
Workouts | Sep 22, 2013The Insanely Effective 15-Minute Workout Make every second count with this action-packed plan that rolls cardio and strength training into one 1 of 8The Insanely Effective 15-Minute Workout Can you really get an effective workout in only 15 minutes? You bet your abs you can! Maximize every second of your precious time with this simple plan that’s as effective (if not more!) than most hour-long training sessions.

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15-Minute Workout Plan to Burn Fat and Tone Up|Shape Magazine

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Cardio | Dec 12, 201110 New Fat-Blasting Tabata Workouts Take your tabata off the treadmill and torch calories in 4 minutes with these moves Known as the closest thing we have to a fitness miracle, the Tabata workout is loved by researchers and fitness pros alike for its unparalleled fat-torching abilities and simplicity. To do a “Tabata,” simply pick an exercise and set a timer for 20 seconds on and 10 seconds rest. Do the exercise as hard as you possibly can for 20 seconds and then rest for 10, repeating 8-20 times total. Don’t be fooled: These moves may seem simple, but they’re not! If you’re not seeing stars by the end, you’re not pushing hard enough.

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Bicycle Sprints – Cardio Exercise: 10 Tabata Workouts for Interval …

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