I’d feel like a failure because I couldn’t.

I was probably about five months into our coaching programme when something clicked for me. I was enjoying going to the gym, I had completely changed my eating habits, but somehow I still felt like I was stuck. We were doing a lot of work on loving ourselves, on willpower and on deciphering what being kind to yourself actually meant. Jen recommended that we read The Willpower Instinct, and it was like it had been written for me. I started to understand why I had consistently sabotaged my efforts to get healthy in the past. It also helped me to stop being so hard on myself, to forgive myself for past mistakes and focus on what I could do now. Once I was able to unpack what was actually going on in my head when it came to my body, it all started to make sense.

What do you like best about the Strongest You Coaching community?
It’s such a supportive community of women, who all have their own unique experiences to share and who genuinely have each others backs on this journey.

What is the “BIG” goal you’d like to achieve by the end of Strongest You Coaching?
I’m still working on dropping my body fat (and mentally correcting myself every time I say losing weight) so that’s definitely part of my big goal, but more than that, my big goal is to get to a place where I’m happy in my body, to be confident about how I look, and to like myself in photographs. It’s a work in progress but I know I’m closer to that goal than I have ever been.

Jennifer-Davidson4-Croatia-338x450What is the habit you’re currently working on most?
I’ve had a bit of a chaotic month, so I’ve taken myself back to basics lately and am focusing on eating slowly and getting in daily movement (separate to my workouts) I found through trial and error that if I focus on these two habits, it’s so much easier to centre myself again.

How has Strongest You Coaching changed your life?
In every possible way. How I eat, and how I work out are completely different to how it all was last year. But also, how I feel about myself and my body has changed completely.

What would you tell a woman who’s nervous about joining Strongest You Coaching?
Just go for it. If you’re nervous, embrace your nerves and your vulnerability and just jump in. You won’t regret it. And participate 100% in the community aspect of it, the private online group is such an amazing tool, take advantage of it, and don’t hold back. If I can do it, anyone can.

Feeling inspired by Jennifer’s story?

In our Strongest You Coaching program, we help women just like you reach their health, physique, and mindset goals. Strongest You Coaching is about more than just training and nutrition. It’s about changing your self-talk and inner dialogue, learning to let fitness enhance your life instead of rule your life, and finally healing your relationship with food and your body, all with the help of your Girls Gone Strong Coach, and your fellow Strongest You Coaching group.

Strongest You Coaching is a 9-month online group coaching program that gives you tools to succeed and puts the power to make lasting changes in your hands. We teach you how to finally eat and exercise in a way that you love so you can sustain it forever.

Make sure you get on the pre-registration list here. These limited spots fill up quickly when we open up, and if you’re on the list, you’ll have the chance to register 24 hours before registration opens to the general public.

Pre-Register Now!

The post GGS Spotlight: Jennifer Davidson appeared first on Girls Gone Strong.

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This post was originally published on this site


Meet Jennifer!


Name:  Jennifer Davidson
Age: 37
Location: Dublin, Ireland

How did you find out about Girls Gone Strong?
Via Facebook

What does being a Girl Gone Strong mean to you?
For me it means being strong in every aspect of my life, my health, my body, my mind. It also means being strong enough to be vulnerable too.

What do you do?
I’m a screenwriter for a TV series in Ireland

FREE REPORT: Why You’re Training Hard And Not Seeing Results
Download it here!

What else do you do?
When I’m not writing (which is as much a hobby as a job, I’m very lucky in that way) I love to travel, take photographs, read, and catch up with good friends.

How did you get introduced to strength training, and how long have you been training?
My introduction to strength training was through the Strongest You Coaching programme. So, I’ve been training since July 2015. Before then I was a confirmed gym-phobic. I mean, strength training and gyms in general were only for “fit” people, right?!

Jennifer-Davidson3-NewGear-480x452Your favorite lift:
Single leg RDLs! It was probably one of the first lifts Jen, our coach, got me to do. I remember the first couple of weeks I did it thinking I’d never get the hang of it. Nearly falling over a couple of times was definitely not one of my prouder gym moments. I was determined to not give up (my fitness history before last year was a catalogue of things I’d tried and never stuck with). Once I got the hang of it, it was a move I completely fell in love with.

