
Part of the large part of the Etiology of weight gain is an incredibly strong feedback loop – And I’m not talking about insulin or leptin or some other hormone.No, I’m talking about something MUCH stronger.But before we go any further, lets clarify what I mean by Etiology. Etiology is basically the study of why something occurs, and in my opinion the only thing more important that finding a cure for obesity is understanding why it occurs in the first place.As I stated earlier this goes far beyond hormone imbalances or sugar cravings. Also, let’s be clear – overeating is the tool, it’s the hammer, or the nails… it’s what ‘makes’ us gain weight… but it may not be the ‘why’ that causes us to be gain weight… to find the ‘why’ we have to go all the way to the root – Why we overeat in the first place…And I’m convinced that a large part of the etiology of weight gain, or more correctly a part of the etiology of some forms of weight gain (I’m of the belief that they’re not all the same), is the feedback loop created by the affect that our emotions have on how we eat.For many of us, we over eat as a way to deal with our depression, boredom, loneliness or general unhappiness with our day-to-day lives.

Excerpt from:  

Weight Gain Loops | Brad Pilon's 'Eat Blog Eat'

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Share I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand the low-rent fitness schlock that keeps clogging up the Internet. What you get is a cheeky headline and a re-hash of yesterday’s news, optimized for page views, retweets and an indiscriminate Facebook crowd.Remember when people actually wrote articles and shared their real thoughts, their own ideas and their actual experiences? That time is long gone. Personally, I don’t think anyone should be wasting their time in the fitnessphere. You will not find ‘7 Surprising Secrets to Fat Burning’ or ‘Top 13 Back Exercises’ in this oozing pit of attention starved bullshittery, so please stop looking, unless you want to be dragged down with the rest of them.Suffice to say, I’m not really keen on the writing scene around here – but every now and then, I come across something that might be worth your while.

See the article here – 

Dirty Secrets of Intermittent Fasting Exposed | Intermittent fasting diet …

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“Fat” is Not a Feeling 14 Comments Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 “I feel FAT.”  Three words.  Three words that carry a lot of ‘weight’. ‘Heavy’ words that you hear, say, or think every day, or every 15 minutes in some cases. You may go to bed at night feeling totally awesome and wake up the next day feeling FAT.

Read original article:

“Fat” is Not a Feeling – Robb Wolf

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This month, a diet company named a product Fast-5. The company functionally said that Fast-5 isn’t significant because it doesn’t sell anything. They assert that because Fast-5 doesn’t track membership or quantify sales and participation, they aren’t infringing on a valuable trademark.We disagree and we’re taking steps to help Fast-5 overcome the infringement on its trademark, but until that happens, it’s time to set the record straight. The REAL Fast-5 isn’t selling answers! It’s growing community and helping people to find real, sustainable success.We plan to do our part to help make 2014 Fast-5’s break out year

Original link:

The Real Fast-5 : Intermittent Fasting Diet and Lifestyle Video | Did I …

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Eat Stop Eat | The Fasting Diet | Intermittent Fasting | Brad PilonEat Stop Eat is the ultimate carb cycling diet. It’s also the ultimate protein cycling, calorie cycling, fat cycling, sodium cycling diet you will ever try. Here are some of the great benefits that Eat Stop Eat can offer you: You don’t have to worry about food all day. Eating every three hours, cycling your protein and your carbs, measuring your glycemic index, I don’t think any of these things are needed for solid long lasting weight loss. With Eat Stop Eat you can forget about all of these obsessive compulsive eating habits.Your metabolism will not slow down and you will not go into “starvation mode”

See more here: 

50k-fast: Eat Stop Eat | The Fasting Diet | Intermittent Fasting | Brad …

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Why Tabata FailsBy Kate VidulichHigh intensity interval training (HIIT) has exploded onto the mainstream fitness scene, and is a prominent part of every intelligent person’s fat loss training program. With this increased exposure, it’s no wonder someone got a hold of the scientific research on interval training and spun it the wrong way.Thousands of trainees are using one particular type of interval training – without a clue what they’re really doing.Tabata Professor Izumi Tabata and friends in Japan created this 4-minute ultra intense protocol and tested it on his Olympic speed skating guinea pigs in 1996.Today’s version of Tabata in commercial gyms is far from the real deal. Tabata training requires “exhaustive intermittent training consisted of seven to eight sets of 20-s exercise at an intensity of about 170% of VO2max with a 10-s rest between each bout.” That quote is from the study itself (1).It’s time to dispel the myths right now…Can the real Tabata protocol please stand up? (Rap on).Why Tabata FailsMistake #1: You’re NOT doing TabataHands up if you’ve read the study? If you’re not a science fan, it’s like alien language

View original post here:

Why Tabata Fails | Turbulence Training Fat Loss – cbathletics

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It’s official:HIIT training is AWESOME!!!Researchers from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland have concluded that:The efficacy of a high intensity exercise protocol, involving only 250 kcal of work each week, to substantially improve insulin action in young sedentary subjects  is  remarkable. This novel  time-efficient  training paradigm can  be  used  as  a  strategy  to  reduce  metabolic  risk  factors  in  young  and middle aged sedentary populations who otherwise would not adhere  to  time consuming traditional aerobic exercise regimes.Art by Bill Hall – billhall.comAnd for those of you that don’t know, here are the risk factors of Metabolic Syndrome that HIIT training is so effective at reducing:Abdominal obesity (excessive fat tissue in and around the abdomen) Atherogenic dyslipidemia (blood fat disorders — high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol and high LDL cholesterol — that foster plaque buildups in artery walls) Elevated blood pressure Insulin resistance or glucose intolerance (the body can’t properly use insulin or blood sugar) Prothrombotic state (e.g., high fibrinogen or plasminogen activator inhibitor–1 in the blood) Proinflammatory state (e.g., elevated C-reactive protein in the blood) People with the metabolic syndrome are at increased risk of coronary heart disease and other diseases related to plaque buildups in artery walls (e.g., stroke and peripheral vascular disease) and type 2 diabetes. It’s estimated that over 50 million Americans have it.And I am 100% sure that you don’t want it.So, what do you need to do?Go to your doctor and get checked out – Max intensity sprints combined with a sky high B.P. is just asking for trouble. Go through my HIIT resources Find an exercise bike, set of stairs, outdoor track or even a carpeted area in your home to do burpees Schedule 3 x 15 minute HIIT workouts per week Get HIITing And I am serious about the doctor.

Source article:

HIIT Training: The Cure for Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity? – Health …

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