Serious discussion about calorie restriction and intermittent fasting in the popular press is comparatively rare – anything that involves changes of diet will quickly be buried by idiocy as a general rule, if not by the author of the piece, then shortly thereafter. Dieting is just one of those topics in which rationality seems to flee the building whenever it comes up.Both calorie restriction and intermittent fasting are shown to extend life and greatly improve health in mice and many other species, but they might not operate through exactly the same mechanisms. Intermittent fasting in which calorie intake is maintained at the same level as non-fasting rodents has been shown to produce some extension of life and health benefits in studies for example – equally other studies suggest that this might not be the case. For my money I’d wager the bulk of the effect is calorie based: intermittent fasting tends to result in a lower overall calorie intake, and we know that calorie intake has a large effect on health and longevity in comparison to everything else that you can try in mice.There is a lot more research into calorie restriction than exists for intermittent fasting strategies such as alternate day fasting. You should bear that in mind when reading around the topic.

Continued – 

A Series of Popular Press Articles on Intermittent Fasting – Fight Aging!

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Intermittent Fasting-Update 19 Comments Friday, December 28th, 2007 Apologies for the spotty posting the past month. The gym has been very busy which is great but it has really cut into my writing time. Add some CrossFit related travel, the holidays and some other fun and things have thoroughly ground to a halt!I want to thank Shaf and Brad for sending some pdf’s I needed. I will link to the abstracts or full text article as available.Hot topics in nutritional research are the interrelated concepts of meal frequency (intermittent fasting) and caloric restriction

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Intermittent Fasting-Update

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