
Building Muscle Slowlyby Brad PilonThis post was created simply because I was feeling sorry for myself this morning.I wasn’t making any gains. Lifting weights was stupid. All I was doing was maintaining – complete waste of my time.(Yes, I was being a baby)So I took my measurements… then compared them to all of my older measurements.At first, it looked like I had confirmed my suspicion – no growth ever!  …But on further inspection I realized that I had been making slow but steady improvements all along.I then pulled out the records of my DEXA scans at plugged them into a new row…As you can see, I was mistaken –  Slow but steady gains, slow but steady improvements in my circumferences.This is why we keep measurements – because without measurements we are just guessing. And weight on its own is a terrible way to measure progress… On each and every one of these measurement days I weighed somewhere between 170 and 180 pounds, but weight fluctuates so much it’s really not a valuable measurement tool unless it is accompanied by your circumference measurements.So lesson learned -Our eyes (and emotions) can deceive us… don’t trust them Over the last 3+ years with Eat Stop Eat, How Much Protein and Adonis Styled Workouts  I’ve been slowly adding muscle 5 pounds of muscle makes a big difference. I’ve managed to keep my body fat levels fairly stable (as measured by DEXA and my waist circumference)


Building Muscle Slowly | Brad Pilon's 'Eat Blog Eat'

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Lets face it you want to lose weight, look good, be healthy? all diets are the same in their goal and all do the same thing with their different approaches. You need to reach a caloric deficit if you want to lose, period.Your body needs a certain amount of calories in order to maintain its current state depending on your level of activity. Based on your age, height, and activity level. So basically you are what you eat more or less.Before we go into food, lets look at two ways you can achieve a caloric deficit.Cardio:Cardio works because you achieve a deficit by expending calories, and yes it does have it’s uses.

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Intermittent Fasting: How I lost Weight – UrbanQ8

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