
Editors Note: For those of you who follow my blog you know that I have written extensively about intermittent fasting. I have written about both the science and the practical experience I have had with IF. So when one of my friends, Emery Max, posted on his Facebook page, the dramatic changes he made to his health and physique, I wanted him to share his experience. One reason is because Emery followed the good old-fashioned bodybuilding diet that didn’t seem to work anymore (think insulin), and because he is also a very educated person as you will soon find out.

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Intermittent Fasting: A Firsthand Account | Justin Grinnell

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With the looming winter weather and seemingly continuous snow until the end of March, the feeling of winter burnout has hit full force. Winter burnout often coincides with another type of burnout this time of year as well—workout burnout.How can you get through your workout burnout?  Try Tabata training.  Switching up your workout, by adding or changing intervals, not only keeps exercise mentally stimulating, but also keeps you in better shape as your body will not become immune to the exercises, causing a plateau in your weight loss.In general, interval workouts improve cardiovascular fitness.

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Spring workout fever: Tabata training | A Healthier Michigan

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I’m still on the road.After an amazing time in Santa Monica and Orange Country with Bedros, Jason Ferruggia, John Romaniello, and Adam Bornstein, I flew out to Denver on Sunday.This week I’ve been huddled in our ETR offices with Matt and the gang having a no-holds-barred debate on future product development. We have some big decisions to make.So that’s why I’m handing over today’s article to the big winner from the weekend, Mikey “Land Rover Pancakes” Whitfield.You see, Mikey won a Land Rover at the Fitness Business Summit for being the Biggest Action Taker in the industry. What a well-deserved award for an awesome guy.Think he’s having a good year? A new truck, a new baby boy, and soon, a HUGE launch.But today we’re making him work. He’s got an important article for you about helping affiliates get what they want…because that’s the only way they’ll help you get what you want.Here’s some TRUTH from Mikey P.

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#1 Affiliate Tip

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Share ! In fitness circles, the concept of intermittent fasting (IF) is catching like wildfire, and it’s no surprise as to why. There is some intriguing new published research showing that IF may offer a host of health and body composition benefits. Additionally, a small but growing group of IF experimenters are swearing by these relatively new fat-loss techniques, techniques that include skipping meals and sometimes going entire days without eating!I know, I know…the idea of fasting for a few extra hours every day seems to fly in the face of conventional nutrition wisdom, and many of you probably think that going entire days without eating is sheer lunacy–I get it.

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What You Should Know About Intermittent Fasting | Wannabebig

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