
Fitness by HIF Health Expert and Gabriel Method Fitness Coach Brian KillianWhat I’m writing about today I’m hoping you will take on board and change the way you exercise forever.If I was tell you with only 8 minutes of exercise every 3 days, you can help turn your body into a fat-burning super engine, would you be interested? If so, read on.I worked out very early in life I was blessed with some speed in my legs. With older brothers this ability to run fast came in very handy, and I’ve used it to enjoy a fun athletics career. However it’s the type of training I did and its effect on my body shape, which I want to pay closer attention to.Fortunately I am and have always been fairly lean, but have definitely not always eaten the right foods

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eFit30 » Burn Fat Fast With HIIT

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With the notion of boosting fitness in just four short minutes, it’s no surprise that Tabata training is all the buzz. What originally began as a high-intensity interval training protocol performed on a cycling ergometer by Japanese Olympic speed skaters has now morphed into workouts that combine everything from plyometrics to traditional resistance training exercises using the same format: eight cycles of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. To investigate the benefits of this intense type of training, the American Council on Exercise® (ACE) enlisted the research team at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse to examine the true calorie-burning potential of a total-body Tabata session.In the study, 16 moderately fit to very fit men and women completed two 20-minute Tabata workouts.

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The Research-Approved 20-Minute Tabata Workout – Shape

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Get ready for a whole different kind of workout! Fridays @ 6pm now mean Tabata Training with Kristin!Tabata is high intensity, interval training and calls for your all out effort! Tabata training consists of intervals of 20 seconds at maximum effort followed by 10 seconds of rest. While known as an advanced form of exercise, this class will be scailable, allowing individuals of all fitness levels to participate.Each round or “Tabata” is designed to last four minutes long.

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Tabata Training Coming to FFL Friday Nights! | Fit for Life Fitness …

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SJ’s HIIT Bodyweight Workout for both Women and MenBy now, you may be familiar with HIIT workouts due to its reputation on burning fat and building strength. For those who aren’t exactly sure what HIIT training is, it’s a type of cardio training in which you alternate short, very high intensity intervals with longer, slower intervals to recover.The most convenient thing about this form of training is you don’t need a gym or even gym equipment. A typical HIIT workout usually lasts about 20-30 minutes and involves a 2:1 ratio, meaning your recovery intervals are twice as long as the work intervals. For anyone looking to get in shape, burn fat and build strength, HIIT training is a must!I have created an intense training session that can be done at home, outside or at the gym.There are 7 exercises, each done for a full 60 seconds with a 20 second low intensity interval in between (during those rest intervals you will keep moving by marching in place).1- Burpees – 60 sec – REST 20 seconds2- Knee highs- 60 seconds – REST 20 seconds3- Lateral Jumps- 60 seconds – REST 20 seconds4- Pushups- 60 seconds – REST 20 seconds5- Bodyweight squats – REST 20 seconds6- Full sit ups- 60 seconds – REST 20 seconds7- Lateral Shuffles- 60 seconds – Rest for 3 min and REPEAT x2You can also end this intense workout with a 15 min interval workout on the treadmill, elliptical, bike, jump rope or outside by doing the following:20 second maximum effort, 60 rest/recover period. Repeat until the 15 min is up.Now, you will be working hard on your HIIT workouts but you need to work just as hard in the kitchen.

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HIIT Bodyweight Workout Women or Men | FirstProtein Nutrition®

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