This article: – HIIT Can Get You Huge, Especially If You Are A …

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I’m a lot less naive than I was a year ago. I’m still naive enough to believe that I can explain something very few people might be able to /
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I’m writing and rewriting this article over and over again. Countless forms of the same damn thing. In the end it always ends up being way too long, veering off into several /
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This is a fool’s errand, I realise. I give up. I’m just going to hope that you take it for what it is – an honest account from my side of the fence.nbsp;After all. nbsp;I can’t be doing the same thing over and over again, and expect a different result – can I? No. That’s the definition of /
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(FYI: 1. Broke my tweet button. Will fix. 2. Comments are on again – but it will take a few hours before […]

Original post by Martin Berkhan

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pa title=” The Primal Connection” href=”;tag=marsdaiapp07-20amp;linkCode=as2amp;camp=1789amp;creative=390957amp;creativeASIN=0984755101″ target=”_blank”img class=”alignright” alt=”Cover Only LoRes cropped” src=”” width=”320″ height=”420″ title=”Cover Only LoRes cropped photo” //aI#8217;m pleased to announce the release of a title=” The Primal Connection” href=”;tag=marsdaiapp07-20amp;linkCode=as2amp;camp=1789amp;creative=390957amp;creativeASIN=0984755101″emThe Primal Connection/em/a. Three years in the making, this new book explores the assorted genetic disconnects inherent in hectic modern life and how to correct them. As friends and colleagues within the ancestral community have so generously described, emThe Primal Connection/em offers a fresh perspective and an extension of the evolutionary health theme outside the basics of diet and exercise for the first time./p
pLike emThe Primal Blueprint/em, a title=” The Primal Connection” href=”;tag=marsdaiapp07-20amp;linkCode=as2amp;camp=1789amp;creative=390957amp;creativeASIN=0984755101″emThe Primal Connection/em/a is both a culmination and expansion of principles I’ve first introduced here on MDA. It picks up where emThe Primal Blueprint/em left off. In it I describe a comprehensive plan to overcome the flawed mentality and hectic pace of high-tech, modern life and reprogram […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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If you read Part 2 of this series you will have a solid action plan to get your metabolism back to normal levels. In the process, you may add a touch of body fat, but will be in a much stronger position to get lean for summer. This post will outline how to keep your metabolism healthy while systematically getting in shape for summer.
[By the time summer hits, the ideal situation is to be lean without destroying your body’s ability to burn calories. In other words, lean with a high metabolism.]
Long-Term Low Calorie Diets Suck the Life Out of You

A lot of people can look their best after a short term aggressive diet. I’m not against short term low calorie diets. I believe they are fine for 1-3 months. The problem happens when they are extended past that point. It is pretty easy to miss out on vital nutrients […]

Original post by admin

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pimg class=”alignright” alt=”gardening2″ src=”” width=”320″ height=”212″ title=”gardening2 photo” //p
pFor today#8217;s edition of a title=”Dear Mark” href=””Dear Mark/a, we#8217;ve got a quick three-parter. First, I briefly cover periodization training, explaining how and why I think everyone participates in it (even if they don#8217;t know it yet). Next up is a question about my ideal garden. Now, I#8217;m no gardener, but I do have some ideas about what kinds of food I#8217;d like to grow. I give my personal list of calorie-dense and nutrient-dense produce (green thumbs, criticism is welcome). Finally, I discuss the difference #8211; if any actually exists #8211; between #8220;real#8221; and #8220;neuromuscular#8221; strength./p
pLet#8217;s go, shall we?/p
pspan id=”more-34537″/span/p
blockquotepHey Mark,/p
pI#8217;ve searched around the blog but I found nothing. I was really interested in hearing your opinion, if any, on periodization training like so many athletes and fitness enthusiasts incorporate for better results?/p
pI think it#8217;s a very sound, very solid concept […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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John Romaniello Zombie Apocalypse Survival Workout Review …

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pimg class=”alignright” alt=”step2 7″ src=”” width=”320″ height=”226″ title=”step2 7 photo” /As if slow-cooked, tender, succulent pork wasn’t tempting enough, carnitas takes it one step further by caramelizing the pork in its own a title=”Animal Fat” href=””fat/a until the outside is perfectly browned and crisp. The crispy, tender morsels of pork that come out of the oven are hard to resist; it’s not unusual to eat so much meat right out of the pan that you’re full before the carnitas make it to the table./p
pCooking meat that is both tender and crispy might sound tricky but the only trick to making carnitas is getting out of the way so the meat can cook itself. The less you intervene, the better. Seasoned pork is braised in a pot of water until the meat is tender and the water is gone. Then the pork fat takes over, essentially frying the meat into […]

Original post by Worker Bee

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I’ve started a new experiment.This one is a workout experiment where I will stop counting my reps for the next 6 weeks.Why do such a silly thing?For starters, I’m very attached to analytical training. If you’ve seen Anabolic Again, then you know I rely heavily upon percentage maxes, specific rep ranges, and specific rep progressions in my program design.However, I’m also a fan of getting the best results possible while doing as little as possible.  Eat Stop Eat is a perfect example. After all, fasting is getting results from doing nothing.So when it comes to nutrition I’m not a proponent of weighing every bite you eat or tracking your food on some spread sheet, but when it comes to exercise I tracked EVERYTHING.So in a sense, my exercise approach and nutrition approach are almost polar opposites.I’ve also noticed a negative to rep counting. I rely on them too heavily.I have stopped at exactly 10 reps when realistically I know I could have done at least 3 or 4 more before even getting close to failure.I have also NOT stopped when I should have because the program called for 5, even though I knew 4 was the right amount, I pushed for another rep anyways. This almost always ends in some sort of ‘tweak’, ‘pang’ or full blown injury.The other problem I’ve encountered counting reps is that I concentrate too much on the counting, not enough on the rep or the muscle being worked.So the experiment is to simply concentrate on the exercise and keep going until I get the right ‘feel’ then stop.The idea of paying more attention to the feel than the total rep count isn’t new any means.

Taken from – 

No More Reps | Brad Pilon's 'Eat Blog Eat'

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No More Reps

I’ve started a new experiment.
This one is a workout experiment where I will stop counting my reps for the next 6 weeks.
Why do such a silly thing?
For starters, I’m very attached to analytical training. If you’ve seen Anabolic Again, then you know I rely heavily upon percentage maxes, specific rep ranges, and specific rep progressions in my program design.
However, I’m also a fan of getting the best results possible while doing as little as possible.  Eat Stop Eat is a perfect example. After all, fasting is getting results from doing nothing.
So when it comes to nutrition I’m not a proponent of weighing every bite you eat or tracking your food on some spread sheet, but when it comes to exercise I tracked EVERYTHING.
So in a sense, my exercise approach and nutrition approach are almost polar opposites.
I’ve also noticed a negative to rep counting. I rely on them too heavily.
I […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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pIt’s Friday, everyone! And that means another a title=”Success Stories” href=””Primal Blueprint Real Life Story/a from a Mark#8217;s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me a title=”Contact Me!” href=”” target=”_self”here/a. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!/p
pstrongP.S./strong This story was titled by the author of the story, Erin./p
pimg class=”alignright” title=”Primal Blueprint Real Life Story” alt=”real life stories stories 1 2″ src=”” width=”320″ height=”240″ /Dear Mark,/p
pI am so excited to have a story I feel is worth submitting to the a title=”Success Stories” href=””Primal Blueprint Real Life Stories/a. It’s certainly not anything I imagined at the beginning of this journey./p
pMy story began like so many of the other stories I’ve read on Mark#8217;s Daily Apple. Although I was […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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