Top three things you must have with you at the gym or in your gym bag:

  • Headphones—a must for listening to my fave music while I work out. Signing out loud in the gym is acceptable, right?!
  • Multiple hair bands—one is never enough!
  • Water. Lots of water.

Do you prefer to train alone or with others? Why?
I prefer training alone. I’m naturally competitive, but not naturally sporty, so I always found that group fitness activities made me feel worse about myself because I spent so much time and energy comparing myself to everybody else. So, when I hit the gym, I go on my own and I don’t worry about what anyone else is doing. It’s good to carve out some time for myself in the day. However, this year I discovered a love of group classes again, and I started doing a weekly dance class with a group of amazing women. Now that’s one of the highlights of my week.

Jennifer-Davidson8-sunshine-350x350Favorite way to treat yourself:
I always used to think treats were food, or drink. Friday night wine and pizza, every week, because it was habit. It was routine. If I wanted to celebrate, if I was feeling down, you name it, there was a reason to eat carbs. I spent a lot of time over the past year unpacking those habits, and figuring out what I was actually looking for. These days a treat is more likely to be buying myself a bunch of flowers, reading a good book, treating myself to a manicure, something that’s an indulgence, not a guilt trip.

Your favorite quote:
“You do You.”  This came up in our Strongest You Coaching and really struck a chord with me. I had spent so much time worrying about what other people would think, or say, that this little phrase was a revelation. I love the freedom it gives me.

Best compliment you’ve received lately:
The best compliment I received lately was being asked to do this spotlight. I mean, me? Seriously? I’m not exactly a poster girl for fitness (yet!)

But being asked to share my experiences, reminded me of how far I’ve come and how much I’ve achieved.

Most recent compliment you gave someone else:
A wonderful friend of mine recently took a part in a musical, and despite being convinced she can’t sing, she sang a solo (in hotpants—you had to be there). I am endlessly proud of her, and told her so.

Three words that best describe you:
Loud. Creative. Emotional.

Jennifer-Davidson2-Ritual-BookCandle-300x402Your favorite book:
Just one?! I am a book addict. If I had to pick my all-time favourite novel it would probably be Maggie O’Farrell’s After You’d Gone. Non-fiction-wise, the book that changed my life in the past year was recommended by our SYC coach, Jen: The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal. Read it. It was like a lightbulb going off for me.

Describe a typical day in your life, from waking up to bedtime:
As a writer I work from home, so my morning probably starts around 8am. I’ll get up, have breakfast (usually leftover dinner from the night before), switch on the radio, and open up my laptop. I’ll do a bit of admin, answer emails, check social media, and by 9am I’m ready to start writing. Depending on what stage I’m at with a script, I’ll usually work on my laptop until 11 and then print out some work to take to the local coffee shop with me. I love writing long hand, and it’s also good for my creativity to be somewhere where there are lots of other conversations going on. I’ll do that for about an hour, and then head back home before lunch to type up what I’ve written.

I cook lunch every day, usually a stir fry of some kind. If it’s a training day, I’ll head to the gym in the afternoon for an hour. If it’s not, I’ll take some time away from my desk to get in a good walk. Or if it’s raining (lets face it, there’s always a good chance of that here) I’ll stick on some music and dance around my sitting room.

Jennifer-Davidson7-Smiling-380x304Work-wise, I’ll try and move on to a different project in the afternoon. I’m usually juggling two or three different scripts, so it’s good to break up the work across the day. I’ll also check in with my script editors, get notes from them, have a conversation about where we’re going with storylines. If I don’t have a major deadline looming, I’ll usually wrap up between four and five. If I am under deadline pressure, then I’m at my desk for the rest of the evening. The hours can be long, but because it never actually feels like work, I never mind. Then once I’m finished I catch up on a bit of TV and do a little journal writing. I try to get to bed by 10 if I can, I’ll read for a little, or catch up on social media. I love watching snapchat videos, though I only ever lurk.

