
I thought you might like to know how we’re getting on with our intermittent fasting (or 5:2 fast diet) that we started in June this year just before we went on our cycling trip along the Danube.Well, it’s going wonderfully! I’ve lost the 5 kilos I put back on after my initial diet three years ago when I lost 20 kilos, despite the fact that I am now eating a lot of foods I had thought I’d have to give up forever.I actually look forward to our fast days, when I have 500 calories and Jean Michel has 600, and which we plan according to what’s going on that week but which are usually 3 or 4 days apart. Mondays and Thursdays or Fridays are typical choices, but the beauty of the 5:2 fast is that there are no fixed days.  We continue to always eat the same thing on those days, as it suits us that way.The amazing thing is that I am not hungry on fast days

Originally from: 

Intermittent fasting or 5:2 fast diet after 5 months | Aussie in France

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I’ve recently been introduced to a new type of workout, called Tabata Training. If you’re not familiar with Tabata, it’s a basic workout form of high intensity interval training with enormous benefits. The idea behind Tabata is to workout as hard as you can for only 4 minutes and it will have the same benefits as 30 minutes or more of cardio.Photo Credit: www.tabatatraining.orgTabata was founded by a Japanese scientist named Izumi Tabata, who conducted a study comparing moderate intensity training with high intensity training. The athletes who trained with moderate intensity workouts for 5 days a week for 6 weeks showed an increase in their cardiovascular system, but little results in their anaerobic system.

Read the article:  

Tabata Training – FORM Magazine

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