What inspires and motivates you?
I’m really lucky to be surrounded by some amazing, wonderful women in my life who inspire and motivate me daily.

But one of my biggest learning curves in the past year was to be my own motivation and inspiration. I’m doing this for me.

When did you join Strongest You Coaching? Why did you decide to join and what helped you make the decision to join?
I joined the Strongest You Coaching in July 2015. I was in a bad place that summer. I’d had a very tough year. My brother had suffered a serious accident, and I was doing a lot of caring and worrying about him, and our parents. I was insisting I was fine, but I knew I wasn’t coping. I was eating my way through my feelings and had put on about a stone and a half in weight. I’d always struggled with my weight but this just felt like a new low. I had been following GGS on Facebook for inspiration, and was curious when they announced the coaching. I downloaded the form, and then dismissed the idea. It was too expensive, too American, too difficult, any excuse you could think of, I had it. I read the website, and watched the videos so many times. But I kept thinking it wasn’t for me. I must have started to fill in the application about ten times. And then, something (I don’t know what) made me go back, take a chance and fill the form in. I am so glad I did.

What has been your biggest challenge in the Strongest You Coaching program?
My biggest challenge has been letting go of old habits, and realizing that there’s no quick fix. I still find myself some weeks falling into old patterns, but now I know I have the tools to recognize them, figure out why I’m doing what I’m doing, and get myself back on track.

Jennifer-Davidson4-Dress-323x450What has been your biggest success in the Strongest You Coaching program?
My biggest success wasn’t actually physical. I mean, yeah, I can lift weights I never thought I would, and I can see my body changing, but it was the mental breakthrough I made that really made a difference. I had tried (and to my mind, failed) to lose weight countless times. Any diet you can think of, I had done it. I’d look at other friends who managed to lose weight, and I’d feel like a failure because I couldn’t.

I was probably about five months into our coaching programme when something clicked for me. I was enjoying going to the gym, I had completely changed my eating habits, but somehow I still felt like I was stuck. We were doing a lot of work on loving ourselves, on willpower and on deciphering what being kind to yourself actually meant. Jen recommended that we read The Willpower Instinct, and it was like it had been written for me. I started to understand why I had consistently sabotaged my efforts to get healthy in the past. It also helped me to stop being so hard on myself, to forgive myself for past mistakes and focus on what I could do now. Once I was able to unpack what was actually going on in my head when it came to my body, it all started to make sense.

What do you like best about the Strongest You Coaching community?
It’s such a supportive community of women, who all have their own unique experiences to share and who genuinely have each others backs on this journey.

What is the “BIG” goal you’d like to achieve by the end of Strongest You Coaching?
I’m still working on dropping my body fat (and mentally correcting myself every time I say losing weight) so that’s definitely part of my big goal, but more than that, my big goal is to get to a place where I’m happy in my body, to be confident about how I look, and to like myself in photographs. It’s a work in progress but I know I’m closer to that goal than I have ever been.

Jennifer-Davidson4-Croatia-338x450What is the habit you’re currently working on most?
I’ve had a bit of a chaotic month, so I’ve taken myself back to basics lately and am focusing on eating slowly and getting in daily movement (separate to my workouts) I found through trial and error that if I focus on these two habits, it’s so much easier to centre myself again.

How has Strongest You Coaching changed your life?
In every possible way. How I eat, and how I work out are completely different to how it all was last year. But also, how I feel about myself and my body has changed completely.

What would you tell a woman who’s nervous about joining Strongest You Coaching?
Just go for it. If you’re nervous, embrace your nerves and your vulnerability and just jump in. You won’t regret it. And participate 100% in the community aspect of it, the private online group is such an amazing tool, take advantage of it, and don’t hold back. If I can do it, anyone can.

Feeling inspired by Jennifer’s story?

In our Strongest You Coaching program, we help women just like you reach their health, physique, and mindset goals. Strongest You Coaching is about more than just training and nutrition. It’s about changing your self-talk and inner dialogue, learning to let fitness enhance your life instead of rule your life, and finally healing your relationship with food and your body, all with the help of your Girls Gone Strong Coach, and your fellow Strongest You Coaching group.

Strongest You Coaching is a 9-month online group coaching program that gives you tools to succeed and puts the power to make lasting changes in your hands. We teach you how to finally eat and exercise in a way that you love so you can sustain it forever.

Make sure you get on the pre-registration list here. These limited spots fill up quickly when we open up, and if you’re on the list, you’ll have the chance to register 24 hours before registration opens to the general public.

Pre-Register Now!

The post GGS Spotlight: Jennifer Davidson appeared first on Girls Gone Strong.

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This post was originally published on this site

Eggplant and Lamb 1An edible serving dish made of roasted eggplant halves stuffed with cinnamon and paprika scented lamb. How does that sound for dinner tonight? The eggplant is roasted until the texture is creamy enough to eat with a spoon. The ground lamb is cooked with onion, garlic and aromatic spices. Combined, the eggplant and lamb turn into a meal that is the definition of simple, healthy and delicious.

Can you substitute ground beef, pork or even turkey in this recipe? Certainly. But don’t forget about what lamb has to offer: All eight essential amino acids, several B vitamins, niacin, zinc, iron and lots of conjugated linoleic acid. As with all meat, grass-fed is ideal. Although lamb is more likely to be grass-fed than beef, much depends on where the lamb is raised. Before stocking up on ingredients for this recipe, read this guide for figuring out whether or not lamb is grass-fed. (And check out the tips below for buying perfect eggplant.)

Servings: 4

Time in the Kitchen:
1 hour



  • 2 eggplants, halved lengthwise
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil, plus more to brush eggplant (30 ml)
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 2 teaspoons tomato paste (10 ml)
  • 1 pound ground lamb (450 g)
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin (2.5 ml)
  • 2 teaspoons sweet paprika (10 ml)
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon (a pinch)
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped cilantro (or parsley) (60 ml)

How to Pick Perfect Eggplant:

To avoid bitterness, choosing a good eggplant at the market is more important than pre-salting and rinsing the eggplant. Look for smooth and shiny skin and a firm, but not rock-hard, texture. The stem should have a nice green color, and the area around the stem should also be firm, not mushy. The larger and older an eggplant is, the more likely it will be bitter and seedy. Choose medium-sized eggplants and ideally purchase from a farmer’s market where the eggplants are likely to be young and freshly picked.


Preheat oven to 400 °F/204 °C.

Score the flesh of the eggplant with the tip of a knife in a crosshatch pattern, cutting not quite down to the skin. To make a crosshatch pattern, tilt the top of the eggplant to the right. Cut diagonal lines about an inch apart. Tilt the top of the eggplant to the left. Cut diagonal lines over the first lines so you have a diamond pattern.

Brush the eggplant flesh with a generous amount of coconut oil or olive oil. Season with salt and pepper.

Place the eggplant halves, flesh side down, in a roasting pan (lined with parchment for easier cleanup).

Roast 35 to 45 minutes until the skin is collapsing. Remove from the oven. The flesh should be very soft.

Eggplant and Lamb 2

While the eggplant is cooking, heat 2 tablespoons coconut oil/olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the onion, cooking until soft, 8 minutes.

Add the garlic, then tomato paste. Stir, and cook another 2 to 3 minutes.

Raise the heat to medium-high. Add the ground lamb. Season the meat with salt, plus the cumin, paprika, and cinnamon. Break the meat up into small pieces as it cooks. When the meat is cooked, mix in the cilantro.

Spoon the ground lamb on top of the roasted eggplants. Serve.

Eggplant and Lamb 2

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Summer just wouldn’t be complete without firing up the grill. Not only does grilling help us beat the heat in the kitchen, but it also gives food a smoky aroma and taste that’s downright satisfying. Whether you’re stepping in front of a grill for the first time or you’re a seasoned pro, these tips will get you set for a summer of better grilling.


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This post was originally published on this site

From Apartment Therapy → Divert a Dining Room Disaster: Mastering the Art of Mismatched Chairs


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